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Boxenby depot


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Looks great grimley. Just to touch back on the pics if the 58s. What did u use to make the inspection platforms out of. In sure u have said but cant see it.


I think we all agree that everything you do is worth the effort which makes this model stand out from anything else ive seen.


Only 350 best get cutting.

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Thanks for the kind comments.


Hi Bob, thanks I am pleased with how the test one looks, even unpainted. I am glad that I am not going to have all of them lit as the work involved would just be silly! If I am honest getting the 60 odd lit will be hard enough and something I am not overly looking forward to.....still crack on.....


Thanks David.


Hi Class60lover, the inspection platforms were made from a bespoke design by myself and the parts were laser cut. The platform tops and bottoms are made from mdf, the support H girders are ABS and the bases are plastic. If you look at pages 11 and 12 you can see the platform kits. Hope that helps.

I know, 350 is not that many really.....good job I don’t have OCD!


I am hoping to have the inspection pit light parts by the end of the week, then hopefully get the outer frame painted at the weekend. Then I will need to start work on cutting the holes for the working ones, not looking forward to that!

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Hi Alex - Those pit lights really do look amazing. How are you going to light the lit ones? I seem to remember talk of fibre optic (quite) a few pages back.... As for cutting the holes for the lights, I marked them out on the outside of the Peco pit wall with a scribe, used an undersized drill to cut away most of the area then got the needle files out. I'm really glad I only had 20 to do! 


The whole shed is looking amazing. I know it was discussed a few pages ago but I would visit an exhibition purely to see this layout based on what I've seen to date. 


Happy modelling.

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Hi Cav, of course I forgot that! Memory is going, must be my age......I remember on Anglia rover days out we often used to get to Peterborough around the time the Fletton to Ratcliffe fly ash empties were passing through, sometimes with a 58 on. Always used to look forward to the prospect of seeing a type 5 on that. I have always quite fancied modelling the Fletton fly ash train, 45 odd wagons behind a 56 or 58 would look rather nice I think.

I look forward to seeing your weathering on the 58.

Thanks, I am looking forward to getting the inspection platforms finished and weathered. Then with the addition of the floor it should really start to come alive.


Thanks Bobster, a nice selection. It will be better once board two is added then I can line up a few locos on each siding.



I have have the same dream to model the flyash trains, utilising my fleet of type 4's & 5's. I too remember the days waiting for the Fletton train to loom into view at Peterborough, to be disappointed to see a peak or a duff, as I wanted a grid or a 58!!!.

So I purchased 18 Dapol presflows as a starting point for the flyash wagons, but they wouldn't have the roof walkways, which would be a bitch to model. It like a lot of my projects are on the back burner presently.


I love the pit lights by the way.....


All the best Dickie

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Hi Sam, thanks for the kind comments. I am pleased with the design of the lights so hopefully once all of them are painted, weathered and in position, it will really finish off the inspection pits.

To be honest the original plan was to use fibre optics and LEDs but I am now considering using LED Christmas lights. Probably won’t be able to get hold of any now that I want them!

Thanks for explaining how you cut the holes on your pits, that is very helpful. I have bought a router bit drill, 1.5mm I think (single flute cutter), which will hopefully help cut out a nice rectangle. As I have 60 odd to do it makes sense to get some sort of set up to make it easier. 


Hi Dickie, too many projects and not enough modelling time! I still have a rake of Cambrian BBAs to finish but haven’t touched them since I started this silly project over four years ago! I wonder if Bachmann might do a model CSA at some point in the future? 44 of those behind an Original Railfreight Heljan 58 would look very nice!


Hi Mark, thanks. The light units do really make a difference. I am looking forward to seeing one of the inspection pits with the light units added. 

Problem is that once you get a loco on the inspection pit you won’t be able to see the lights!

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In order to help with the fitting of the lights to the inspection pits, especially as there are quite a few to be done, I thought some sort of tool was required. After several discussions and ideas put forward, yesterday Grimley Senior showed me what he has kindly been working on this week. I have to say that I am very, very impressed with what he has come up with. 

My idea was to have a handheld tool which would be used to get the light at the correct height, sitting level and in the right position for gluing. However, Grimley Senior has come up with something rather special. His idea was a trolley type contraption which would sit on the rails of the inspection pit allowing two lights, diagonally opposite, to be worked on at one time. The trolley would then be moved along the pit allowing the remaining lights to be glued in position. 

This has been made out of brass and I can now see why it has taken him a week to work on! It is a great design and will certainly make the job a lot easier.

Whilst the trolley, well that is what I call it, is not quite finished yet, when it is ready it will make a huge difference to what would otherwise be a very time consuming and difficult task.


I didn't take any photos but once it is finished I will post some.

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The parts for the inspection pit lights have been ordered and should hopefully be here early next week. Then I can get them painted and weathered ready for fixing to the inspection pits.


Earlier I was browsing YouTube and came across a video clip which contained footage of one of my favourite class 60s, 60061 Alexander Graham Bell in Coal sector livery on some RMC JGAs, lovely! This got me thinking of my model so decided to post a couple of photos of her.


