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A review I found on YouTube of the Lode Star STEAM model.


Thanks very much.No etched plates included.I didn't see a certificate either.So it's just a decorated box included for £145

Edited by gwrrob
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An interesting parallel is the case of this year's new release 'Modified Hall' from Bachmann. As a result of early noticing of an error (I think on RMweb but it might have been MREmag) Bachmann acted to withdraw the model and send it back to China for correction. In the meanwhile some retailers who hadn't heard of the recall or not received advice of it carried on selling them, and as far as I know none that I know of ever received either complaints from their customers or returned 'Not Quite Modified Halls'.


This suggest to me that there are out there a goodly percentage of customers who neither know nor care plus those who are prepared to put things right for themselves because they are only dealing with niggly or simply rectified things while a few are only using the r-t-r model as a basis for more complex surgery and any errors or faults will be disposed of by that process. Bachmann have followed the course of recall on several occasions following faults or shortcomings in assembly coming to light.


In the case of the 'Star' Hornby can't, obviously, do much about moulded handrails if that's what they agreed with the factory who makes the 'Stars' - but having been told by several sources surely the answer in a company which cares for its customers, and wants their further business, is not to say 'I'm right and you're wrong' but to say 'we'll look into that and if we had made an error we will take the necessary action to put things right by dishing out an exchange bogie when you send in the one with incorrect wheels or we'll send you replacement wheelsets'. That might cost them a few quid but it will earn them a lot of kudos and praise rather than giving yet another chance to say less than favourable things about them - it's easier to damage reputation than to build it.

Experience has shown that unlike Bachmann, faced with these situations ,Hornby adopt the Ostrich method of customer service. Just bury your head in the sand and it'll go away. The initial fuss will die down , those that don't care will buy the model ,those that do will correct the model anyway. Whatever happens they still get the sales.


Ive written before on Hornbys manufacturing policy , which was a catastrophe under Frank Martin. I feel sorry for the current management who are trying to sort it out. However like others I'm wondering if it isn't time for a completely different marketing approach from Hornby. Forget the glitzy Facebook pages lets get some actual information for the enthusiast. Exactly what specification will a model be? And here we come to the next biggest problem for Hornby(after manufacturing capacity to an acceptable standard) and that is the continual blurring of "Railroad" ,normal range, "design clever". A marketing disaster which means no one has a clue about how a model will turn out? So therefore you can't order with confidence.........result lack of credibility and orders! And what a mistake to announce "design clever". What is it apart from a now not so clever marketing slogan? Does it affect railroad or main range or is it a mixture depending on what designer actually produces the drawings? Really a true pot pourri of models. Wire handrails or not? Who knows? And the catalogue is not much use , very limited descriptions and highly photoshopped so the model you have preordered might not actually turn out like that at all!


Now I am one of those who has been complaining about prices and the need to moderate them. At the risk of being branded heretic 10 or 12 spoke bogies really don't matter to me. However I do accept that to some people it really does matter. For that reason it is clear that Hornby should have a premium range with all the bells and whistles for prices £150+ and a normal range where I really think the critical price point is sub £100. And no I don't just mean rebranding the current mix. I mean a completely new range. It may be that the initial mouldings are the same but one features all metal handrails , separately fitted smoke box darts , etched nameplates, the other does not feature all these labour intensive attachments but is an accurate ,well decorated moulding with limited additional features. It really needs to happen soon, or Hornby have lost it. I'm completely clueless about how the new Hall will turn out.Just look at the heavy tanks and this thread, I'd say they've already lost the confidence of the enthusiast market, and as the train set market shrinks........who is their major customer?

Edited by Legend
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well guys. I didn't pre order this one and now I am very glad I didn't. I was very happy with the Grange,28xx and the Castle. Then I got derailed by the 42xx etc and waited for the Star with bated breth. I wanted this loco to follow on in terms of quality, clearly this is as seen by us all not the case. I made my thoughts on the subject known back in the summer, then it was just moulded handrails, now we have a few more issues to take on board. What I find interesting is the fact that so many are saying they will buy this model because its the only game in town even though its got so many faults, at £100 plus as well. I would go on to question why steam allowed Hornby to make a pigs ear of this when again so many have stated they are buying one to support steam?. Did anyone at steam actualy see a model before it went to full production?. If so have Hornby delivered a lower spec item?. One or the other has made a mistake. For me, I am disapointed that Hornby feel they know what I as a customer want. They have lost the plot on this if not several new models.

