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  • RMweb Premium

Give me Ribena anytime.


John, I was being serious............ :angel:


You have a wonderful take on life, Peter.


I'm wondering when someone - not me - is going to turn the conversation back to model railways.....



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You have a wonderful take on life, Peter.


I'm wondering when someone - not me - is going to turn the conversation back to model railways.....




We're "lounging" :drag:  Jock, Mike and I are down the pub with a bottle of Macallan's, at nearly four grand a round we have run out of funds for any railway stuff :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

I can get back to railways (but not model....)


Quick plug - I'm doing a talk on railways during WW1 at Bournemouth Library on 3rd Dec at 11am if anyone's around. Providing I get round to writing it..... :O


There will be free refreshments, but no Ribena.


I'd love to come, Peter, but I've a dental appointment (filling!!) at 11.30 and I've booked a hair-cut for 13.00.


Both in the Stockton area, so it won't be possible.


Best of luck with that - I'm sure it'll be a great success.



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I can get back to railways (but not model....)


Quick plug - I'm doing a talk on railways during WW1 at Bournemouth Library on 3rd Dec at 11am if anyone's around. Providing I get round to writing it..... :O


There will be free refreshments, but no Ribena.

That would be one that I'd love to attend as well. Little bit too far though

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Someone mention Macallan's :O


There are some really good deals on Amazon for all whisky brands.  On the Amazon site under Price in the left hand column put £5000 in the first box and nothing in the 'to' box.


Dee's getting me this one for Christmas instead of a Loco, and at £36,750.00 I could buy a real Loco.

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I can get back to railways (but not model....)


Quick plug - I'm doing a talk on railways during WW1 at Bournemouth Library on 3rd Dec at 11am if anyone's around. Providing I get round to writing it..... :O


There will be free refreshments, but no Ribena.

Good luck with the Talk Peter,, I hope you have a good turn out.

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Sorry Peter!

To be fair, my actual favourite drink is a nice fresh cup of tea!

I can go months without alcohol, until my sleeping patterns get messed up then, whiskey saves the day.



Lets NOT go down the Earl Grey / Darjeeling debate please.


But yes a nice cup of Tea can always save the day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Lets NOT go down the Earl Grey / Darjeeling debate please.


But yes a nice cup of Tea can always save the day.


I prefer tea to coffee. And yes, I DO like Earl Grey and Darjeeling. Weird that I tend to drink more coffee, then. 


Well, at least the discussion has shifted from whiskey to Ribena to tea...



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  • RMweb Gold

I think I saw that before. Can't beat a good guitar riff.


Mostly T for me with a couple of coffee's for variety and if I fancy alcohol a speckled hen does nicely. Have spent a lot of my youth in pubs I cannot be bothered now. PLaying Bridge at a friends he produced a bottle of Port not usually to my taste but he had a case or two laid down by his grandfather on his birthday then 35 years old it was rather special.  Now just think how long would that £36k bottle of wiskey last. For that money I could stock an 0 gauge layout with professionally built stock,  that would last. (although I would lose the pleasure of building it or is it the pain?)


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Good evening folks

....are we all watching BBC4...???..... Great Guitar Riffs.

For some reason, when I saw the programme advertised, the first one that came to mind was Mr Skynyrds'  Freebird.



I've seen it before but still enjoyed watching it again.

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Haven’t seen the programme - but I’d like to. In the recent poll of Great Guitar Riffs (organized by someone who wouldn’t recognize one if it whacked them in the face) both “Satisfaction” and “Sunshine of your Love” were not even mentioned.........a true riff is a repeated motif.


Best, Pete.

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Just watched the Roxy Music programme that Joanna recorded - the guitar on 'Jealous Guy' led me to listen to some more tracks and I must confess that I hadn't really taken much notice of the lead guitarist before! I believe he's called Phil Manzanera and it would appear that I have been missing out on some really classy playing. Do you know him Pete? I would be interested in what you think of his skill if you get a chance.

Just goes to show, you learn something every day!

Kind regards,


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Just watched the Roxy Music programme that Joanna recorded - the guitar on 'Jealous Guy' led me to listen to some more tracks and I must confess that I hadn't really taken much notice of the lead guitarist before! I believe he's called Phil Manzanera and it would appear that I have been missing out on some really classy playing.

Did some great playing in 801, a sort of Roxy spin-off that included Brian Eno


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Hi again,


Don't know why I have not thought about this before but if you music lovers tune-in to Radio Merseyside on 95.8FM on Saturday or Sunday lunchtimes you will normally find 'Frankie Connor' is the host. He played in The Hideaways in the 60's and has met, played with or just about knows everyone from that era especially those from the Mersey region. His choice of music is mindblowing and such a variation keeps you on your toes. Most weeks he has a guest, last week was Gerry Marsden, my wife's mother's cousin! Never met the guy though.

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