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Arboretum Valley - Invasion of the Daleks


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I've heard those hairless cats have a higher temperature. Can they go outside? What type of temperament do they have?

I love my dobermanns (these 2 are our 4th and 5th) because they are so good with young children. Very patient...and even when annoying they come and sit by Kal or i, knowing we won't let the kids tease them. My corgi when I was younger would snap for almost no reason. The weirmeranner ate anything inc cook books!!! The black labrador was mild mannered except when my mum was scared...my dad had snuck up on them in the mist....and the labrador chased him off....LMAO.

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Kal did say if I could be bothered I could use the basset hound to make a mold, then when I got the first model out tidy it up with a file...and make a better one. The fun for me was working out how to make it. I new this morning I wanted to be able to pose it, so it had to be bendable at that point having made the trees copper just seemed do-able.

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I still need to put Castle on the layout, our Mad scientist some where on the layout......and a pair of completely nutty emoticons on the layout. Hopefully I will be free when the light is at it's best tomorrow. Meantime, if anyone fancies be represented on the layout they need only say.

J is reigning over RAF Zollywood. dt is still loitering in his Ian Rush disguise on Kalboro. The Mad scientist I think is likely to appear near Kalboro Union. Theres a suitably scientific building up there. @Jc will for the present loiter around Greengrasses.....so expect to see him quite often. Castle will go down by the crane I hope to picture him with one of our steam locos. Thebritfarmer should look nice walking down by the cove. Although I daresay he is more realistically found near woods and open fields. Boris' alter ego is due to go out on Goathland station. And a whole bundle of our friends are now depicted as clowns with the circus. After dt sent us up on Dover Priory Jaz and Kara her faithful dobermann are usually on the look out for dt. Kal on the other hand is likely to be in our home, working. There is a small bungalow that is similar to our home when we first bought it, and it is likely to get it's own spot...at that point you might find Kal near the door smoking a cigarette, as he does his best to not inflict the smoke etc on his family.

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Hi Jaz, 


They are warm to the touch and do have a higher temperature. They aren't truly hairless though but more like peach fuzz, it feels like you are petting suede. They do appear more dog like and ours has a great temperament. We don't let ours outside, the winters are so cold and the summers so hot. As they do not have fur like a regular cat the oils from the skin tends to build up on the skin and they do need a weekly bath. It is a nasty substance and looks like tar.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Thebritfarmer's basset hound is brilliant Jaz! Craftsmanship clever rating just isn't enough !!


Did your police house get the better of you or are you just procrastinating over it like me and my textile mill which has been on hold since June! The windows had me beat because about one in 100 actually fitted the cut out and the ones I spent ages gluing the glazing in all fell apart.   Sasquatch had a brain fart after a visit to a drive through coffee hut and tooled up! I'm currently one third of the way through 100+ windows and will post on all threads when done. It is extremely time consuming so am keeping RMweb time to a minimum until finished!! Will need a few basset hound type projects to keep me sane. Have spent a small fortune on evergreen strips at the local store today where the assistant simply addressed me as "More    Styrene!".


Squatch (also spending an hour a day up to the attic to run a few trains on Dunster)

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  • RMweb Gold

I love your Bassett hound! Who'd have thought there was copper wire underneath? That's got to be one of the best things I've seen on here for some time! :)

Edited by JCL
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I noticed your time had been limited. glad you are getting your trains under way. :sungum: I can imagine 100 windows would take a lot of determination. So your now the styrene Saquatch??? :jester:

Regards the house, mostly It is just time, I can get sidelined so easily. I think I have the building under control (says she hopefully) it is just that it holds no fascination for me. It's more of a chore.

I love doing scenery, especially water. I like creating animals and faces (drawing painting etc)  But the tedious job of scribing walls then individual stones or bricks pretty much bores me rigid. 

I will be going back to Ye Olde White Horse, and finishing this house. I will do others when necessary. And the friend who is now here on RMweb who sorted me out with the elevations for Ye Olde White Horse also did me a normal (IE not train related) water tower which I am planning on incorporating. 


It is more likely that when ensuring a building needs to be  'anatomically' correct and sit in the scenery especially when an awkward slope or similar that I will make buildings. When compared to thebritfarmers Basset hound which gave me a great sense of achievement. With the buildings I just think....done. And yet I admire and see the expertise done in them. Have acquired loads of stuff to produce the building, I will certainly be using it up. So they will come in time.


