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SCOTSWARD ROAD some images to be getting on with.


Anyway, I experimented with some basic mortar-washes and the results are below. As usual I'll stress these are mock-ups, not final placement, but they do give an idea of place.


Personally, I think the washes aren't too bad as they stand; at least they give a sense of distance. The original dark-red is too strong for my liking. What will have to be done is some brick detail followed by painted stone-work, modified windows, plus curtains, etc. Oh, yes, and backyards with coal-houses and privies will need adding. All in all, quite a lot of work for place-keepers!








There you go. Nothing to get excited over but might help pass the time till "The First Job" is completed


They look great! I wouldn't get over-concerned withr the brick detail - being at the back of the layout that's not so critical; from what little I know over this aspect of the hobby, the less detail the further back helps give the illusion of distance. Curtains and a bit of yard detail are probably more worthwhile.


Great so see some further pics in any case and looking forward to seeing 'the first job'! :)

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They look great! I wouldn't get over-concerned withr the brick detail - being at the back of the layout that's not so critical; from what little I know over this aspect of the hobby, the less detail the further back helps give the illusion of distance. Curtains and a bit of yard detail are probably more worthwhile.


Great so see some further pics in any case and looking forward to seeing 'the first job'! :)


Thanks for that. You're right, of course, but I think a very slight darkening is required. Given the terrible shallowness of the brick-mould, using fine wet 'n dry to take some of the wash off, slightly revealing some colour from underneath, isn't too demanding, so I'll probably do a bit of that while I see to the curtains and yards.



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You have probably got far more followers of this thread than what you think.  Many people will be lurking in the background without putting in any input.  Don't treat RMweb like Twatter or Farcebook, this is a completely different medium.  People come here, firstly for all things railway with a little banter and off topic conversations and its up to the owner to keep it ontrack so to speak. :angel:

What we need is more photos of all your railway Hal.  Give us an insight to how it came about, how you have done things such as baseboard construction, wiring, track laying etc., what you plan to do in the future.  Feed us more info about your railway Hal.

RMweb for most is about railway modelling, an enjoyable hobby, escapeism from the mundane day to day ritual of work, politics and the relentless pace of modern living.

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You have probably got far more followers of this thread than what you think.  Many people will be lurking in the background without putting in any input.  Don't treat RMweb like Twatter or Farcebook, this is a completely different medium.  People come here, firstly for all things railway with a little banter and off topic conversations and its up to the owner to keep it ontrack so to speak. :angel:

What we need is more photos of all your railway Hal.  Give us an insight to how it came about, how you have done things such as baseboard construction, wiring, track laying etc., what you plan to do in the future.  Feed us more info about your railway Hal.

RMweb for most is about railway modelling, an enjoyable hobby, escapeism from the mundane day to day ritual of work, politics and the relentless pace of modern living.


The post in question has been deleted. This might seem silly as Mick has quoted it in his reply, a response that is absolutely correct, for which I'm grateful. Everyones responses are linked to Micks and I'm grateful to them, too. Having just lost another follower I am paying the price for my idiocy. Fair enough. The post below is my original and unedited response to Mick. This brainstorm is going to haunt me for a long time.


Tony. 2,43am friday 30th January.



#ollocking accepted.


You're right in every way. If you like - and knowing how I've been recently - the above was a one-off hissy-fit of it's nature. The truth is, the person I'm most angry with is me, for selfishly mucking up things when it wasn't necessary. I put it down to the drugs - seriously. As I've said before, in the co-amoxiclav "side effects" it says, "may cause depression; as I've said before, it's like: a loved one has died, you've given up smoking, and you have the flue - it is absolutely horrible. I shouldn't post when I'm on it (as I am now) but if I did that I'd never write again.


The truth. I admire Mr Wright immensely. He deserves his place in the hobby for everything he has done to raise standards, particularly with manufacturers. One of my bedside books is his biographical picture book. It's very handy, as it covers so many places and things - top layouts and top modellers. I have many of his DVDs and Railway Modellers running back to the early seventies. (I was always an armchair modeller.


