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Jim’s “out and about with GBRf” thread

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I'm hoping nothing comes of this moron on another forum and his complaint Jim, as someone who knows nothing of the 'big railway' I find this thread and your input a fantastic insight into the life of railway staff. I also think this thread shines a great light on Colas, and shows a positive proactive company in a way the public don't normally see.


Keep up the good work, and the great pics and information. 99.9% of us really do appreciate it.



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I'm hoping nothing comes of this moron on another forum and his complaint Jim, as someone who knows nothing of the 'big railway' I find this thread and your input a fantastic insight into the life of railway staff. I also think this thread shines a great light on Colas, and shows a positive proactive company in a way the public don't normally see.


Keep up the good work, and the great pics and information. 99.9% of us really do appreciate it.




Perfectly put Mark......well done.

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  • RMweb Gold

here is the whole pm i got......






I am writing to you about the post you made earlier involving me.


Firstly I would like to say that their is no need to verbally abuse someone over a forum. There is no need to speak to me like that at all. I bet I can say that you wouldn`t like to be spoken to like that. I am sure you would have something to say and so have I.


I wrote a post trying to help an individual and I don`t care if you and Bucket are Colas employees you have no right in speaking to people like me who young and trying to get into the hobby like that. People like you should be ashamed of yourself you should be encouraging the very few younger members like me who are on the forum and who are interested in the freight trains not verbally abusing them to try and get your point across.


Surely you were young once and you had an interest in freight trains. I`m sure you didn`t know everything and you still don`t because no one ever will. We all have to start off and learn somewhere, knowledge doesn`t just fall into your brain. We all have to learn and I`m just starting off in the hobby. We aren`t all Colas Rail employees. I`m not sure who you think you are just because your a Colas Rail employee doesn`t give you an automatic right to bully younger enthusiasts over the internet.


Their was also no need for the sarcasm in your comment. Your just trying to emphasise that I`m not a Colas employee and you are and you know better. Well let me just say something to you not even you will ever know everything.


As for first hand knowledge if your so clever you wouldn`t have wrote a nasty message to me and instead you would send me a private message on the forum trying to educate me about what happens at Colas Rail. How am I supposed to get first hand knowledge if people like you write nasty comments to people like me. Instead you want to keep all of your knowledge to yourself to make you feel fantastic.


If your so sick about my posts why not provide some support for me to give me some knowledge? This would help me to try and understand things better. This would be a lot better then shooting me down in flames.


I never insisted in saying Bucket was incorrect. I was stating that Freightlocate says its cancelled. I am going by what I am reading on screen. Unfortunately I`m not a Colas employee and therefore I don`t have inside information. Besides I wouldn`t say to anyone they were incorrect and I definitely wouldn`t write nasty messages like what you seem to enjoy doing to me.


Another interesting topic to bring to light is if you and Bucket are Colas Rail employees then why do you share information on the WNXX Forum? Very detailed information as well like who is driving the locos, what locos are on the train and referring to other train depots. Surely this is breeching your contract on confidentiality. I know in my line of work that this is taken very seriously and I`m pretty sure that the FOC would like to know what there employees discuss on online forums which can be viewed by hundreds. Looks like a call to the head office is necessary to see what they have to say on the subject.


I hope your fantastic knowledge of Colas Rail gets you far in life.


Kind Regards,







and my reply was this.......







i think your problem is you are trying to make out you are "one of the big boys", i do understand you are young and just getting into the hobby but even when people tell you fact you insist on doubting them, its not just in the colas thread but others too, it can be seen by some other replies to your posts you get other peoples backs up, your guessing seems to wind people up and yes, as i put my rant has been a long time coming, and admittedly when i do go off on one it takes a lot for me to decide to put 'finger to keys' as i dont like upsetting people!


if you cant take a bit of sarcasm on the net/forums then i suggest that either you grow a thick skin or stay off there, admittedly there are a few on here who will disagree with posts just for the sake of an argument but wind your neck in a bit


the difference when i was young was there was not information overload regards trains, you just stood on the end of a platform and waited to see what came along, no RTT, WNXX or even mobiles or internet (and im not THAT old!)


