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The Definitive Guide to painting and weathering brickwork in 2mm/N scale

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Hi all!


It has probably been mentioned loads of times on this thread but what is the best way to paint in order to achieve good looking brickwork in 2mm/N scale?


I've tried several techniques as I am currently using slaters plasticard embossed brick sheet but haven't yet achieved decent looking brickwork.

Also, any advice on weathering this would be great.


Best regards,



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  • 2 weeks later...

TBH mate its not easy. the embossing of the mortar lines in N for me is too wide and not deep enough to take paint properly. I consider myself pretty good at this stuff and yet the times I've had to bin it and start over is nuts! I have a similar issue with my cottage in fine stone at the mo. It really wont go right so its sat on the shelf at the mo til I manage to accidentally get it right! I've been using acrylics though which don't seem to be behaving as Id like. Thinned enamels are much more friendly I feel for washes.

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I simply paint brickwork with a mix of brown and orange. Once this is dry, I apply a wash of thinned, mortar-coloured paint to sink into the joints. Once this is dry, I then paint a thinned brown glaze over the top. This simulates weathering and also takes the chalky look off the surface of the bricks without spoiling the look of the mortar in the joints.


Not a very sophisticated technique but it looks OK from normal viewing distance.







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  • 1 year later...

Search YouTube, as there are a lot of excellent 'how to' videos on painting and realistic weathering techniques for buildings.


Many of the techniques use 'washes' which work particularly well. But, suggest you make your own Acrylic washes, by diluting with water, rather than the factory made Enamel type washes.


If you use Acrylic paint, as any mistakes are easily removed with hot water and a soft-bristle nail brush, allowing you to start-over from bare plastic.



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