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well guys. I didn't pre order this one and now I am very glad I didn't. I was very happy with the Grange,28xx and the Castle. Then I got derailed by the 42xx etc and waited for the Star with bated breth. I wanted this loco to follow on in terms of quality, clearly this is as seen by us all not the case. I made my thoughts on the subject known back in the summer, then it was just moulded handrails, now we have a few more issues to take on board. What I find interesting is the fact that so many are saying they will buy this model because its the only game in town even though its got so many faults, at £100 plus as well. I would go on to question why steam allowed Hornby to make a pigs ear of this when again so many have stated they are buying one to support steam?. Did anyone at steam actualy see a model before it went to full production?. If so have Hornby delivered a lower spec item?. One or the other has made a mistake. For me, I am disapointed that Hornby feel they know what I as a customer want. They have lost the plot on this if not several new models.

Well there a very simple validation test here. Lets see how quickly it sells out, and how much they sell for on eBay. That, and only that, will be the judgement on the model......

(tin hat on and hides!)

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A review I found on YouTube of the Lode Star STEAM model.

Why do I have the sketch from the Fast Show running through my head........?


Aren't Steam locomotive's BRILLIANT ?

Isn't the box art BRILLIANT ?


Sorry! I'll get me coat......

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This question exercises me too. From what I can already see from robmcg's ever useful photographs - take a bow sir - the cab interior is full of variously painted doo-dads. There's some red paint forward between the frames also. 


Now, my interest is in the detail 'mix' that Hornby - and indeed other RTR manufacturers, because where one leads another may follow - choose to adopt when tooling models, rather than this specific model. My strong preference for this mix is nothing inside the cab or between the frames, at least not until the exterior detail parts practical in 4mm are all present and correct. So if the budget only takes it to some or most of the exterior detail fit, so be it, and the cab interior left an empty box. Because it is the exterior that is mostly seen with the loco or whatever in motion. Fitting any detail pieces inside the cab or elsewhere and dabbing on a little paint to highlight them is simpler for the modeller than paring away a moulded on handrail, drilling locating holes into the exterior, restoring the paint finish, and fitting the replacement handrail.


I appreciate that getting any agreement on this is akin to herding cats; and it is quite likely that some purchasers would prefer a fully detailed cab fit above basically accurate exterior appearance, so this is probably a lost cause...

Couldn't agree more with this post. Cab detail, marginally visible or glipsed can be added if needed. I don't know how much it costs to paint and possilby add seperate cab detail, but it must at least equate or likely exceed a couple of additional metal handrails.

 You have really hit the nail on the head.

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I recieved my 'Knight of the Grand Cross' this afternoon. First impression: It certainly looks like a Star, taken as a whole it captures the essence of this engine beautifully.  But it has got the 12 spoked bogie wheels, it looked like it didn,t have the valve gear, and the moulded handrails on the cab look decidedly out of place when compared with the detail on the tender.

On a closer inspection  I found out that it did have the valve gear, it was stuck to the underside of the running plate. Easily rectified, but still.. Some other parts were also loose or bent. And a tiny spring, caught in the spokes of the rear left driving wheel! I do hope this is a lost part, and not some essential part of the motor. Haven't test run it yet.

I might not have noticed the 12 spoked wheels if it wasn't for this thread, but now I know they do stick out like a sore thumb when the Star is placed alongside the recent Castle.

On the positive side, it does come with draincocks, supplied as a separate part in the detail package. No noticeable bent front running plate.

And while comparing it to the latest Hornby Castle and Grange I noticed that the tender is the same as supplied with Hardwick Grange, except for the fact that the Grange tender has riveted sides, the Star sides being flush. No new tooling here, just a modification of existing tooling.


All in all a nice looking engine, with some strange design choices and some very sloppy quality control!  But nothing I can't live with or correct. And, except for it not running, it won't be returned to the retailer (too much cost and hassle, me living in The Netherlands). So Hornby, another perfect sale.... :jester: (but no more pre ordering from me)


PS The Hornby photo of 'Knight of the Grand Cross' on the back side of the packaging shows 10 spoked bogies wheels. With regard to some recent remarks from Hornby might I humbly suggest to Hornby some photo editing for the next batch to get their facts straight.....


Edit: It runs, and it runs well!

Edited by Trains&armour
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  • RMweb Gold

Why do I have the sketch from the Fast Show running through my head........?


Aren't Steam locomotive's BRILLIANT ?

Isn't the box art BRILLIANT ?


Sorry! I'll get me coat......


Thank goodness Jamie Oliver didn't do the review then.Everything is 'beautiful' to him.

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  • RMweb Gold


All in all a nice looking engine, with some strange design choices and some very sloppy quality control!  And, except for it not running, it won't be returned to the retailer (too much cost and hassle, me living in The Netherlands). So Hornby, another perfect sale.... :jester: (but no more pre ordering from me)





When I lived in the Netherlands I used to get most of my Hornby from De Spoorzoeker in Borkel, which was only about a 45 minute drive from our house. He used to do the big shows as well - nice guy with a beard and ponytail?