If I'm  honest, I just wanted to be treated as an equal. I spent my life fighting fires rather than making models and photographing them. But the artist in me is jealous of him. I know what I could have done - should have done - but I always put others first along with a secure income, (even the illustration-work was for money!), and the Fire Service was a bad choice that nearly cost me my life and certainly cost me my health. And do I feel good about that now? No.


So I come to the hobby as a beginner in my sixties, but I'm not a beginner in life. He ignored all my earlier posts - including ones I deleted - and would have ignored the picture. But, as you say, that is how things work. You just get on, show your work regularly, and become known - if you are worth becoming known.


I'm inclined to delete this post in total. I know I sound dreadful. I certainly feel dreadful - physically and emotionally.But I'm not totally stupid. When I contacted Andy to resign over Christmas it was partly because I'm aware I might not be fit to post on any forum. The jury's still out on that, seriously.


IF I leave this post up - please don't relate to it, anyone else! - it'll be as a reminder. I can feel your patience running out, Mick. And I respect you for it. I'd be the same.


The frustration is, I have very little time and even the simplest of tasks is a fight. 


Nobody wants to see my baseboards and wiring! I've planned to work periodically, pretty much absenting myself from the forum till some work is done - that might be a very good idea from every aspect.


Oh, yes. And I've long been thinking of apologising. But I honestly can't think how to do it, 'cos I still think I was morally correct.


Thanks for your time, Mick.


I've got my domestic moan out of the way, now my insecurity moan is done. So... escapism, like all the sensible people. 



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As Mick says don’t get hung up on followers my thread only has 4, yours 24, mine has 55 replies yours 205, mine 2059 views, yours 4395..... so you’re the man your more popular. :good:


As Mick also says people don’t press the "follow button" I hadn't but I stopped by occasionally when I saw a post to see if there was any update.

I tend to brows by just clicking the View New Content button and picking out what looks interesting so probably miss some good stuff but there probably isn't enough time in the day or night to read every topic...


Just try and focus on the positives there must be an area of your layout that your happy with show us some photos???


Or perhaps an area you think what could I do there and take a photo and ask a question. I did it with my Bankside layout I had an area to fill asked a question which sowed a seed in my "minds eye" and up popped an Allotment.



You could also use the Forum for you and Mrs Hal to escape the realities of the real world for a few minutes.. for example here's some questions for you both to discuss to take your mind off your problems. I'd like to hear your stories.


So for you and Mrs Hal....

Question 1... What were your earliest Memories of travel by Rail?

Question 2.... What was your favourite Station and why?

Question 3.... What's your favourite Cake? (RMweb not just trains we like Cake as well :declare: )


And for you (unless Mrs Hal is interested as well)

Question 1 .... Favourite location for watching trains.

Question 2...... Passenger trains or Freight which do you prefer and why??

Question 3..... Favourite Preserved locomotive and why?


As I say It's more to focus the mind on something else, I hope you see this as me trying to help and not patronising. I'm on Sertraline for my "issues" and find the Hobby and RMweb focuses me on other things.


I do think you have a lot to offer the Forum, your hands may not be up to the modelling or typing but your mind holds plenty of ideas and memories so if we can un tap those we gain. :friends:  So let the words and ideas flow....




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TESTING. The file was 1.01 mb - too big to load. A tiny percentage of flexibility, surely!




The above is the Flickr medium, which is far too small. So, I'm going to do as I promised Mick and take on the new app. I know it shouldn't take an ordinary person very long but I am as PC savvy as a piece of wood, which means I'll have to draw in a deep breath and find some uninterrupted time, the word in bold being the  :scratchhead: qualifier. ;)


The image in question is one of my numerous mock-ups; using half finished bits 'n pieces to plan what's what and where's where. As it happens I now know what is going in the "Bridge End" section, but I'll post some different things as a matter of interest.




EDIT Thinking about it, these mock-ups do not necessarily justify a large image. They are all hand-held and done on the quick, so I might proceed with them as a short term issue - until I get my head round the new app. Mick - 'bless him - has outlined it in words a kindergarten infant could understand, sooooo...