now your next point, you ask why the likes of me dont give support to spotters etc, well i do, if i didnt then i wouldnt be on here or another forum i use, and before you threaten me with "phoning my company" they already know i (and others) post on here and what i post, in fact my manager is a member on here so dont even go there!


quite frankly when i get threatening messages from the likes of you (your the first) i do wonder why i bother giving out what limited information i do that may be helpful to spotters, there are a lot of things i know about that i dont put on here as its sensitive info and its not my business to


anyway, lets leave it at that, im not out to try and make enemies at the end of a keyboard and no doubt if i met you on a platform then i'd probably get on with you and happily have a chat about my work


all the best







anyone who knows me will know i'm quite aproachable, happy to chat etc, if someone crosses the line, and with me its got to be a pretty long line as im quite laid back, then i'll say something but thats the end of it, swifty11 will tell you i can be a misirable begger at times as i've pulled him up on his use of 'thrash', 'tonezzzz' etc on his youtube videos as it can inadvertantly paint someone in a bad light, ie showing off, playing to the crowd etc but i say my bit and thats that.

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He can't be that young if he has a job that involves confidentiality clauses or NDAs, kids don't get handed that info for obvious reasons. I think he needs to grow up a little and start acting his age instead of his IQ number.


Maybe he should re-read his message, look at the info and knowledge you contribute Jim, and re-evaluate who is bringing the hobby into disrepute! In my opinion anyway.



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  • RMweb Gold

we appreciate all your knowledge

dunno about that, winging it maybe!


anyway im off to work in a min, first 66 in a few weeks on the coal, never mind with any luck it will be a 60 one day

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Hi Jim


Just wondering were 70802 and 70804 both stabled overnight at Bescot on Friday 11th of April. As I could see a Colas 70 and part of another Colas loco which, I think was at the other end of the Train. I could see them from a very quick glance from the M5?


Thanks Simon

Edited by simon47603
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Jim your more than in the right with what you have said. I don't say who is driving now and anyway you need to give it a bit on the power getting up the hill out of Warrington!


Having met Jim about 3 times he is very approachable and a very nice guy! Jim is happy to wave at enthusiasts etc which is good! As some drivers are really miserible with there job and don't acknowledge you when you wave (I don't mean tone waving by the way) and ignore you on purpose. If Jims bosses are reading this then he does not show off, you need to give it some on the power up the embankment out of Warrington so he has to give it some going out. And tones are just as an acknowledgement of me waving at him!

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yeah, as i say i've said my bit by pm and thats that, just found out he's registered on rmweb too!

I wouldn't waste your time even typing about him Jim! As you say he seems to wind everyone else up on WNXX anyway with the constant guessing about everything. He appears to be 17, so it looks like he may have fabricated that bit about his "line of work" to add a bit of venom to his threat... Others have tried to explain to him about his posting but he doesn't seem to have taken the hint, and if a bollocking hurts his ego so much that he has to resort to a ill-thought out threat, he's obviously not cut out to be on a forum, as you say. Shame really as aside from all that, he seems like a nice lad really! Anyway, the rest of us appreciate any little nuggets of info you share with us both on here and WNXX anyway, so please, keep it up!

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yeah, as i say i've said my bit by pm and thats that, just found out he's registered on rmweb too!


Sadly, in general, this hobby (railways) can attract some certain types of people. Whilst on the whole, the vast majority of people involved are nice people, you seem to of found the less than desirable type here. I am sure we have all seen them, and as we all know, they don't last long!


Kind regards



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It would be nice if it was only this hobby that attracted strange people, it's the gang in Westminster that terrify me!!

As for Jim and this blog, it's great. I'm not young, well on the way to what Clegg "the b*****d" deems to be a drain on society, but I still am learning lots about the railway through BJ.

Errmm, maybe I should have said Big Jim there... :O

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