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Arboretum Valley - Invasion of the Daleks


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No third rail through Goathland or Sheffield park as they are intended to be heritage lines and are branched off the main route, but it is definite possibility for other areas along with OLE in some parts.  If I have such trains running through Goathland on the finished layout, they will be "pulled" by a diesel .

However correct me if I am wrong, but I understood the 205 is DEMU and does not need third rail as it has a diesel engine?

Of course the VEP and the Brighton Belles will need to be catered for, as well as some of my Electrics.

All of my locos are being driven by the computer at the moment and some fine tuning is required on their driving styles, plus as we move on, areas will be programmed to prevent trains without the appropriate supply, travelling down those routes.

I have some thunderbirds awaiting some delenier modelling to provide a 390 pull, over none electrified routes, and will look at how a similar method could be used on one of my 91's.

I just hope people can excuse the running of some of my favourite locos, without the appropriate supply in the short to medium term. :)

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No third rail through Goathland or Sheffield park as they are intended to be heritage lines and are branched off the main route, but it is definite possibility for other areas along with OLE in some parts.  If I have such trains running through Goathland on the finished layout, they will be "pulled" by a diesel .

However correct me if I am wrong, but I understood the 205 is DEMU and does not need third rail as it has a diesel engine?

Of course the VEP and the Brighton Belles will need to be catered for, as well as some of my Electrics.

All of my locos are being driven by the computer at the moment and some fine tuning is required on their driving styles, plus as we move on, areas will be programmed to prevent trains without the appropriate supply, travelling down those routes.

I have some thunderbirds awaiting some delenier modelling to provide a 390 pull, over none electrified routes, and will look at how a similar method could be used on one of my 91's.

I just hope people can excuse the running of some of my favourite locos, without the appropriate supply in the short to medium term. :)

I'm sure you're right. Looking again, I could see no sign of a third-rail shoe pickup, but the area is naturally dark in the video. I assumed wrongly by the look of the thing. I know nothing of these units.


Kal, one of the major joys of your layout is its freedom relating to fantasy. Its a blessed relief from the "that loco never ran on that track on any Thursday in June - unless it was a bank-holiday" constrained outlook. Its true I don't have much time for layouts who run just anything, but yours is different, it has a solid fantasy under-pinning and that's its life force. However, IMHO it will be good to develop a more protypical feel in some areas for the best of reasons. To me, doing anything for no reason, is like a war-game with no points or rules. Fantasy, I think, looks best as a counter to the mundane, breaking the rules in a magical sense by its very nature. True, there are some on this forum who'll dismiss it out of hand with the merest glance - they are the losers - they've forgotten how to PLAY!


I've learned a very great deal from your attitude. My layout is set during Glasgow Fair fortnight, in the North East of England, in the summer of '61 (!!!) - when I was a boy, and sooooo naïve, innocent and content - compared to todays' youngsters, many of whom seem to grow up too quickly. (Unacceptable generalisation!)But I've lately pondered that by taking a different viewpoint that allows for the pre-photographic removal of some (eg: high-rise) buildings, advertising, vehicles, etc., I can run my collection of LNER/LMS streamliners, teak coaches, etc., in a reasonably acceptable fashion. Even more startling, I've collected and played games with 1/76 military miniatures in the past. The obvious occurred to me - following your stimulation - what a hell of a games table a layout might be - way beyond the norm in possibilities! So, I beg you, maintain your charming, paradoxical balance. :D


I did notice, towards the end of your more lengthy introductory video on youtube, your notion of a scratch-built, more prototypical(?) model at a later date. Well that might be a good area to accept restraint, otherwise, more power to your bewitching elbow...





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Loving the video thanks for posting, steam trains, including teak coaches, camping coaches, water pumps, various stations on same line as Goathland great reference.

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Hi Jaz,


Very nice POSH wedding  ...   [although, quite why they should be sailing to India, is not quite clear? That's more for the young boy....]


Porsche, 2 x E-Type, AC?, S-Type Saloon [Daimler V8?] and not sure about the hired wedding car [sapphire??]  ....   and of course, the Hippie Van,+ drop-out, Kaftan clad younger pretty-boy, with the surf gear  ... 