EDIT The grass is Gaugemaster meadow-grass that has been worked on to make it older long grass, more of which anon.

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TESTING. The file was 1.01 mb - too big to load. A tiny percentage of flexibility, surely!


If you are after 'urban grunge' that foreground mock-up has it in spades.


I had to hurry across to collect a couple of grandchildren from their primary school alongside the Ouseburn viaducts early yesterday morning after an SOS from their working mum that it had closed due to a massive gas leak.

There is a scrappy just alongside the ECML between the road and rail viaducts east abutments just like yours.


Co-incidentally grand-daughter reminisced on the way along the Scotsward Road to our place about the time they were in their school playground when Byker scrapyard 'blew up' and they enjoyed ringing the fire brigade.

Happy Days!



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If you are after 'urban grunge' that foreground mock-up has it in spades.


I had to hurry across to collect a couple of grandchildren from their primary school alongside the Ouseburn viaducts early yesterday morning after an SOS from their working mum that it had closed due to a massive gas leak.

There is a scrappy just alongside the ECML between the road and rail viaducts east abutments just like yours.


Co-incidentally grand-daughter reminisced on the way along the Scotsward Road to our place about the time they were in their school playground when Byker scrapyard 'blew up' and they enjoyed ringing the fire brigade.

Happy Days!




Did wonder, when you were going to chime in,  you and Hal, don't live too far apart, from each other, even accepting local buses,may be on the same stretch of road....... :O

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TESTING. The file was 1.01 mb - too big to load. A tiny percentage of flexibility, surely!




The above is the Flickr medium, which is far too small. So, I'm going to do as I promised Mick and take on the new app. I know it shouldn't take an ordinary person very long but I am as PC savvy as a piece of wood, which means I'll have to draw in a deep breath and find some uninterrupted time, the word in bold being the  :scratchhead: qualifier. ;)


The image in question is one of my numerous mock-ups; using half finished bits 'n pieces to plan what's what and where's where. As it happens I now know what is going in the "Bridge End" section, but I'll post some different things as a matter of interest.




EDIT Thinking about it, these mock-ups do not necessarily justify a large image. They are all hand-held and done on the quick, so I might proceed with them as a short term issue - until I get my head round the new app. Mick - 'bless him - has outlined it in words a kindergarten infant could understand, sooooo...


EDIT The grass is Gaugemaster meadow-grass that has been worked on to make it older long grass, more of which anon.


Great start Tony, I'm sure you will master the photo resizing with the little program I sent you instructions for. :boast:

I like the scrap yard scene.  I have always been intrigued why there are so many scrap yards adjacent to the real railway.

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Right. I made a lengthy reply to runs-as-required, it disappeared. I remained cool and found it in *edit* where it says it IS posted, but it isn't. :(


Night-shift over. Time for a nap.

Did wonder, when you were going to chime in,  you and Hal, don't live too far apart, from each other, even accepting local buses,may be on the same stretch of road....... :O


We've talked. :D


EDIT: The supposed post that only existed in *edit* has gone from there too. Eastwood Town did show me how to rescue stuff, but -  me being thick as a plank...

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.As Mick says don’t get hung up on followers my thread only has 4, yours 24, mine has 55 replies yours 205, mine 2059 views, yours 4395..... so you’re the man your more popular. :good:





5 now :declare:

I'll have a read tomorrow, oh it is tomorrow, later today then :scratchhead:


I already thought I followed you, Steve! Thought you'd been a bit quiet. :blush: It's 6 now - and worthy of far, far more!



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If you are after 'urban grunge' that foreground mock-up has it in spades.


I had to hurry across to collect a couple of grandchildren from their primary school alongside the Ouseburn viaducts early yesterday morning after an SOS from their working mum that it had closed due to a massive gas leak.

There is a scrappy just alongside the ECML between the road and rail viaducts east abutments just like yours.


