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Manna's Workbench, D2, Sentinel, Q1, N1, D3, a pair of J3's, C2, J6 +others

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G'day Gents


Thanks for the replies, the flare on the tender was made, by cutting a 5mm plastic pipe lengthways, and then the half lengthways again so you end up with four quarters, you'll have to clean up the quarters up with a file, to get it dead straight, (I have a tendency to wander a bit with the saw), if you want another look at it, in the Scratchbuilding section, there is a thread.'Scratchbuilding a LNER J21' By david 65021, that has a picture record of how he did it.

It's a rather fiddly job and you must allow a bit of extra flare at each end of the tender, that will let you cut and file back to the correct shape, good luck.



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  • 3 weeks later...

G'day Gents


I know I haven't finished the Q1, but I'm waiting for my son to send over a copy of Yeadons, For the Q1, so in the meantime I thought I'd amuse my self with another project that's been on my mind for quite a while, how to convert a N2 into a N1, Doncaster made a N2 out of a N1 so I should be able to do it (fingers crossed)


So far I've had a lot of careful cutting, as most of the N1 is in the N2, about the only thing you can 6ugger up is the cab, and that pulls off (mine fell off), use the pictures below to help, you need to cut the boiler off, cut the tanks off, at footplate level then cut 2mm off the depth of the tanks, then cut 10mm out of the centre of the tanks (you'll need the curved ends).


Carefully trim a bit of plastic off of the inside of the front splashers and between the  front splashers, this allows the boiler to sit down inside the splashers.


You also need to remove 2mm off of the front of the smokebox, again see pics.


I'm using a Hornby GN version of the N2, mainly because it has a Ramsbottom type safety valve, you will also have to remove the large weight from the inside of the loco, We'll doctor that later. I have started to build the new N1 type cab, (the ugly white blob, where a cab should sit, also the underside of the boiler.












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  • 2 weeks later...

G'day Gents


Now that I've done the easy part (chopped it up) I now have the hard part, put it all back together again !

I've had the Flu this past week, so I haven't done to much, but now looks very different, a new chimney has been fitted, the original dome has been cut through and extended, the cab has been shaped and the underside of the boiler has been covered with filler and smoothed out, it may all look a bit rough, but I've been so cold my hands were shanking so bad, I had to keep stopping, the boiler and cab haven't been glued into place yet.







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That's looking good, looking at pictures of the N1 I think you have the proportions and balance just right the cab shape especially looks spot on the N1 not being blessed with the prettiest shaped cab to start with. Look forward to seeing this progress. Steve

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  • 1 month later...

G'day Gents


Well things have changed a bit since my last update, my foot hasn't healed, so it's back on with the moonboot, also I have a blood clot in my leg, so I'm on blood thinners to, and I've retired, now there should be plenty of time to model (it won't last.)


The N1 has been in my firing line, I've cut off part of the bunker sides and refitted curved sidesheets and refitted the coal-rails that I carefully cut of, a bit of filler and there as good as new.


the front running plate came in for a bit of treatment, this was cut back, as the area under the smokebox is very short, part of the chassis was cut back as well.


Time now the refit the handrails etc.













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  • 3 weeks later...

G'day Gents


Thanks for the thought JCL, and to the people that gave me the likes.


Time for another update, enjoying retirement, getting plenty done, I've 'Teaked' half a dozen old Hornby 'Gresley' coaches, I'll put up some piccys soon, the N1 is coming along well it's been painted numbered (one side), but I think the numbers are to far apart, so I'll probably change them, condensing gear has also been made and fitted, I wasn't happy with the dome so out with a big file, a new brass one was fitted, the same with the chimney (which I think was a GC one ) has been changed to a GN type, courtesy of Woodcock 29 (thank you Andrew) 


Plaster work has been done on the layout a more grass planted, I'll have to resurrect my Edgware thread (think it's down to page 50 ?) 


Here's the piccys.  manna









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  • 2 months later...