He's not the same now he has charge of the Home Farm  ...  no more Kaftan for him  ...  firmly into the Tweed and Wellies  he sneered at Dad for wearing  ......  and Chairman's Little Red book completely forgotten  ....  :laugh:


Mini-skirts  .........  best not start there  ..........   :whistle:   ...........   lovely to watch the Mini-skirted "dollies" trying to enter/exit MGBs, Jaguars, Marcos, Spitfires etc ..  also time of the Rawhide Bra  ...   :swoon:   ..   I said "best not start there  .....  :nomention:


Good Vid Co  ...   keep them coming  ... 



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Hi Jaz,


GVC vid 9   .....   what did you do for the muddy street surface, especially the darker bits?


Cardboard based experiments results are proving interesting and fun ...  if not entirely successful, they are showing what really doesn't work anywhere outside the imagination  ...   :no:




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Port Out Starboard Home.....do they still do trips on that basis?

Kaftans!!!! I will have to look into that idea.

Mini skirts...............J your brain will fry ;p

pls explain chairmans little red book...I don't get the reference...............


Vid 9

I get an old Chinese take away tray and use it as a palette, add some grey house emulsion dumped in the middle, dip a little black to the side and a little wood stain add a drop of water and swirl, I paint a couple of times with the lighter - if I remember refer to the tyre width off a vehicle, and then add a little black wash on last, dirt and dust just added interest. We use ply with 2 decent sides put one face up and paint first with a suede finish emulsion paint, beige or brown work just as well. Towards the end only use washes (watered down colours) not solid colour! and overlap them.

The trick is the photography, camera is a lot easier to play with than video. Video tends to give the game a way. Which is why a lot of the videos are short, when using the ipad rather than a proper video on its tripod the filming is not too steady and shorter clips make it less obvious that I appear to be taking pictures whilst flying on my broomstick...;p

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Thanks Jaz,

Co-incidentally the experiment seems to indicate that either dry Slurry on PVA and then painted with a wash or Slurry mixed with a wash of paint and lots of PVA before application might work  ...   the first being very similar to what you have there  .... 


POSH long gone and probably not relevant without the gun ports  ..... 


Mini skirts...............J you'll brain will fry..

Fortunately there is sufficient little grey cell loss to render the thoughts pretty harmless  ...    :mosking:  ....................................................  although on the Rawhide ..........   :this:   


Kaftans pretty highly coloured and don't forget that the other Toffs would have been into the Psychedelic shirts and ties, which were BRRRIGHT   :imsohappy:   .........   my Mum wouldn't/couldn't countenance her little lad being out there in such wild Psychedelic colours but equally realised that there were others out there who were perfectly decent kids, wearing them.....   so when they went in the wash, she did them at the end and added a teaspoon of bleach every time  ......   :secret:   NB - I was about 23/5 yrs at the time  ...   :laugh:


Chairman Mao Tse Tung was leader of the Chinese Cultural Revolution [Communist take over]  and ordered a book of selected statements from speeches and writings by himself, to be published from 1964 to about 1976 and widely distributed. [He was aiming for 99% of the Population but didn't get anywhere near, despite many millions of copies] The most popular versions were printed in small sizes that could be easily carried and were bound in bright red covers, becoming commonly known in the West as the Little Red Book. It is one of the most printed books in history. One of the Sub-Titles was that old chestnut - "Ware curse of the Well Tuned Knight." Trendy Kaftan clad kids used to carry them around and irritate the ...  out of everyone else by misquoting sayings and writings from it about irrelevant Western Ways  ...   :read:



Rawhide    ........   :acute:

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I notice there's no likes etc on the videos on this page, would people prefer I went back to photographs?

I've liked on Youtube, but I guess that hardly counts for RMweb stats. Otherwise, I take your point about the ethereal way of the ipad.




(Lurking? How I wish I didn't confuse this forum with a social-life! ;-) )


PS: Actually I had missed a couple. You are so prolific.

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Now, there is a word,not orft,.........bandied about................. :no: ...................... :scratchhead:


Port Out Starboard Home.....do they still do trips on that basis?

