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With Scarborough out the way and Filey approaching I have a to do list First thing on the list is the fiddle yard

As it's a transverser fiddle yard I tried to add too many tracks to too little board so to that effect I'll be changing that first

I'll start next weekend though very busy at the moment

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Ok so i didn't get anything done this weekend and won't be able to until June

but I did go to Doncaster toy fair today and got all my track ready for the fiddleyard

The one train related item today and that was it, probably the cheapest weekend ever :jester:

...I wish it was lol

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  • 2 months later...

Well two shows come and gone one more this year in November

Hopefully there will be more but I do find it hard on my own

I keep going to shows and giving a portfolio but haven't heard anything

nor have I heard from Chris about this photo shoot I'll email him again but If I don't hear anything soon I'll forget that dream

Least I'm going to warley in a few years time

Few things to do on the layout first the main straight entering the yard is in two pieces and lately there's been a few derails so I'll rip it up and place it with one peice of track, second the senery could do with a clean the trees collect a lot of dust can't figure how to clean them though

Third the track takes a real beating on single days exhibiting god knows for a full weekend so I must keep on top of cleaning so I'm going to start covering it up when not in use

Anyway I haven't written here for a while so I'll try and keep updated in the future


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Bit more work today the weathering affect has been applied and a few bits of overgrown grass in key places to hide mistakes :jester:

Now before the layout had a scenery overhaul there was a stop sign upon entering the yard so I will be placing one back at some point if I can find one spare

With any luck once it's all dried and wired up it will soon be running again

 Next weekend I'll see if I can bribe my brother to take some pictures of some stock running with a few videos

Until then a bit of Star Wars and F1 on the telly then tea





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  • 3 months later...

Entering the Yard will be at the Hull Model railway Exhibition on the 10th & 11th November 2018

This year it will be held at the Walton street Leisure Centre postcode HU3 6JB


There is limited parking at the venue but there is two car parks to fill just please be aware of permited parking times and any no parking zones around the area, parking is free though which is good


Times for the days are...

Saturday 10th November 10am till 5pm

Sunday 11th November 10am till 4:30pm

Admission prices are...

Adults £4.00 Children £1.00*

*children under 5 go free with paying adult

Light refreshments are available

plenty of layouts and traders


I hope to see you there

Also on Sunday there is a car boot on Walton Street public ground bit further down the road 8am till 2pm worth looking round

link below


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A busy weekend at the Hull Model Railway Exhibition but I thoroughly enjoyed it few stals and shorts but the layout ran overall really well, better than expected had to clean it a few times too


One of the traders Pete gave my a sheet to fill in for a possible show next year maybe two if I'm lucky who knows

Now it's time for a beer n a nice hot bath

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Entering the Yard to do list

. Lower the legs by 2 inches or less (Some of the kiddies couldn't see)

. Rebuild a new digger (Cause the other one blew)

. Add a new pin connection for vehicles (I have a few more for different places in mind for this one)

. Add weight to rolling stock as some of them wasn't decoupling at times

. New project Wickhams Trolly to add sound to (I remember Hornby magazine did an article on this so I'll try my hand at that)

. Clean clean clean (The track was filthy by the end of the weekend and I don't want to even look at all the loco wheels)

Plenty to keep myself busy over Christmas

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  • 4 months later...

Well it's been a while but to be honest not much had happened on the layout

I've been busy on my home layout really I must have shares in a well known DIY store lol

Anyway Tomorrow I'll pay a visit to Howden Model railway show at the weekend and see all tha layouts on show and try not to buy anything from the traders, details in picture provided
I will also pay a visit to Jason of Custom Layout Signs who provided me with my layout sign for Entering the Yard which is awesome
If you would like one he is on Facebook search for Custom Layout Signs and send him a message.
He has provided one of the very signs for a layout there too


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Sorry for not posting in a while progress has been pushing forward

I've started on redoing the vehicles on the layout with new connections and better wired so more reliable

pictures of the old van and new van side by side

plus old van is technically flying were as the new van is lower down





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Also few more pics here

I've had a class 08 redone with sound and lights as I didn't do it very well myself so I sent it to Richard of Roads & Rails

Here it is in the background of the new van with it's transfers applied

Both need weathering and renumbering now

Two more pictures of the underneath of the vans to show you the connections





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Another week another van

This is my 2nd attempt as the 1st was a failure

Some micro leds or smd as there called used at the rear of the flatbed took ages to stick

at some point these will have to be test fitted on the layout in there respected places but plenty more to do

The best thing about making these is I can mix and match them on the layout and make the scene look different with minimum effot other than the locos coming in to complete there




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  • 3 months later...

Entering the Yard will be attending the Caistorail Model Railway Show this weekend

I've added pictures of the details and a map location if you fancy to pop and have a look 

I'm doing this on my mobile so if your reading this post means it's worked (yeah) and I'll post again tomorrow 





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  • 3 weeks later...

I've decided this weekend to rip the track up as with Caistorail out the way the next show is March (I think) one thing I noticed was how bumpy it was and the eletromagnets was 100% working with the kadee couplings so with this all in mind I thought to do it in one go

I've also got a new back scene but I'll do that once it's all running as that comes off (as least it used to)



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  • 1 month later...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Entering the yard

Shows for next year are as follows


21st-22nd     March Howden MRS

16th-17th      May Immingham MRS

23rd-24th      May Bridlington MRS

1st August      Scarborough MRS


and finally still on for 2021 Warley MRE 27th 28th November

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  • 5 months later...

Wow I haven't posted here in a while

So 2020 with COVID-19 happened all the shows for the layout were cancelled, hope your all staying safe

I have been posting on my Facebook page since then and one project I've been working on is a DCC sound & smoke fitted Thomas the Tank Engine

Unfortunately I have just tried to write up on this on my laptop and it basically won't let me so I'm writing this on my mobile

I'll try again tomorrow

I can post one picture here which is good


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Thomas The Tank Engine

DCC Sound & Smoke Fitted

Part 1 disassemble and making it fit


I got the decoder, sugarcube speaker and the 22 smoke generator of Youchoos

The sounds is that of a Jinty after a bit of research that is closest to the type of engine that Thomas is

After taking him apart I decided I wanted to fit a crew in his cab so having the decoder in there wasn't an option

Looing closer there is plenty of room in his coal box so I drilled a hole were the firebox is so to feed the wires through (the crew can cover them away)


position of the sugarcube was next, just in front of the motor again with plenty of room and just far away from the smoke generator not to damage it

I drilled a 4.5mm hole... Nope tell a lie I drilled a 2.0mm hole first as a pilot hole then drilled the 4.5mm hole

The 22 smoke generator replaces the chimley and is glued with a 2 part apoxiy


The bodywork does come off in one go but looking closely I noticed the boiler and cab can come off seperate so to wire him together was going to be a little easier as once tested i can just pop it back on

the boiler does slot in behind the chimley but not too close to the generator to melt it

The bodywork is all held together with tabs so do becareful not to snap then prising apart


I will add more detail in part 2 of the write up and hopefullly the test video









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