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Cradley Heath MRC Ist Model Railway Exhibition


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Hi all


Another plug for the show. Frank and the rest of the exhibition crew have put their hearts into what will be our first exhibision, so please pop along, and give us some support.

For a small show, it has a good line up with varied interest, so please come along, I shall be there with Glenuig.


Gary Hinson

Cradley Heath Model Railway Club




On the face of it this may be a small show (just one day) But we have 17 working layouts plus 3 junior member layouts then there are the demonstrators and traders, 

So NOT that small looking at it that way.


As Garry says we have tried to bring a good cross section of layouts and traders for your enjoyment.


Frank Collins (Exhibition Manager)

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One thing I meant to say and just remembered!


Exhibition managers please note that we have a few layouts attending that have never been seen at exhibition before. All of which are well worth a look if you can make it.


In particular Nick Wood's Much Murckle is a stunning GWR BLT   (Cliche it may be but the workmanship is 2nd to none!)


We also have Mike Thomas with Chirk, Jordan Foster with his 0 Gauge american layout Schillers Point, And Will Jarman's superb representation of Victoria Bridge of SVR fame in N gauge just to name a few.


It is also the last time you can see Mike Bragg's 0 Gauge layout Spinners End before it goes to it's new owner.


Also on show are 3 of our Junior club layouts built and shown by the younger members of Cradley Heath MRC. All built by George Brogan, Joe Pearson and Connor Green all of whom were under the age of 15 when they started building their layouts.


All in all then there is some thing for every one from out of the box RTR to finescale 0 gauge not forgetting Ned Williams and his Gauge 2 historical layout "Smoghampton"


See you there!


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Really looking forward to it, if it were not for me being there with my layout I'd be there in the audience! I have been spreading the word with my friends in the area. It really does look like a nice varied spread of modelling.

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Congratulations Cradley.   I had a quick breeze through this exhibition whilst travelling from A to B.  For a first time club/community show it worked.  Impressed by signposting and car parking stewarding.  Enough trader coverage to cover the basics (boxes, second hand and electronics etc).  And some good models. Much Murkle and Bewdley were favourites.  Bewdley (Telford MRG - n guage) seems to have done the Mid Wales circuit but this is the furthest west I think its been.


Ivan's Fish and Chips was a discovery as well.


Well done again.

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To Frank and all the Cradley Heath team well done for such a great first exhibition.


Some really nice layouts and I know one that will be at our Stafford exhibition in the future.


Catering was also first class and the signage and car parking stewards also did a great job.


I wish you all the success you deserve for all your efforts.


Long live the club organised exhibitions.


Eltel (Terry)

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Well done to everyone at Cradley Heath MRC for the superb event you put on today - it was a real pleasure to exhibit there!


It took me back to the exhibitions I used to take my old layout to back in the 1980's - a great atmosphere, friendly club members who were willing to do everything to assist visiting exhibitors and a good selection of layouts in all scales. The catering was excellent (fish and chips for lunch were great!!) and the 'icing on the cake' was when Frank told me that the show had been a great success.


Thanks for inviting 'Little Brickhill' along - wishing you every success with future exhibitions :)

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Praise where praise is due, from receiving well in advance details of the floor plan, location maps and lunch menu to the excellent stewardship on arrival and during the show. The whole day was warm and friendly good humour nice comments, meeting up with old friends and making I hope new ones. Thank you Frank and all the members of Cradley Club, VERY WELL DONE.:)

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I can only agree with all the comments about Frank and his team, we were really looked after well with Victoria Bridge. As well as the friendly welcome from people and the excellent chips, the venue seemed to work really well too. I like shows in rooms with lots of rooms rather than the usual big sports hall space. The community centre had the perfect small halls for the bigger exhibits...


( I loved 'Smoghampton' with all those lovely metallic squeaks, rattles and other amazingly full size noises, Gauge 2)


...and also perfect smaller rooms for smaller layouts like mine, which would look a bit lost in a bigger space. Our 'small layout' room seemed to be a big hit with families (or in other words, big kids from ages 8 to 80....!) and while the two N gauge layouts on tables were a little low for taller visitors, we seemed to appeal to the next generation which is no bad thing!


Maybe I should make more little dioramas and stack them on top of each other.


A really superb day, again thanks to everyone who helped, It was good to see that the CHMRC team had smiles on their faces too which is never guaranteed when you are doing something new.


As others have said, here's to these sort of perfectly proportioned exhibitions.

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My sincere thanks to all of you who have posted comments post exhibition with your thoughts and input.

To be fair up until yesterday I was still uncertain if we had done the right thing or had we bitten off more than we could chew. 
This being our first attempt and being my first attempt as exhibition manager. 
In retrospect I need not have worried because the show was definitely a success, exceeding my expectations and estimates by a good margin.
Many thanks to the layout owners / operators who I know are members of this forum without your work and skill we could not have done the job.

I would also like to thank the other exhibition managers here who have offered and given me advice and help.


But most of all thanks to those of you who just came to see. You are the most important people and the group of people we should be most thankful to





P.S.  make a note of 18th October 2014 for our 2nd show! (date to be confirmed)

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Hi all

a few thank you's are needed. First to Frank and the team, the show ran like clockwork, everything was spot on, and the biggest problem that I was aware of, was a slight mishap with an exhibitors meal, this was quickly rectified, by our treasurer, who walked to the chippy and back!.

The exhibitors put on a great and diverse show, and I was most surprised to find out that one layout had come from over 100 miles away, just for the day, and claimed only the minimum of expenses.

The turnout was good, we had reports of folks coming from the north east and south west, so all in all a good day.


