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The 'Dettol' method of paint stripping plastics!

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  • RMweb Premium

I've found a posting about using a Dettol Disinfectant solution for stripping paint from plastic models. Has anyone tried this other than the original poster (Jonte) and does it really work? If it does then it is off to the shops tomorrow.


P @ 36E

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Yes, I've tried it on several models from Hornby, Lima and Corgi, and it really does work. I diluted the Dettol 50:50 with water and soaked the models for 24 hours. Most of the paint came off straight away with a scrub from a toothbrush.


The Lima paint, from a BR blue GUV, turned very sticky and greasy, so wear gloves or have some Swarfega on standby. The paint on the other models came off in a skin, so it might help to have a couple of strategic scratches in the paint to let the Dettol get underneath.


Witch of the Moor wasn't too chuffed to have a rail blue toothbrush, mind you ;)

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I guess Dettol is a little safer than brake fluid model strip or the gooey toxic stuff that car body shops use. as long as you can take your modelling area smelling like granny.s toilet.I have used it and it does work with the aforementioned caveats

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Robert. My modelling area already smells worse than a some Care Home toilets I've experienced, so this could well be an improvement.

Penguin, goggley the Dettol thing for info - it's a proven method that I too had never heard of until yesterday!


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  • RMweb Premium

Well I think someone has been pulling our pl***ers because the DettoI I used was useless at doing this paint stripping. My loco body smells nice and is probably devoid of 99% of household germs but still looks rubbish paint wise!

I'm off to check the date of the original posting (April 1st?).

Having said this I think the 'original' Dettol Disinfectant that I remember (that was yellow/orange in colour) could well be a different chemical mix? Maybe they can't produce that any more due to legislation (too toxic?) but I'll keep looking and give it another go should I find a bottle.

Failing this the '5' body will get thoroughly washed and modified with nice bits from Comet, including a Stanier cab. Then it will be given the Halfords Primer treatment followed by suitable black(s) from an airbrush, followed by Tester's Dullcote and weathering.

Fortunately I have access to a good, Comet Stanier tender (I enjoy building these) and that should set this off nicely. If it all ends in tears I'll just try to get hold of a better and more recent Hornby Black 5 body and fettle that to fit the chassis.

In the end it will probably get scrapped :nono: and the Romford wheels (and any additional mod bits I've used + the new tender) salvaged and put in the 'spares' drawer (if there is room) :scratchhead:

P @ 36E

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look on youtube there are a couple of demo vids. it seems to work best on plastic although I tried it on a small white metal model with no ill effects .its for real but you need to use at least 24hours of soaking in the dettol, the brown stuff not the green

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My brother uses it for his war hammer stuff and iv seen it work pretty well, but he told me its only good for acrylics if thats any help to anyone.

Best stuff i find is modelstrip, cant go wrong with it.



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I've used disinfectant for stripping locos on several occasions with complete success. Don't use Dettol, it's too costly, get a cheapo one from Wilcos or 99p store!

It just takes a little time, so be patient.



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The paint on the other models came off in a skin, so it might help to have a couple of strategic scratches in the paint to let the Dettol get underneath.


That's a brave person. Gently scratching the surface of the paint without scratching the plastic body underneath.....


Witch of the Moor wasn't too chuffed to have a rail blue toothbrush, mind you ;)


Probably should have used her broomstick, or waited until Andy Murray was playing in the final. ;-)

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  • 1 year later...
  • RMweb Gold

dose this work if you have already re-sprayed a Hornby model with the like of rail match paints or only on the paint the RTR manufactures use? as I would like take what I did back of and redo it

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I've used oven cleaner to remove enamel paint from plastic.  I use a large green garbage bag to lay the model on.  Spray (holding one's breath - nasty stuff), giving the model a good coating, and let it sit for half an hour then rinse using an OLD toothbrush to scrub.  It can take two or three tries.  Oven cleaner doesn't work on acrylic.  Dettol may work on some paint - I didn't see any specifics on that, and no I haven't tried it.



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