G'day Gents


'Bout time I caught up with all my jobs, had another bout of Flu just before Christmas, the third in six months, which knocked me about a bit, then it was time to replace the tiled floor in the kitchen, pneumatic drills Etc. Now I can get back modelling, this time it's a LNER D3, the chassis is from a Hornby 4-4-0 County class, which is tender drive, the wheelbase is only a mill out, which is good enough for me, there's very little to do with the chassis, remove the pistons and grind 1.5mm off the extension bar that the piston clip onto (see pics) so far the boiler and running plate, are on there way to completion.


Piccy time













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G'day Gents


The D3 has moved on a little bit, mostly cab and splashers, but the body used to sit to high, so a lot of material has been removed and a groove has been made in the body to allow it to sit lower, everything's a little rough at the moment.






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  • 1 month later...

G'day Gents


Time for another update, the D3 has progressed, but slowly (no pics)but as usual I've started another project, I like articulated coaches, I have the Gresley suburban set, so I thought I'd have a go with the Tourist 3rd two car sets, by chopping up a couple of Triang, Thompson coaches, It's coming together, but is unfortunately over length, to cut each coach back another 20mm, would be to much work, so I'll leave them over length, here's a pic, see what you think.









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  • 3 months later...

G'day Gents


The D3 has hardly moved at all, but the artic coaches have at least been painted (sorry no pics)

The J1 has had new pick ups made and some of the wiring fitted to the tender (drive unit)

The C12 has had new Romford wheels fitted

And a G1 has been started, using a N2 as a base, the boiler was removed and cab, rear bunker cut back, new cab built, a couple of mill taken out between the tank front and the front splasher.........starting to look like a G1 now, see what you think.











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G'day Gents


Thanks for the likes, and yes it's been a while since I've posted anything, but there is a mitigating circumstance (bless her) Retirement means doing jobs you 'could' put off while you were working, I don't have that excuse any more !!


So I'll let you know what I've been doing ..................




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  • 4 weeks later...

G'day Gents


The G1 has had it's cab opening filed out, and a fair bit of filler spread around, in order to tidy it up, waiting for some bits from England before I can get on with the chassis.


So to make sure I've got plenty to do, another project has been taken on ! Looking on the internet the other day I came across a picture of a J52 with a stovepipe chimney, and seeing that I had just nicked the chimney off of a J52 for the G1, I thought to myself ' I can do that' having a spare stovepipe chimney in the bits tray, if you've got a spare J52 and want something different, it'll be a 10minute job, mines taken longer than that as the spare J52 I have is a BEC jobbie, and very badly painted and a bit battered, so a strip was in order, I've made new handrails, fitted the new chimney and the sliding roof vent on the cab (non working)


Here's the progress so far.










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  • 2 weeks later...

G'day Gents


Finished the J52 (see pics) but now I've seen a pic of a J52 with condensing gear, for working down the Widened Lines, so I'll be starting on one of those shortly, I have a spare J52.


Handrails have been fitted to the D3, along with safety valves and the whistle.


A long term rebuild, is a O3 (was O1)a boiler has been made and a smokebox and door have been fitted, I'll start on the running plate soon.







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  • 1 month later...

G'day Gents


A little while since my last update, D3's almost finished, I think I put a pic on my Edgware thread, but I'll put up another, just so you don't miss it.


Still waiting for my bits, so I can restart the G1, but I have painted the body (one coat) and I've had a play with more brake vans than I thought I had ??


Been away with the caravan, to Coffs harbour in northern NSW, very tropical, and a fair bit warmer than S Aust.









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  • 3 months later...

G'day Gents


Been a while since I updated on this thread, but now that the sheds been enlarged and the weather has got hotter, High 30's today and going up to 40c for Xmas day, I've retreated in doors, so it's back to the workbench. I want to finish the Gresley O1, the cabs been built (there's a weeks work) the boilers on with the cab, chimneys fitted along with the dime and a couple of boiler bands, I'm in the process of making the cylinders bigger, but all in all it's still progress.


To all RM Webbers I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.






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