Thanks all


Gary Hinson

Cradley Heath Model Railway Club



Ps, there is more to life than a chicken and stuffing sandwich  

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looking forward to seeing all you guys on Saturday.


Any RMWebber attending our show please make yourselves known it would be nice to meet as many of you as possible.




I've not visited this forum for a few days due to waiting for photo upload issues to resolve, noticed this comment via facbook. 


Really nice to meet yourself & others at the show, some great layouts & trade support,,,


 & on a side note; I always enjoy getting lost in the 'Black country' region :good:  (*plenty of clues to disused rail lines, canals, plenty of history, friendly people, decent pubs, etc = a lovely place)

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Praise where praise is due, from receiving well in advance details of the floor plan, location maps and lunch menu to the excellent stewardship on arrival and during the show. The whole day was warm and friendly good humour nice comments, meeting up with old friends and making I hope new ones. Thank you Frank and all the members of Cradley Club, VERY WELL DONE. :)


Ditto. :good:

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Just downloaded my camera so here we go!

Smoghampton By Ned Williams in Gauge 2 (Historical layout and models) I invited this layout because of it's unusual scale and gauge and historic value. 

Much Murkle by Nick Wood. Ok so people may say it's just another cliche GWR BLT But, look at the workmanship, the detail and the presentation of this superb layout and you can see why it's going to go on the exhibition circuit.

Little brickhill by Steve Kesterton. Invited to our show because it was unusual being round and at only 4ft diameter shows that you CAN have a 4mm scale roundy roundy layout in a small space and NOT look like a train set.
I was a bit late booking this so it had to fit into a corner, but it deserved to be viewed from all sides to be appreciated.

Spinners End 0 Gauge by Mike Bragg.  The last public appearance under the builders ownership and named after the REAL Spinners End located within 100yds of the exhibition venue. Just got to have this sort of layout! Should be REELY GRATE next year Mike!

Dudley Road by Pete Harvey. Again Peter offered us two nice 4mm scale layouts of local interest and something a bit more up to date than the other stuff at the show. We gladly accepted Pete's offer as I have always like this layout even as a confirmed "Steam" modeller.
There we have it for now. I'll try and post more as and when I get time to do it.

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Frank, and all those involved in the organising and running, thank you for giving me and Much Murkle our exhibition debuts. It was a truly wonderful experience and you looked after us superbly well. I hope everyone at Cradley Heath Club thinks the effort was worthwhile. I'm sure it was as you've already announced the date for next year. If you can keep finding the same standard of layouts your exhibition will only go from strength to strength.


I didn't get much time to look around but when I did everyone was friendly and helpful, just as you'd hope it would be. I received lots of positive feedback for Much Murkle and three exhibition invites.


All in all a great day.



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Hi Nick


Glad you enjoyed it, and giving use the pleasure of you model. Its a wonderful model and deserves all the credit. Its funny this, I started exhibiting Glenuig a few years ago just a few miles down the road from Cradley Heath, at Stourbridge, and managed to get three invites, from Wigan, Stafford and Solihull.

Thanks for coming the distance



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A very successful First Show for the Club - the bar has been set high!!

I had a dash around during Setting Up and grabbed pics of each layout; mostly overall views as I didn't have time for lots of arty close up stuff, and some of the layouts hadn't yet got stock on them at that time.

Visitor's comments were made on what a wide range of scales, themes and abilities were on show; it seemed to 'hit the spot' for what a good "Local" Show, aimed at a wide audience, should be like.

Here's my whistle-stop tour:



Glenuig (EM), Gary Hinson. Superb Scottish branch line.



Bewdley (N), Telford MRG. Fairly accurate (their description) model of Bewdley on the SVR.



Astley (OO), Nick Palette. BR(W) BLT.



Peters Street & Dudley Road (OO), Peter Harvey. Two well known 'Modern Era' layouts that can operate together, or as here, seperately.




Spinners End (O), Mike Bragg. Small O Scale Light Railway terminus.



Junior Layouts, (OO & N) layouts by junior Club Members.

Fog Mill


Bridge St TMD





N Scale Demonstrator, Stuart Brasier



7/8 Scale Demonstrator, Richard Ough




West Mids Area 7mm Narrow Gauge Association




Skip Hill (OO), Peter Cullen, based on Cromford & High Peak


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PART 2...


Victoria Bridge (N), Will Jarman. A model of the 'big bridge' on the SVR, created with 3D Laser Printing



Chirk (N), Mike Thomas, GWR through station.



Garn (009), Robert Jackson, Corris-inspired layout, set at the beginning of it's Preservation.



Smoghampton (Gauge 2), Ned Williams, large scale using vintage model trains




Colorado Bluffs (HO) Cradley Heath MRC, US-outline.




Much Murkle (OO), Nick Wood. Superb modelling of a GWR BLT




Hatton Parkway (N), Ian Morton. Modern Era station - I liked the way the builder has resisted the temptation to put a highly unlikely rail siding into the Industrial Estate.




Evington St John (OO), Shaun Greet. Freight-only Micro-layout.



Little Brickhill (OO), Steve & Lewis Kesterton. They - very good-naturedly - do not wish to hear yet again the suggestion to make the train stationary, and the layout revolve around it... guess how I know...



And Finally..... last; least; where else but at the Back of the Class - and also in the Naughty Corner, a poor effort by some upstart.... No, not Kevin in the picture, setting up his trade stand...



Due to the nature of the venue(old Victorian school) the layouts were spread through a total of four rooms and halls. Feedback I've heard is that this worked very well, as you could not stand in one spot & see all there was to see; so punters had to 'explore', & this they certainly did!! I heard that some of the exhibitors in the small rooms thought they might get overlooked or by-passed.... they didn't think that at the close of play!!

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