Co-incidentally grand-daughter reminisced on the way along the Scotsward Road to our place about the time they were in their school playground when Byker scrapyard 'blew up' and they enjoyed ringing the fire brigade.

Happy Days!




More later dh. It's been one hell of a night and I'm knackered beyond belief! 



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Did wonder, when you were going to chime in,  you and Hal, don't live too far apart, from each other, even accepting local buses,may be on the same stretch of road....... :O


It's slightly more complicated than that. Anyway, we've talked via PMs. Unfortunately I had to tell him that even simple social engagement is impossible just now. I have to make an appointment with myself to go to the loo! :jester:

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It's slightly more complicated than that. Anyway, we've talked via PMs. Unfortunately I had to tell him that even simple social engagement is impossible just now. I have to make an appointment with myself to go to the loo! :jester:


Afternoon Tea dances, @ Rendezvous cafe, Whitley Bay sea front,are quite good I hear,  but enough, get back on topic.


More pics please,the debate same.

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Still haven't made it to bed, and - as sods law has it - the following rubbish picture is within the RMweb law. 


I'll show it cos it displays the Gaugemaster foam underlay at its worst - with chunks out, etc. However, there is a short stretch at the front that is painted. The GM underlay is virtually indestructable - other than mechanically - and can be painted by any method. Regarding the gaps between the tracks I've been using foam strip fixed with Copydex and ballasted with Copydex. It works as I'll show in good time.


Four-track main in a large oval, plus all the points and sidings, comes to a considerable amount. The beauty of the GM method is the entire layout can be lifted and re-used - points included - in a couple of hours, saving a fortune if you need to move house. I've not seen another large layout that uses this in its entirety. There's an article in there, somewhere... (In my dreams!)


The A1, Great Eastern, has been mildly weathered - although you wouldn't think so by the sheen! What does show badly is the glaze I used to kill the overly strong lining that Bachmann have chosen to inflict upon us. Normally you can't see it, but - as it is matt -  in this strong sunlight it shows up as a horrible wiggle on the tender! (NB rectify)




Well, you did say you wanted pics... I've loads of bad ones! :jester:


Hal (or the other guy)


EDIT For what it's worth, the picture was taken with the zoom lense of my cheap camera-thingy, from a distance of around ten feet. (Liar! I've just checked the clicking point, it's only about five feet) I keep doing these silly zoom ins, rather than set the tripod up and do it properly. Shows I'm no photographer.


EDIT Interesting. From my ignorant view point the depth-of-field doesn't seem too bad. Must have been all that lovely light.


L8r. Nah, studying the large image it's all soft and out of focus. Never mind.


EDIT Just noticed, the brake van is an old Mainline one I use at a push. :)

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TESTING. The file was 1.01 mb - too big to load. A tiny percentage of flexibility, surely!




The above is the Flickr medium, which is far too small. So, I'm going to do as I promised Mick and take on the new app. I know it shouldn't take an ordinary person very long but I am as PC savvy as a piece of wood, which means I'll have to draw in a deep breath and find some uninterrupted time, the word in bold being the  :scratchhead: qualifier. ;)


The image in question is one of my numerous mock-ups; using half finished bits 'n pieces to plan what's what and where's where. As it happens I now know what is going in the "Bridge End" section, but I'll post some different things as a matter of interest.




EDIT Thinking about it, these mock-ups do not necessarily justify a large image. They are all hand-held and done on the quick, so I might proceed with them as a short term issue - until I get my head round the new app. Mick - 'bless him - has outlined it in words a kindergarten infant could understand, sooooo...


EDIT The grass is Gaugemaster meadow-grass that has been worked on to make it older long grass, more of which anon.

I like the car wrecks I saw one not too long ago on someone else layout and it was the first time, so to me it is still quite innovative and unusual.

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SCOTSWARD ROAD some images to be getting on with.



But first, I made the sort of error my default-idiocy is always responsible for, in #166 quote: -But this conversation should end, now. end quote. First off, who am I to dictate what my wonder-filled people post??? Secondly, it's as though "my stuff" was suddenly ended and all was now OK, Of course it isn't, nor will be this side of the grave. My smiley-mask is bound to slip off from time to time, but now I'm very fortunate in having the occasional outlet.



