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The Reely Grate Manufacturing Company


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Reely Grate

Rationale: Reely Grate Manufacturing Company Limited, owned by Mr. Hezekiah Dingleberry director of The Wombourn Gas, Coal and Coke Company

The Reely Grate Manufacturing Company is an 0 gauge micro layout depicting a small yard serving the manufacturing company. It occupies a space of less than a square metre and demonstrates that you don’t need acres of room to enjoy 0 gauge... The layout name came about from a joke between friends and an Advertisement was put together showing a gas cooker The Reely Grate.

The Model:I have built it in 0 in an area of 0.75 sq. metres and it is in essence a mirror image of Jim Reads Moxley. The main focus of the layout is the buildings and great care has been taken to create a Black Country industry that is believable.


The baseboard is 1.5 metres x 0.5 metres constructed of good quality pine framing and a plywood top.The track work has been made from Peco (00) code 100 flat bottom rail and copper-clad sleepers to give an industrial feel. The traverser which is part of the main board runs on drawer runners, the middle track can line-up to each of the outer tracks which allows wagons to be run-round. The buildings are of 2mm plywood skinned with plain or embossed plastic card.








The three photos show work in progress, inlaid track, part of the factory and what will become the " Bag of Nails" beer house in Hammer lane which will hide the traverser.

Edited by Mike
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Photos of modified Beer House ,i.e. flat roof but needs balustrades and a soldered window frame. A bit more of the factory with both plonked on the layout to get the feel as they say. Just need to get this weekends show over and I can press on with the rest of the buildings and then a mammoth paint job or some smaller mammal






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Guest Jim Read

Hello Mike,


It is Reely Grate, you'll have so much fun with this I can see.


Here's the poster that Andy (cornamuse) did;




Cheers - Jim

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Get a move on Mike.....our show in Shepshed is on the 12th October.....plenty of time to get it done....any chance? :-)



 Hope all's well,



There could be a chance most of the buildings are nearing completion I'll let you know in a couple of weeks.
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Guest Jim Read

Hello Mike,


That building looks really good, I'm sure I used to walk past it in Doctors Piece in Willenhall on the way to a small turned parts place up an entry there.


Cheers - Jim

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Very nice.  Small point.  If you can afford the space, it might be an idea to attach a baulk of rather battered timber to the walls at the ends of the sidings at buffer height to give some protection to the brickwork.  Alternatively, two vertical baulks at buffer width would look OK too.  Or one of each on the two sidings for a bit of visual variety.

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Hi Gordon, purely by chance, I decided on the name as the area was famous for its nail making and the war cry" Ommer um Cradley" . Jim I thought the factory was down the Delph.


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Started another part of the factory still lots to do, such as the roof and the steps up to the door but, I'm getting there. Photos show the new bit just placed against the existing one.




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As the layout starts to come together I thought I would re-write the history of the company: The Reely Grate Manufacturing Company Limited was formed in 1889 by Jacob Reely and Hezekiah Allbones who was also a director of The Wombourn Gas, Coal and Coke Company. The company started by producing gas mantles and traditional black leaded grates before introducing their Empire range of Gas Cookers and Kitchen Ranges. The Company continued to flourish and during the First and Second World wars manufactured the world famous Reely Grate Fulminator. During the 1950’s the company developed the Reely Grate Gas Turbine and the self-cleaning Cooker which was years ahead of its time. The Company has stayed in family ownership, the current joint Managing Directors being Frank Reely and Audrey Allbones direct descendants of the founding fathers. However……..The Reely Grate Manufacturing Company is a 0 gauge micro layout depicting a small yard serving the manufacturing company. It occupies a space of less than a square metre and demonstrates that you don’t need acres of room to enjoy 0 gauge. The layout name came about from a joke between friends and an advertisement was put together showing a gas cooker The Reely Grate.

yer gorra laffe aye yer

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Well only 2 more shows to do with Spinners End and then onwards and hopefully upwards with Reely Grate. This weekend at the Bloxwich show saw the first use in anger of the modified Hornby 00 couplings and wow! what a treat they worked flawlessly, no bending, misalignment or failures, they worked first time and every time in fact even the visitors where impressed, so one happy bunny. I love it when a plan comes together. Gin and tonic here I come and maybe not just the one


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Just been trying the ready to plonk factory bits albeit not yet finished, Factory including the old Empire Music Hall building and of course the pub only the terrace houses and the next factory building to complete.
Photos courtesy of phone and Bump, if you haven't got it - down load it, it's free and really works.






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A bit more work on the buildings still lingering on the old Empire Building is a poster for Fred Karno's Company in His Majesty's Guests a leftover from its music hall days.






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This morning I have mostly been working on the terraced houses. The brick work has been added as have 6 working sash windows and half of the roof tiled. As the weather has ruined my planned round of golf, I'll crack on and try to finish most of the construction work although I might not have enough material to make the chimney stacks. I have  at last added the back-scene board. Photos soon

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Terraced houses moved on just a little, still need to make the doors and the chimneys, guttering etc., etc...




The first picture shows an open sash. Oh the wonders of cardboard (window frames). Now to finish the factory add the magnets play trains then ballast.

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The last building of the factory has been started using 2mm lite plywood which will be skinned with embossed plasticard. The windows openings 4round top in the upper storey and 2 rectangular ones either side of the loading bay, will be cut out once I have made the frames. I have cut out the window opening where the sliding doors will be as the doors will be fitted in the closed position so no need for a full opening.


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Start on the brickwork and doorway which will connect to the old Empire building by a walkway, still haven't made the widows for this or the doors for the terraced houses. Sadly I have run out of tiles, so I can't finish the roof, Ah well.






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Tried the buildings on the layout just for effect. You can see the walkway between the old Empire building and the newer warehouse and how the terraced houses will hide the traverser. The space at the end of the terraced houses will have a display board and a slim mirror so that the viewer will see what appears to be a long street.







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