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Farnley Burton - No Progress, but I am building a house


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Don't worry folks - nothing was found in the eye, although it went rather red and swollen.. By yesterday morning after the application of eye drops (of which after as visit to my Dad's I left in Scotland) it was fine again.

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OMG you must have been scared witless. So glad your ok. Losing vision or the use of my hands would be awful. Make sure you use the drops as prescribed, to add maximum lubrication until the swelling is all down. 

I could cope with the loss of my legs...and even (despite anyone else's thoughts to the contrary) the lose of my voice. Losing a hand would be awful but I suppose survivable. Sasquatch came back from a terrible injury. But my sights??? Ouch. You have all my sympathies and best wishes.


Edit = my dad has just lost the full sight in one eye, and he now finds getting food in his mouth without the 3D effect can be a pain, soup and gravy which changes direction at the last second in order to pop in his mouth, has a habit of spilling on his clothes!!!

Edited by Jaz
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  • RMweb Gold

Don't worry folks - nothing was found in the eye, although it went rather red and swollen.. By yesterday morning after the application of eye drops (of which after as visit to my Dad's I left in Scotland) it was fine again.


Good to hear, mate. Look after them eyes, they're fairly important things!!


Did you bring any heather back from your Dad's for the purposes of tree making?



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Good to hear, mate. Look after them eyes, they're fairly important things!!


Did you bring any heather back from your Dad's for the purposes of tree making?



~Arrrgh!. Do you know what? I completely forgot… He did give me some lichen though...

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Crikey Lee,when I said I couldn't wait to see what you'll do next,I certainly didn't expect you to attempt to blind yourself and end up in hospital! Lucky escape if you ask me,cutting discs are absolutely deadly in this respect.I've just been playing about with cellelose thinners this weekend I didn't wear gloves and now have some very dry looking skin on my finger ends. So it's a trip to Tool Mart to buy myself some gloves and an organic solvent safety mask today.As an ex-medical biochemist I really should have appreciated the hazard cellelose thinners present.

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We take ourselves for granted. When things say you should wear adequate protection, you really should :)

It's a fact that you may regret one careless mistake for the rest of your life,however on a more optimistic note, if the mistake is serious enough that may not be very long. :jester:

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undaunted, I plan on continuing  the crossing build (with adequate eye protection) later today :)

Fantastic Lee, if you can manage to survive the risk of lacerations,burns,electrocution and lead poisoning,let us all know how you get on.Hope to hear from you soon.Be careful,very careful.




                                                                                                                                                                                                            It was nice knowing you.


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Fantastic Lee, if you can manage to survive the risk of lacerations,burns,electrocution and lead poisoning,let us all know how you get on.Hope to hear from you soon.Be careful,very careful.




                                                                                                                                                                                                            It was nice knowing you.


I won't tell you I singed my index finger thinking I could use the soldering iron like a scalpel, i.e. pressing on with my finger… Luckily I whipped my hand away quickly before any deep burns could be inflicted. It's a dangerous world this railway modelling!

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  • RMweb Gold

We do occasionally do the daftest things, just by (misguided) instinct - Not so long back my soldering iron rolled off the table after I'd put it down for a second ( :nono: ) and I reached out, and caught it, before it hit the floor. Cue smell of singed flesh, and a loud yell...


This could turn into a rival to the Clumsiest Modellers thread, but I also tried to clear the nozzle on my bottle of PVA by blowing down it. :O


Of course, once I released the pressure, I got a mouthful of glue due to the blow-back. :no: :no: :no:


Ah well, what doesn't kill us, makes us nervous stronger...

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  • RMweb Gold

I won't tell you I singed my index finger thinking I could use the soldering iron like a scalpel, i.e. pressing on with my finger… Luckily I whipped my hand away quickly before any deep burns could be inflicted. It's a dangerous world this railway modelling!

I'm ashamed to say that this made me chuckle. I mentioned to my wife that she should take up knitting after she came off the bike the other year and ended up in hospital with concussion and pretty impressive road rash, but it seems that even knitting is dangerous. Apart from the pointy sticks, it apparently gives you RSI!