The old and new order for Boxenby coal workings:



image by AP474, on Flickr


Alexander Graham Bell awaits attention inside Boxenby shed:



image by AP474, on Flickr

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Thanks David, every time I see the photos I straight away look at the lack of depot floor. I really do need to get on with getting the floor down!

It is starting to annoy me.....


I have just heard that the parts for the inspection pit lights are ready, should be with me tomorrow. Hopefully I can then get the outer frames painted and weathered later this week ready to start fitting them to the inspection pits next week. 

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Thanks David, every time I see the photos I straight away look at the lack of depot floor. I really do need to get on with getting the floor down!
It is starting to annoy me.....
I have just heard that the parts for the inspection pit lights are ready, should be with me tomorrow. Hopefully I can then get the outer frames painted and weathered later this week ready to start fitting them to the inspection pits next week. 


Always wondered what the floor would be....!


Straight concrete sprayed plasticard left to dry off (cure) and washed with dirty thinners (dirtier and grimier in the inspection pits) with some liberal thinned down Railmatch Black "oil" drops on the depot floor using drips off a brush or syringe  maybe? -  that is a well tried method I recommend  - worth an experiment Alex?



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Hi Ian, I am still not sure what material to use for the depot floor, my thoughts are either MDF or Plastic. I think I will make that decision when it is time to actually get the floor down.


With regards to painting, I was thinking of spraying the floor Plasti-kote suede first, then adding washes of Railmatch frame dirt and weathered black. Thanks for the suggestion of thinned down Railmatch Black "oil" drops on the depot floor, I will experiment with that. Thanks for the idea, having seen your many excellent layouts, you certainly know what you are talking about when it comes to the weathering of track and scenics.


I spy with my little eye, something beginning with........a parcel for me!



image by AP474, on Flickr


Today the parts for the inspection pit lights arrived



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


Now to get the light frames painted and weathered.


Looking at all the parts, my OCD might kick in again!

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When you have the depot floor base coat down and FULLY dried out

wash over lightly with thinners then drop Railmatch Black on the surface

this gives a decent oily splash effect when landing on the thinners.


NOTE: try out on a test area first!



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Thanks for the suggestions MM and Ian, I will give them a try. On a test piece of plastic for experimentation first!


This is what I love about RMweb, the wealth of knowledge contained and duly passed on. As my Father always says, “you learn something new everyday”..


The thing is, I do want the floor to look grubby, just like in the below excellent photos taken by Vailiantoz on Flickr:








Still, best I get the inspection pits finished and ready for fixing down before worrying about the depot floor! Although it does pay to plan ahead.

Planning and Preparation Prevents, P Poor Performance.....

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Nice images there Alex - lots of suitable associated paraphernalia scattered about.


Oil drums - Timber - Rags - Diesel FLT - Basket  all easily available and made.


Must admit the Trainload Coal sector has to be a favourite of mine - pity I was out of the loop in timeline when it was a common sight.



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Hi Ian, yes they are lovely images. He has some very nice photos taken at Toton in 1991, right up my street. Not sure what I prefer more, the blue Grid, the Coal 60 or the Original Railfreight 58....you have to love a bit of Type 5 traction!


There certainly are a lot of interesting bits and bobs lying around on the depot floor. Eventually I hope to have things like traction motors, turbos, exhausts, cylinder heads, brake blocks etc. dotted all around. I would also like to have either a 20 or a 58 with the engine room doors open allowing the engine to be seen and then a 60 with the engine room doors and hinged roof doors also open. Oh and a 56 up on the lifting jacks and one of the bogies removed.


It was a good time for enthusiasts then, with older traction about to be withdrawn and the new Brush beasts entering service......oh to have a time machine!

I did really like the sector livery, Metals was my favourite although Boxenby will be a coal sector depot.


300 odd inspection pit light frames ready for spraying with primer.



image by AP474, on Flickr


This was a bit tedious and time consuming putting them all on the two pieces of wood.........still done now!


My elder son just asked why I was bothering to add the inspection pit lights when you won't be able to see them. A very good question!.......

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Hi class60lover, I suppose you are right!


The inspection pit light frames have been given a coat of grey primer



image by AP474, on Flickr


Then a coat of gunmetal grey



image by AP474, on Flickr


However the light makes them look like silver whereas in reality it is a much darker colour.


Now to get them toned down with some weathered black and then experiment with getting one fitted to a test inspection pit.

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Thanks Andy, I am glad that you like the photos.


Yesterday evening I managed to tone down the inspection pit light frames with a couple of washes of weathered black.



image by AP474, on Flickr


It was a good job that I had some extras made as a few were lost whilst removing them from the tape that was used to hold them in position for spraying and a few got damaged outside. A stray football landed on them whilst drying outside, my fault I should have moved them!

Never mind I still have 341 and a few spares that have not been painted yet.

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Unfortunately I have not been able to do any work on cleaning up the inspection pit lights as I have been busy on domestic duties. Hopefully over the weekend once these jobs have been finished, I will have some time to get a bit of modelling done.


In the meantime, Grids on Shed.

After seeing Andy's, (McGomez), blue Grids I decided to put two of mine together outside the lathe road. Very nice.



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr



image by AP474, on Flickr


I really must get a piece of track for them to sit on........


Once the depot has been covered, I think the lathe road will provide a good location for taking photos of locos on shed.

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