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Dallam Sidings (Warrington) - N Gauge WCML 2001 Macclesfield Show 20th&21st April 2024


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Hi everyone. Boxing of the layout continues, 3 boards completed so far and just half way through completing board 4. At the recent Wigan exhibition I managed to pick up some overhead bits from N Brass Locos. So tonight I made a start on one of the three structures which are installed at the crossovers.

Here it is, still needs the registration arms adding etc.







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Hi Simon,


It's nice to see an update on Dallam.


The N Brass OLE is really good stuff (I built quite a few of Nicks portals and gantries) but I did notice that once painted the edges/ folds really show their serrated profile.  You might want to think about how to hide this... if you haven't already.





Edited by HealeyMills
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Hi Simon,


It's nice to see an update on Dallam.


The N Brass OLE is really good stuff (I built quite a few of Nicks portals and gantries) but I did notice that once painted the edges/ folds really show their serrated profile.  You might want to think about how to hide this... if you haven't already.





Thanks Lee. This is the first piece of N Brass overhead I have constructed and found it quite easy to assemble. Though think it is important to purchase the folding formers, which I did. Yes noticed the edges but not sure how to sort it. May experiment with this one, maybe use a build up of solder and file down or use filler?
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Hi Simon,


The gantry looks really nice. Maybe you could run some solder paste into the folding grooves and then apply the soldering iron and finish off with some gentle filing to smooth off.

I've never built any of these gantries but thought it might be worthwhile suggesting.

I'm going to use these on Euston I think as they do look good.


Best regards,



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Made a start with planning one of the signal gantries which will feature on Dallam. This one is located adjacent to Bewsey Road overbridge and has two 4 aspect signals, down slow & down fast with route indicator.


I am going to scratchbuild the gantry and use n brass signal heads. I may have an attempt at scratchbuilding a working route indicator.

Below is a very basic mock up to judge sizes etc. The brass section across the rails will form the main girder for the gantry. A slot has been made in the underside to allow the wires to be routed from the signal heads.




Also going to use the safety cages and ladder etches from n brass aswell.





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Managed to make the basic structure tonight for the signal gantry. The legs are made from H section and the bracing from 0.45mm wire. All was tacked in place until happy it looked square and straight then final solder assembly. Alot to go on yet, walkways, signals, ladders etc.







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Hi Jeremy,


Thanks, think my soldering skills will be tested fitting the handrails, ladders and also running the feed wires for the LED's.


There are 2 signal gantries on the section which I am modelling. The one above I think was added around the end of the 90's? The second gantry which is located adjacent to the CLC overbridge looks very much like a 4 portal latice structure, which is handy because I could just modify an N Brass structure to suit. Need to get some photos of this gantry though before I start.

There is also a post mounted 4 aspect signal which can be modelled using an N Brass kit, however, I am going to use a thinner tube section than the one supplied. Finally at the sidings end there is a 4 aspect with Theatre Indicators fitted for accessing the Royal Mail Terminal.





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Work continues of a signalling nature. Made a start on another signal, this is the 4 aspect post mounted which controls movements in the down direction on the bi directional slow line. This is being made from an N Brass kit.


Progress so far. Used a slightly thinner brass tube than the one supplied.



Testing the LED's once all the wiring had been completed on the signal head.

Red for Danger!



Still plenty to do.





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That looks really good Simon! The N brass kits are rather nice. It's these little details that make a layout stand out from the rest.

Thanks Jeremy, yes the N Brass signals are nice but must admit I did find fitting the light hoods on the signal heads slightly fiddly and my eyes were tired afterwards. I have just realised that in 51 weeks time, Dallam should be set up in the exhibition hall ready for the 2016 Wigan exhibition to open on the Saturday morning.

With regards making the transportation cases, 5 boards are now done just one left to go.





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Well with a little bit of time available today, I managed to complete the final transportation/storage case. With these now complete I thought it would provide the ideal opportunity to have a tidy round in the garage without worrying about damaging anything.







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Bit more done on the layout this week. Managed to make a start on the concrete hard standing for the rail served warehouse. Evergreen plastic strip was used for the track infill and also used to form an edge for the filler.



Once the Evergreen strip was glued, the area was filled using Polyfiller. Masking tape was used across the rails to prevent excess filler blocking the flange gap.




Once the filler has dried, it will be sanded smooth and fill any areas as required.

Also another loco has arrived in the form of a Farish Freightliner class 57, the newer body moulding. Got it from Ebay for £45.





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Looks good Simon. I used polyfiller once before to represent concrete and it works really well and I was pleased with the results.

Thanks Jeremy. Need to have a think how to do the weathering on this part. The concrete will need marking in rectangle sections to represent how it is laid and also there will be lots of tyre marks from the articulated trucks turning and parking on the apron. Think weathering powders will be used quite a bit along with plenty of washes.





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Bit more progress on Dallam. Second coat of filler now completed at sanded for the warehouse hardstanding. Also got the last bits of track around this area ballasted and made a start on the superstructure for the original Dallam shed structure.


Put a bit of stock on for effect.







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That (^) looks fantastic Simon. It oozes the WCML. Can't wait to see it with the wires up :)

Thanks Christian, must admit quite looking forward to tackling the wires now!


Bit more done tonight. Been working on what was originally Dallam Shed but converted to industrial use.

Below is a picture of progress so far.




Been also looking at stock for Dallam. Ordered a Provincial class 156 for respraying into Regional Railways Northwest livery (Green stripe) and also looking at ordering some C Rail PFA's for the Carwoods coal run from Seaforth.





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Looking very good Simon. I'm sure you have it covered but if you need any advice on OHLE construction let me know!

Hi Cav, thanks, your experience from Oulton Road will be very useful. Still trying to decide if to make the OHLE removable for any maintenance or track access.


A couple of new arrivals for Dallam in the post this morning. First is a Farish Transrail class 60 from Buffers models for bargain price of £49.99. Its going to stay in Transrail livery but receive a different running number and name.

Second is a Dapol class 156 which got for £45 as it was stated as non runner. Quickly proved its an issue with the pick up springs between the bogie and chassis block, with power applied to the chassis block all worked ok. This will be resprayed into Regional Railways NW livery.








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Man after my own heart I always buy bargains! Having said that my 60 and 156 were a touch more expensive than yours. They are both very mice models though. The 156 in particular brings back some memories.

Edited by RBE
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Another second hand arrival for Dallam - a First Northwestern Farish class 158. I had decided a while ago that I would not buy any 158's for Dallam as I don't think the Farish version captures the look of the prototype with regards to the cab front.


Then I stumbled across a FNW 158 for £30, it works but the body is loose on the powered chassis - easy fix and holes have been drilled in the cab front for I assume LED fitment.

So change of mind, unit bought, plan is to remove the outer couplers and fit dummy BSI, fit closer couplings and better corridor connections between vehicles. Fit the air dam to the vehicle body, NRN roof aerials general detail and weather.

Now got 2 units to cover the Man Picc to Llandudno services.




Just need a couple of 150's, will keep an eye out for a cheap 150/2 for respraying in Merseyrail yellow.





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A little bit more done on the layout. The hardstanding is now complete around the warehouse. Made a start on the Bewsey Road overbridge for the extended version. I originally modelled this bridge as seen earlier in the thread, however I designed it to be a scenic break aswell as designing it to accomodate the tracks starting to curve around into the fiddleyard. With extending the layout, the original bridge will be fitted to the home board.

The basic structure has been formed using 3mm hardboard, had quite a few 'off cuts' from the boxing.The rest of the bridge will be formed using card.







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