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We do occasionally do the daftest things, just by (misguided) instinct - Not so long back my soldering iron rolled off the table after I'd put it down for a second ( :nono: ) and I reached out, and caught it, before it hit the floor. Cue smell of singed flesh, and a loud yell...


This could turn into a rival to the Clumsiest Modellers thread, but I also tried to clear the nozzle on my bottle of PVA by blowing down it. :O


Of course, once I released the pressure, I got a mouthful of glue due to the blow-back. :no: :no: :no:


Ah well, what doesn't kill us, makes us nervous stronger...

Ahhhh... You really remind me of what happened to me when I was building "SiMais" (my old HOe layout) back in 2003 for Expométrique Paris. I was soldering a few last wires from the layout to the control pannel, and the solder iron rolled out of the table, and I too grabbed it by hand by the wrong end... :blackeye:  I'm sure my yell and expletives were nearly the same but the fact they were mainly in French and in Walloon dialect... :whistle: The bad luck being that it happened just a week before the event in Paris, and I had to operate the layout and perform weathering demonstrations with the middle of my right palm looking more like sizzled bacon than a normal human palm... The good side of it is that it became an inside joke, as I entered the "Défi Gemme" competition, and finished third !!! :D (the joke : seems I always have to hurt myself if I want something I'm doing to succeed... friends even nicknamed me at the time "The Clumsy Belgian Modeller" - or CBM for short...I'll say that it went with a Bang !!! :mosking: )

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oops. Reminds me of a chemistry experiment when I grabbed hold of the test tube to disconnect it from the rest of the apparatus… Said tube had only seconds previously had the flame removed from it...

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There's just a couple of check rails to solder on here now, but I'm having a dilemma


I think it looks ok for my first attempt at hand made track, OK, the crossing vees are a little untidy and some of the rails are a little wonky...


A four wheel truck can traverse the crossing in both directions, BUT it does wobble a little especially on the simple crossing, which could cause me derailment issues in the future…




do I persevere, make a new one, or fork out £17 for a pair of insulfrog Peco crossings?


I've tried Brian Harrap's method of folding the rail in half for the crossing fees, but you have to file off the foot to get the rail to bend close together, and then it has a tendency to snap.


I hate to admit defeat, but it's looking increasingly like I'll have to ….

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Sorry to hear of problems after such a magnificent effort. Being a little cruel, it look as if some of the gaps at the crossings are a little long and the check rails too far away from the running rails to be performing the task they're supposed too (hence the wobbling).


Like many aspects of the hobby, it's a case of what value you put on your time (including time spent in A&E in your case!) versus the £17 spent on the points. Do you have any model shops around that do second hand, as that might take the sting out of the cost side of the equation if you land lucky?


On the other hand, if you enjoyed the challenge then the second attempt will probably be a whole deal better!

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Sorry to hear of problems after such a magnificent effort. Being a little cruel, it look as if some of the gaps at the crossings are a little long and the check rails too far away from the running rails to be performing the task they're supposed too (hence the wobbling).


Like many aspects of the hobby, it's a case of what value you put on your time (including time spent in A&E in your case!) versus the £17 spent on the points. Do you have any model shops around that do second hand, as that might take the sting out of the cost side of the equation if you land lucky?


On the other hand, if you enjoyed the challenge then the second attempt will probably be a whole deal better!

Oh, it's not cruel at all - that's EXACTLY why the wobble occurs.

I might have another go. At the moment, they're not detrimental to a spot of running, as I've just got two independent loops connected up, but the master plan does involve a pair of crossings.

I do have a model shop that does second hand stuff, but it's getting there that's the problem - they're always shut after work. I've put a small bid on one on that well known auction site, so we'll see what happens there.

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  • RMweb Gold

As a first effort, it's bloody brilliant in my view, and if a slight wobble is all you have to contend with then I reckon you're on a winner.


As Robert says, if you choose to have another go, mark2 will be spot on, I reckon.





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