I think the real problem is I really like the resin ones. I think to myself I could paint that much nicer, I don't think...wouldn't that look better if I added a small extension. Oh....there's an exception The Aidensfield Arms needs an extension and that is high on my list...so my cameo picture works.


Personally I think where you adapted the original Goathland station. Adding the lower levels, and manufacturing the small wooden elements to it is more fun, because you have changed a decent building into a much more admirable rather prototypical building. I may yet catch the bug. But it is not snapping at my heels. Even when doing Ye Olde White Horse I was fascinated by painting the windows not modelling them. Only one was made, and then I cut out the plastic lengths etc. I think I need that one perfect quirky building which you just have to own and the only way to do so is to make it. If anyone has any ideas feel free to throw them up.

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I think I need that one perfect quirky building which you just have to own and the only way to do so is to make it.


If anyone has any ideas feel free to throw them up.


No need, I won the Lottery today, will buy you one, if I decide to go Public.......

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A Mad Scientist....needs one of those old 1960s buildings that still hang around.....with small labs......and your thinking....the places where they designed Viagra and all sorts of strange and wonderful kit (often the old frontage has a massive modern extension......I bet they have radioactive material in there!!!!!



So ChrisN our mad scientist has popped out for some fresh air......he has his radioactive monitor in his hand



and one of the hapless local denizens happened to be passing......



and the poor blighter is thinking...The last person this white coated nutter :crazy:  was seen talking to ....nows glows when it gets dark :sungum: .....don't make eye contact....don't make eye contact........ :scared:

and all he ever mutters about is....Half Lives........shuffle side ways shuffle side ways,,,get ready to run.....don't make eye contact!!!!!!


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Castle is kindly visiting Kalborough, after offering details of their crane at Didcot. He has come to visit the our own crane, and see it working.

The architect that works here weekends has popped in from his 'real' job to just ask Castle a couple of questions. Meantime Castle is chatting to one of the old volunteers about steam locos...his real love.



A couple of the workmen working the mainline nearby have come over to see the heritage work.



poor Castle is struggling to stay awake...that architect is SO boring. My drawing this...my notes that....my day job is so important....z zz ZZZ ZZZ



Oh now...from bad to worst...the architect too the hint and buggered off...but so did Castle's friend who was chatting steam locos. This new guy likes them there new fangled diesels!!! :swoon:


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BEFORE going any further pls add your sound effects.>>>>>>>>


                                 E P I S O D E   O N E


The High Priest of Mischief was taking a leisurely tour around Goathland Station. Scouting for interesting pictures for his creators friends  :sungum:

When out of nowhere a pesky do gooder emoticon appeared on the scene and challenged him!!!!!!


Well every ones knows he's the finest light sabre fighter in the land......So of course he has to give this upstart a beating.. :butcher:



Luckily emoticons are not heavy...so the locals cars are not likely to get damaged....



The High Priest of Mischief presses his opponent  pushing to  the edge....




The High Priest drives the upstart out of the carpark


take that.......

Edited by Jaz
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BEFORE going any further pls add your sound effects.>>>>>>>>


Aha!  I have a lightsabre app on my Windows Phone which causes much hilarity for TSC and me.  It works using the accelerometer in the phone to make appropriate buzzes and crashes as its waved around, and also does a great sound when switched on and off.


TLHC is yet to be convinced.  At least I think that's what having lips pursed like a cat's bottom when TSC plays with it means ;)

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Perhaps if you offered HER the toy to play with she might be more amused....

Don't forget to add the sound effects.......Start about 1min36secs


                 E P I S O D E   T W O


The High Priest of Mischief then chases the young yellow upstart along the river bank........




The young upstart momentarily gets the high ground



But the High Priest of Mischief taunts him back down



before pushing him to the water which interferes with the young upstarts light sabre.....and he has depart to take it home and dry it out on his mum's radiator...



Leaving the Priest of High Mischief Lord of ALL Goathland.....



                                                                        F I N I


And just think if Darth Vader had been played by Arnold Z...the outtakes would have looked like this.........


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Ok it's quiz time........

So what am I making?



Not much to go on so.....



ok another?


A clue....it has something to do with snow.......

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