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Six feet is probably the minimum. Remember that they need fire escapes and window air conditioning units.



Hi, yes looking at old photos they do indeed to have been built v close together, no wonder in places like Chicago when there was a fire it ended up being massive! Looking as well on the photos the roof is level with no parapet and yet there are easily accessible stairways to the roof -not sure what H and S would say about that today! Still any figures I have up there will be firmly superglued and in no danger of falling!

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Good trip to Derby but Contikits had been picked bare by the time I got to the stand, some heavy duty business being done there with other punters so smiles all round so no stock bought for the veg and fruit storage unit. Cleaning out a cupboard looking for something else and tucked away was this - might have to see if I can make it work somewhere


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Spent some time mocking up the factory building. Lots of centres the Monon went through had box / cabinet factories for domestic appliances such as Singer sowing machines, TV and hi if cabinets so moving towards this being a similar plant. Gives opportunity for a variety of goods in and of course finished cabinets out


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Basic shell of the factory including floor and roof sheets. I think it captures a typical light manufacturing units.


Needs the brick pillars, top strips to create the parapet and as well as ventilators will add a lift tower




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Added some columns and parapets plus fitted floor and roof sheets. Need to add coping stones on the parapet. Need to add signage on top of roof plus the lift box on top of the roof. Pleased with the overall effect- suggests light manufacturing


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Long wait finally over - the muppets are in Tuesday Wednesday to inspect at work and so spending a quiet hour this evening to chill out before inspection fever hits.

You missed some great photos!

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Inspectors been and gone but not allowed to say what we received as its against the law! But up on throwing cat out early morning so took advantage of the dawn light to add the coping stones and loading bays to the factory building


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Tracker shows controller has arrived in U.S. To be repaired and just alittle time before I fall asleep which is what usually happens at the end of an Ofsted inspection week. Looks like it needs a few more buildings before design is completely finalised




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Pleasant evening with a Bulmers and listening to "Steam" adding detail, floors and boxing in the backs of the two tennent blocks. Would be interesting to see if could create a feel as if the buildings were part of one of Hopper's paintings.



Edited by enginelane
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Anticipating eviction from all lower living room and kitchen surfaces - flat surfaces are of course for looking at- not for putting things on then using bits and bobs from wood store knocked up a simple work station that can be quickly moved around and of course limits amount of stuff I can have out at any one time


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Early cat duties means opportunity to add the roof canopies for the loading dock and why I made the work station seemingly oversize. Found the plastic formed versions will not handle larger buildings that I sometimes produce.


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… then using bits and bobs from wood store knocked up a simple work station that can be quickly moved around and of course limits amount of stuff I can have out at any one time


What a clever idea!


Β  Armin

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1 year on from starting this thread.Have I completed it in the year as I said I planned to do - no but learnt lots from the process and its developing every day so into Year 2, after all that stock built up over the years needs somewhere to run!

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Must be a Troutons layout work day as the sun has decided to come out after a Bank Holiday of cloud and cold! Early morning cat duty means windows fitted with no double glazing sales men involved. Battleship grey, ex WW 2 surplus, looks like it was not just the Monon who looked after the pennies or is it dimes?


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Time to do battle with tree stump in the garden but a just a quick posting of cabinet factory with awnings and concrete paint added to sills and loading dock. Structure on roof is supposed to be the lift building as plan to add some tanks to roof.


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Battle with tree stump won, removed and hole awaiting filling. However having relaxing cold drink of success marred as chair collapsed and ended up on floor with bruised pride and coccyx so moving a little gingerly at the moment so a stand up session in the garage calls this evening


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