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I have had another small jiggle around with the layout last night, and increased the fiddle yard to four roads, and added a small siding to the station opposite the goods shed, I think This could become a DMU watering hole or even a small PCD ( parcel depot ), it is small, and can fit just 5 replica brakes, without loco or 3 with a large loco e.g 47 / peak.

the next loco I think on the cards will be a class 31 ( or 37 ), but that will be a Warley purchase if there is a blue one with sound.

I haven't taken any pics, so I may a few tonight after the kids have gone to bed, the area does look a bit cramped with the fuel unloading area being so close.



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The update regarding the last post - a bit late...


the vans on the right are where either a PCD or DMU stabling point will be, as can be seen it isn't much space for the vans




View from the other side ( vans on left )




and a few of the goods area








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The Latest additions for Armley Moor


3 Lowmac wagons

A Bachmann class 45 - 45120

and a NCE Powercab ( cant work it correctly yet though ) bought from Digitrains

plus some more cobble to go into the goods area








cobbles to the left ( still need more and to fix them down )




and 4 peaks together



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My two new mk1 coaches have come in the post plus the Bachmann station building, I have dropped the PCD idea and favored a stabling line for watering the DMUs













A alternative position for the building could be here at the end of platform 2 and 3 but I prefer it on the side of platform 3 at the end of the bay platform ( 4 )




More peak images ....




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I have made a small start on painting the bricks under one of the platforms, also made a start on the fueling point, and the weighbridge











I am considering a dock for the station...




Thoughts, and advice welcome especially regarding the Dock, and colours

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I am thinking that the layout isn't for me, It feels too cramped, I am going to drop the depot area and simplify the whole layout to a more managed approach, I am going to keep the coal yard goods shed and re develop the station

so back soon something a bit easier to work on.


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I think this is a more manageable project, I am making a start with it soonish, But I am going to operate Armley moor in its current form for a little while longer, maybe make a start over the weekend



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Hi SGJ  and fellow Leeds neighbour,


I`m glad I came across your current layout project based on Leeds Station area past and present, and find your adaptation very intriguing with my own research into the past rail life of Leeds. I`m sorry you came so far with current production and thinking of change with the new layout plan. A question of what diamensions for the layout area and if I read it right is an L shaped with FY at the end of the curves. The proposed FY area - is there anymore room width wise for more storage lines, as the pics gave the impression of not much stock storage to which may limit stock variety and operational limits. Small amount of stock to shuttle back n front to give a busy passenger service with small breaks to allow freight stock in and shunting services, I`m intrigued as what your running plans are and shall keep a watch of your layout process.


All the best.

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After a lot of thought I am going to continue with the layout, and make some changes, The depot is probabley what will change maybe to a couple of sidings with fueling.

I have added some more cobbles to the Coal Yard

and made a start with soldering







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The Goods shed line and Goods Reception / Departure road have been soldered, and a start with the ballasting and weathering








The Camera has picked up the colour too much with this shot bellow, the weathering is not as harsh and vivid, the paint is still wet too.





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I wouldn't worry too much at the ballast colour in the pic, as you say still wet paint and camera flash will make it seam much brighter etc. As class 66 said coming along nice with ballast giving more life and depth.

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I have just put the second platform in place to test it out ( its not fixed down yet ), also added some paving slabs in the station area and goods yard area, My BR van came also two houses.



















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