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What happened to NGRM?


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We are a small forum but I find hard to swallow that we inter-discuss other forums shortfalls including NGRM on the WEB


There are multiple possible posts in this thread that you could be referencing here, but my initial query is only here because I could no longer access NGRM - for what seemed mysterious reasons.  Whilst agreeing that shortfalls shouldn't be focused on, I think "comparative analysis" can be useful in helping modelers find what works best for them.


My comment regarding NGBM was partially related to a post here, and what seemed to me extremely low "traffic" there.  I only found the forum after reading the owner's home page, and due to that suspected it was created out of dissatisfaction with the reigning 009 "establishment".  Being in the U.S., I do not - nor wish to - know the relevant history, and offer this only as my perception - not at all meant as judgment of any party.  While disagreeing with a few of his positions, my take was that the owner is a man of strong opinions with no shyness in sharing them - much like myself.


While in no position to assess the veracity of this, I think it's wonderfully phrased "Visiting them all is a bit like a pub crawl, they all look the same once you have had a pint or two and you waste good drinking time walking between them."

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My own personal view is that all have nothing different to offer than RMWeb, most of them are mere copies and frequently more narrow minded/focused, some of them simply run by the disaffected and malcontents rejected from RMWeb. Visiting them all is a bit like a pub crawl, they all look the same once you have had a pint or two and you waste good drinking time walking between them.


Lets see, NGRM has dozens of post per day on narrow gauge railways, RMWeb has single figures... So which has the most to offer to a narrow gauge enthusiasts, them or RMWeb... Well it's certainly not the one with single figures, is it?!  Also NGRM came from the Yahoo Group 009 Online, and has no connection with RMWeb at all, certainly not a "reject" from them, it's just that the Owner wanted Narrow Gauge Modelers to have a forum where they could talk and exchange views on NG which didn't get lost amongst the SG stuff and allowed a lot more "features" than the Yahoo group did...


RMWeb is a good forum, however like every forum it has it's got good points and bad points, like most people I use several forums and enjoy them all, I wouldn't say any were the best, just some suit my interests more than others... I don't see why people see the need to constantly have a dig at other forums... 


Velotrain, I'm glad to hear you have it sorted, the only thing that puzzles me is that myself and many others didn't have any problems, though many did, if it had been purely the server then it would have affected everyone... So perhaps there was something between the server and the software you and others are running that caused the conflict.

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... myself and many others didn't have any problems, though many did, if it had been purely the server then it would have affected everyone... So perhaps there was something between the server and the software you and others are running that caused the conflict.


I fall into the "didn't have any problems" category, and like others also use multiple forums. As this topic does not have anything directly to do with model or layout building, perhaps it is time to "lock" it to new posts Administrator?

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  • RMweb Gold

I think the simple reason is that as RMweb has got so big those interested only in NG find specialist fora like NGRM easier use without all the SG stuff they aren't bothered by. Yes they may miss out on a few excellent threads but the techniques soon spread and appear on both. A number of us post regularly on both, sharing interesting info. As usual one size doesn't fit all but fortunately we have choice.

Fortunately this thread seems to have highlighted the issue to Matt & Roger got the OP into NGRM so everyone's happy ;)

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Velotrain, I'm glad to hear you have it sorted, the only thing that puzzles me is that myself and many others didn't have any problems, though many did, if it had been purely the server then it would have affected everyone... So perhaps there was something between the server and the software you and others are running that caused the conflict.


You'd have to take that up with NGRM management, and/or their ISP.  Your saying "if it had been purely the server then it would have affected everyone" strikes me as being in the same black/white world of those claiming it must be my machine, since they could get in.  There are many varying components of a server and the coding behind it, so a statement like that is over-simplifying something that is extremely complex by nature.  If you had the slightest knowledge of the field, you wouldn't be saying this.  It is definitely not a globally acting, bimodal switch.


It may or may not have to do with me being on another continent.  I think it far more likely related to the error I got while trying to add a photo link to a post, and if you look at their site you'll see that there has apparently been a very long string of issues related to photos.

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  • 1 year later...

Well.  It now comes up as "Account Suspended" when I try to access NGRM Online.


I don't know if that means that it has ceased to exist,  or that it has chucked me off,  or that there's a temporary glitch about to be put right.


I hope the last of these three.




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Hello to all,


              I am having the same trouble as you lot regarding the NGRM; last time i had this sort of problem with a site, it was suspended due to not paying the provider?????, just wondering!!!!!!!!!!..



                                                       Best regards to all...................Tom......







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