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Thank goodness Jamie Oliver didn't do the review then.Everything is 'beautiful' to him.

Exemplifies the point I was making about vides reviews earlier in this thread. That said, the example in the video seems relatively OK, certainly in terms of the footplate. But no comment on wheels, or of moulded detail, but what do you expect from the 'brilliant' school of loco reviews!

The reviewer even got the name wrong calling it 'lone star'. With that sort of mistake, what is an extra couple of wheel spokes!


Sorry, I'm being harsh aren't I. I've also said some stupid things on reviews in the past...

Edited by G-BOAF
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Have to say I do find "unboxing" videos a snoozefest, though at least this one is slightly useful. If you pause the video at 5:17, it looks like both cab rails (horizontal and vertical) are moulded on. Perhaps a pleasant surprise is not in the offing after all. :(

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When I lived in the Netherlands I used to get most of my Hornby from De Spoorzoeker in Borkel, which was only about a 45 minute drive from our house. He used to do the big shows as well - nice guy with a beard and ponytail?

Yes, a nice guy, but he quit  two years ago. (and Borkel is a three hour drive from my house!)

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A review I found on YouTube of the Lode Star STEAM model.

And here's another mistake, did you noticed the Collet tapered buffers in this review, well the

real one has Dean Curchward buffers as you can see on the you tube site on ''Tyseley open day -24/10/10-

Featuring 4003 lode star part 2 , you have to find it for youreself ,i don't know how to upload this.

But you can clearly see the Churchward buffers and their not Collet tapered, you can also count the spokes on

this movie.

I just recieved mine KoGC last week, preordered in January, still waiting for mine Lode Star,

but dissapointed, Hornby is not keeping up their standards for their top models,

I can change the wheels with Ultrascale bogie wheels but those moulded handrail, that be another problem.

Would have bought P2 but will not with the detail standards it's bin like now.

Just only a year ago i bought more Hornby models a year than Bachmann,

but after the disapointments of the 42xx , 72xx and a little bit of this one,it is now going the way arround 

comming year my confidence will go to Bachmann, if we look at the 4F, what we get for or money,

they still improving every time again, and soon they leave Hornby a way behind, if Hornby is still going this path.

I have pre-ordered many Bachmann loco's and birdcage coaches for next year and expecting

to get Great Wonderfull Railwaymodels from them.

We will see how Hornby is devolping next year,the better or the worse way,

for now these were my last Hornby's for now

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I did check to see if their website was still active, which it seemed to be - but you can't trust websites!

They having their last sale Saturday 9 Novembre in their store, and all their Hornby stock has sold a year ago,

bought many from them but unfortunately he reteired[ we all do in time], I miss the nice store in that little village

near the Belgium borderline,they still  on exhibitions with last stock they have, they sold last month on Eurospoor  

and very few of it was OO [most second hand]  and the website still active but only old  stock continental stuff

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That's better Rob - the signal now goes the right way, the proper way!


Yes, I'm a slow learner! As to the buffer beam colour, I shall leave until tomorrow... things always look different after a break...   besides, I have a weathered T9 waiting with a weathered red-cream Maunsell brake composite...  and it's a lovely spring day outside! 

Edited by robmcg
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  • RMweb Gold

Exemplifies the point I was making about vides reviews earlier in this thread. That said, the example in the video seems relatively OK, certainly in terms of the footplate. But no comment on wheels, or of moulded detail, but what do you expect from the 'brilliant' school of loco reviews!

The reviewer even got the name wrong calling it 'lone star'. With that sort of mistake, what is an extra couple of wheel spokes!


Sorry, I'm being harsh aren't I. I've also said some stupid things on reviews in the past...

I think he's the same chap who did a 'video review' of that Electrotren 'ex Taff Vale 0-6-0T' - without mentioning it has outside cylinders instead of the prototype's inside cylinders, has the wrong cab and is in the wrong livery ... and so on.  Basically he simply describes what's there and shows how it runs - and usually no comparison with the prototype or fidelity to prototype.  Fair enough I think, that's his way and at least you see it running - but just don't consider it as a full review.

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THAT video clip.Hardly reassuring to those of us brave...or foolhardy enough to place an order,is it? Danny Boyle he is not.Distinctly tacky,I think

Unfortunately,though,what it does do is pose a number of awkward questions.Did I really put up a premium for this?

Then there is the question of its performance,posted yesterday.I am trying to be positive...but there ARE limits!

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