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Arboretum Valley - Invasion of the Daleks


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Goathland Weir



some black for shadow, some fallen leaves, some chocolate brown and black for the waterside.

The drainage stones are in the left back hand, their need more colour and a bit of a shine yet.

You can't se it at this angle but the grass has been removed from the pathway and recoloured


A model dog and man for size comparison



And a man in the foreground also for reference



I used several reference photos and was starting to feel a little smug........then saw this one again


As you can see there are stones on the edge.... so still some changes to make 

Every time I think I've improved it I notice something else I have missed.

Oh and my weir was flat and I have realised it is a V shape, that has also been addressed. But until it has some water there is no point doing a picture.

Edited by Jaz
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Very impressive Jaz,


Mini Driver is well impressed.  She reckons it is very realistic.  One thing she did say, about the trees, was that she thought they looked as if they had bits of snow on them.


I did say it would probably be the light shining off them.  I also said that I thought the foliage was yet to be added, if I remember correctly.


She thought the grass was particularly good and the whole impression was very realistic.


Not sure I should mention that she thought you were a very skilful person  -  :sungum:



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J and mini driver

It is because parts of them are still gray. After I tried the initial paint I built up some of the limbs a little thicker.

But the observation over snow is very understandable. Plus because they could still do wit ha little smoothing they are still a little lumpy in places.

When I have all four trees I will do the final touch ups and final colouring. As the four trees (pictures show 2 but there is four)are obviously the same genus they need to give that impression.

I am quite pleased with them so far and subsequently may even do them without foliage, which will allow the ground scenery to photograph better.

J give mini driver a big hug and a couple of kisses from me.  :heart_mini:  :maninlove:  :heart_mini: . 


N.B. The colouring of the real photographs reflect all the seasons of the year and different levels of light, but I am using the Google Earth version for my colour matching.

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another of the weir




A tree, half and half, copper  and one layer of green scene flex-bark


The important part with the flex bark, is you can continue and re shape the branches to your satisfaction and the finish is really flexible....so no breakages.

It will need at least one more layer to get a better finish, but worth the effort.

Edited by Jaz
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This picture shows off several pertinent points

when compared to other photos the water is not always at the same height

therefore the stones which give the appearance of being at the edge of the water in the foreground are set back.

Similarly the small shrubs are ate water level on the top picture


but well above here


If I go for the higher water the waterfall will be stronger.


One thing that does occur to me, is does anyone else but me care in the big scheme of things???


Most people seeing the Goathland area of Arboretum Valley will immediately focus on the locos, the station, the station buildings, the station details, and will be looking for mistakes or oversights in the station area. This small weir will in reality be almost overlooked and actually might be overlooked altogether.

Then I ask myself, has this attention to detail improved my skills, and the answer is yes without doubt. If my modelling skills have not elevated greatly my observational skills certainly have, and this will ensure as I do the station building area that I pay more attention.

The lesson I have learned is to model what I actually see on a picture reference, and not what I 'know' to be there. Can I get every relationship between the object not with the data I have, so can I get a reasonable representation, yes I believe so.

Another important fact (I know this one from drawing and painting anyway) you should put more detail into the items that stand apart and therefore stand out, and less effort into the items that overlap each other and therefore will not be distinguishable from each other. The individual trees are worth the effort, the clumped trees not so much, for them a nice canopy and some nice trunks to focus through will be fine as long as the overall look works.

Meantime I am enjoying the research, the different styles, and almost every bit of research I have done has gleaned an element that I can put into my work, so in my opinion nothing is wasted.

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  • RMweb Premium

Those two pictures are confusing Jaz. the top one was taken using a zoom lens and the bottom one taken from in front of the shrub in the top picture.

The fact that more water is flowing over the wier in the bottom picture shows that the water level should be higher in this image.

There are 3 stone courses on the wier in both pics.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Meantime I am enjoying the research, the different styles, and almost every bit of research I have done has gleaned an element that I can put into my work, so in my opinion nothing is wasted.

Research is never wasted! Your efforts (and I'm sure all those who read this will agree), are outstanding! Above all you seem to be having too much fun.


What might help is to print out an image of the area to be modeled and study it against other images. Make notes on the image as to the details and only note down those which you wish to include. 

If you look at our Goathland it is possible to see the difference between my wifes work and mine as she didn't work off of pictures and only did some things as I wished.

The gorse for instance behind the footpath crossing and steps going up were a joint effort but the trees and undergrowth behind the sidings is from imagination.


Edit: Just to say that the scenery isn't too important to get right as it is for ever changing.

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This morning

I added more varnish (expect a day or two to dry) hopefully this layer won't sink int othe PIR or I will need a re think.


I also coloured two of the trees, and added some moss. I can't photograph them in situ, as I wetted the bottom of the hillside in question while I was varnishing got excited and didn't think 


Note the improved path

The two of the four trees and some green mod on them


Same in the other direction and set back so you can see what it will look like from a distance






two mallard ducks



two geese and a coot



If you haven't worked it out yet, I painted some wildfowl.