You can still do that on a cross channel ferry today............


I see you are getting the hang of the vids, Jaz............tripod.............camtruck.......please

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Hi Both

I am being ignored again ...  I know  ...  I deserve it    :nomention:


Good Vid Co  ...   keep them coming  ... 







Posted Today, 13:08


thank you, I do like to understand the quips.


Does this mean you are so young and I am so very old   .....................    I probably already know the answer  ......


Many years ago, when Knights returned from Battle, they would entertain each other playing rhythms on their armour  .........  until ... 

..........  one Knight had his armour made like a Steel Band, so he could play proper tunes  ...   :good:   ....   he became famous   .. :scenic:  ...   as the "Well Tuned Knight" ........    

Others wanted to know the secret and were desperate to find out how the armour was made  .......   :meeting:

In order to ensure they didn't look closely enough to discover his secret, he put a Death Curse warning - "Ware Curse" on each piece of armour  ......  Sadly for him he had a very bad cold when he instructed the Blacksmith to etch the curse on each piece of armour .........  :wild:

.... "Wor kers of the worl du nite."...........  

Apparently Chairman Mao must have heard the story, as he used "Workers of the World Unite" as a sub-heading on one of the pages in the Little Red Book and people took the miss-understood curse as their call to arms  ....  :O


Rawhide, if you remember was a cowboy programme  ....  lots of scenes of them herding cattle  ...  and the frequent call to ...."Hitch 'em up and head 'em in!"  ....  :swoon:


'case yer missed it  ....   keep them vids coming  .........


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Thank you for the support ;p


.....Julian!!!........Never ignored.....I only wanted to know if people, in general, preferred videos or photographs, you and Brass0four have made it clear videos ...preferably longer.....are still required. We are still attacking the new loft as the heat permits, we plan to give a sound train or two an outing soon.


Street musicians should  consider the armour for Marti Gras!!!!! How cool would that be!!!!


I distinctly remember "Whip crack a...way"   :girldevil: but that could be because of the Blues Brothers! I do remember High Chaparral (re-runs???), Alias Smith and Jones, etc.


Nice to see you dt.....another with a usually prolific thread........they'll be queuing to comment....it will be an avalanche............... :scared:

Are you enjoying your little break? Any news on the layout update?

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mini video 11 Hogsmeade 

I have looked at this video and contemplated whether or not to add it, because :

1. It's being Harry Potteresque,

2.It appears to be someone flying on a broom stick, having only had limited lessons as it appear to crash at the end with suitable sound effects.......

3. finally and despite the building at the end clealy not sitting on the layout too well I decided I couldn't resist......to me it is really funny........


and so..... a broom stick owner.......Mini driver? after a short lesson let loose.....tries to find her way into Hogsmeade ....almost flies into the Womping Willow before hastily backing off....and still somewhat wobbly......crash lands into another tree anyway!!!!!!! Parking lessons clearly required......


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Training  with airbrush......on Richards' platform lamps, ran out of paint, model shop is closed now, downstair's loo looking a nice colour, not much on the lamps............ :fool:


Inundated with PM's , calls,and email's,.....mainly from myself, as to why I locked the treadmill, only 93,000. views,another 7.000,would have seen the layout finished.


As to you both, suppose, the heat has slowed you down, but not the camera man...........

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Airbrush? We'll have to compare notes. Downstairs loo on layout? or in house? Either is a bonus. You'll make the big 100,000 when you re open  :yahoo:


We dash in take a video (maybe tweak a little) and retreat from the heat....................I say this but at present it is pouring down....so we will be 'tidying' the old loft if it stays cool. Floorboards, insulation, etc

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Training  with airbrush......on Richards' platform lamps, ran out of paint, model shop is closed now, downstair's loo looking a nice colour, not much on the lamps............ :fool:

What's wrong with the good old-fashioned Loo Brush   .........    no wonder there is blue everywhere  ..........   knees as  well I suppose  ........  Let's hope we don't get videos of that little procedure  ...

and who gets to clean that lot up   ...    eh?  ..  :no:

You'll be telling us next that it is a cunning plot to change the décor  .....   :nono:



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