I need two more trees (not tonight taking a break....sick of trees) and for the varnish to dry. Ten I need to make the middle piece of the bank. And make the small stone edge, I will probably do the shorter wall first.

Something different appeals.

Edited by Jaz
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Those two pictures are confusing Jaz. the top one was taken using a zoom lens and the bottom one taken from in front of the shrub in the top picture.

The fact that more water is flowing over the wier in the bottom picture shows that the water level should be higher in this image.

There are 3 stone courses on the wier in both pics.  

I can't but say I agree with you, regards this post. The water is higher on one indisputably,  and though there is another weir on the line that looks similar You can see a building that is definitely not Goathland in it. 

But from all the references comments and looking at the pictures carefully I am sure they are the same weir. However the anomoly appears unsolvable. 


Also I take your point, the buildings will hopefully stand the testament of time, but the scenery especially the greenery is evolving. Thank you.

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It struck me that the water below the Weir is very flat, which made me think that there is likely to be a second Weir further downstream  .....   


The water is higher on one indisputably,


I have Googled the Satellite it but can't see a second Wier  .....    but   ......  if you pull the little Yella Fella onto the Station approach bridge and swing him to the right and left, the water is smooth by the Station  ...   but bashing round rocks below the bridge  ...     :scratchhead:

That would tend to indicate that the bit below the visible Wier is a Leat for the Rock Grinder and that there is a second Wier somewhere near the Bridge  .....


I have looked from the Station Yard, but no view of the water from there


A look from the road above Jaz's bank is too obstructed with trees  ...    :umbrage:


Does anyone have any more information on this?



The point of the question is  ...   if there is a second Wier and it is a Leat  ....   then the water level is going to remain very much the same on the smooth bit that Jaz is modeling .....   

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I am also going insane trying to place the weir we can see.


this is the only picture that gives an impression.

IF this is definitely Goathland weir, which I believe it is.

Then the weir is just behind the end of the wall. The wall CAN be placed from the carpark.This wall also bends in just at the end which is what happens up in the carpark before the fence begins. So although  there is no view of the river. This supposition seems reasonable.


Across_Eller_Beck_to_Goathland_Station_-David Short

titled across Eller Beck to Goathland


This is part of the problem, this was is known and marked on maps as the Murk, it is also referred to as Eller Beck, and on occasion as the River Esk.




med_gallery_17883_2878_66738.jpgcaptured from google earth




Picture 1

The black and white photograph shows the weir where the wall becomes fence.

It proves the weir is not flat.It shows the weir stones are much larger than the wall stones.


Picture 2

Confirms where the weir is not.


Picture 3

Grabbed from Google Earth shows the end of the wall the start of the fence and its relationship to the Goathland station. notice there is a slope here as well.


Picture 4

There also appears to be a step. Although you cannot distinguish the step the water falls are shown full and half height


In conclusion, this is where I am setting the weir, the time involved in research is not bringing anything new to light ( I wa aware of the carpark view for a couple of weeks), and whilst researching I am researching I am not modelling. I don't think there is much chance of getting any more pertinent info. And as previously mentioned the vast majority of people are unlikely to even be bothered one way or another with their focus on the station.

As long as the model looks good from the bridge view, I am going to be satisfied.

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Hi Jaz,

This seems to confirm what you are concluding about the wier  .  4 trees in view, Gorse in view and paths too....


Goathland Bridge 2 by JulianR 2013, on Flickr


I had to cut the size down to go in the Forum but the Google one is very clear 


If you swivel the Yella Fella from upstream to downstream, it seems he is standing on another weir, which is under the bridge.



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Lesson learned  :nono:  Do not leave modelled trees where your dogs can get at them, one of the dobermans has chewed one of my finished trees, it is now a small thin stick.........

the spring tree is no more. can't imagine what attracted her.

It looked like a stick (a compliment?) the copydex tasted nice? It was green? She wanted the copper to floss her teeth? The smaller dobermann was the runt of the litter and has always been a penny short of a sixpence.

Just have to be grateful she didn't get one of the ones for the Goathland weir. And ensure I don't leave stuff on the coffee tables. She had been nosing the paints, she must be a coke head in the making.

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S&D Models, Phoeneix, 00 Track Gang £5.00 5 figures

1 white metal 2 base colour 3 4 5 coloured up Paint orange first then over lay with yellow for highlights



The reference photo


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This is where I finally feel the effort was worth it

All the research, and the faffing about.


The weir, the first wall is pinned in place, the bank is in place, some birds are on the water, some trees dabbed on the far end show what I can expect in the reflections, and the weir is only just begun and still has some oomph.....


I finally feel like I am getting somewhere worthwhile.

Preparation preparation and dogged determination. 


geese coots mallard



geese tree reflections



view from other direction with swans



weir pre waterfall



hiker dog wildfowl



I am getting the impression getting a picture that looks like the real thing is becoming achievable.

Edited by Jaz
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