Back to the pictures.


Over the years I've picked up the odd Skaledale Terrace building, thinking they'd be useful place-keepers, giving me a sense of space, etc. I also thought that a touch of paint might easily make them more acceptable to my eye. What I didn't take into account was the very shallow depth of the brick-moulding; just enough to allow for the simple mortar-wash that is factory applied, but very difficult indeed for detailed painting.



Anyway, I experimented with some basic mortar-washes and the results are below. As usual I'll stress these are mock-ups, not final placement, but they do give an idea of place.



Personally, I think the washes aren't too bad as they stand; at least they give a sense of distance. The original dark-red is too strong for my liking. What will have to be done is some brick detail followed by painted stone-work, modified windows, plus curtains, etc. Oh, yes, and backyards with coal-houses and privies will need adding. All in all, quite a lot of work for place-keepers!











There you go. Nothing to get excited over but might help pass the time till "The First Job" is completed




EDIT:  The images were a teeny bit over 1mb so it wouldn't take them! The options it took are too small. But Mick has given me viable option for the future, so...


EDIT: Nothing like a picture to remind you of your faults. Forgetting the terraces, the corner wall needs painting (nicotine yellow behind some twenty-year-old bookcases) and that nasty strip of Gaugemaster photographic industrial backscene (blue?) needs ripping down.


EDIT: Oh, yes, and I hate taking photographs under the layout's fluorescents! They end up flat as a frat! (typo) But the available light is poor, so... ???


They look much better than my Hornby terraces which are still VERY red. Although the plan was to keep them red, as it matches a station.......things are fluid and may change. BUT I like the colour you used, and someone already mentioned there blend better into the back ground giving distance when they are not catching your eye with lots of interesting detail.

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Afternoon Tea dances, @ Rendezvous cafe, Whitley Bay sea front,are quite good I hear,  but enough, get back on topic.


More pics please,the debate same.


You charmer! :blush:


OK. Next time you're up. But I take the lead with the dancing. You'll have to be my bit 'o fluff. :D

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Afternoon Tea dances, @ Rendezvous cafe, Whitley Bay sea front,are quite good I hear,  but enough, get back on topic

Yeah Right! ...Not forgetting the follow-up at the Italian ice cream shop on Seaton Delaval roundabout to watch the evening passeo.


Rendezvous cafe was a favourite too with the late Norman Wisdom - he once assisted my daughter after her baby had tipped her mug of Horlicks into her handbag.





I'd actually suggested eyeballing Hal/Tony at Neil's 'Rolling Stock' Gentlemens' Club.

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"Seriously though" (heralding a return to ON T)


Between you and me I've been noticing how dt is backsliding away from the noble art of MOCK UP.

Nowadays he akcherly pays out serious money to get highly accurate amazing models made


to replace thoroughly risible passable photo-image mock-ups. :nono:

Thanks to Freebs, folks around Blaydon have lost hundreds of hours of image manipulation business.


Nobody is ever going to see the real Dover Priory layout, cos it won't get out through garage doors past the leckky meter. :no:  What we all enjoy is the banter :jester: around the mock-ups. :yes:


The Medium is the Message said Marshall McCluhan; and this Medium is the RMweb 1MB max image..


What I'm requesting from you Hal/Tony is more Cuneo atmospherics in your continuing posting of Mock Ups.



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"Seriously though" (heralding a return to ON T)


Between you and me I've been noticing how dt is backsliding away from the noble art of MOCK UP.

Nowadays he akcherly pays out serious money to get highly accurate amazing models made


to replace thoroughly risible passable photo-image mock-ups. :nono:

Thanks to Freebs, folks around Blaydon have lost hundreds of hours of image manipulation business.


Nobody is ever going to see the real Dover Priory layout, cos it won't get out through garage doors past the leckky meter. :no:  What we all enjoy is the banter :jester: around the mock-ups. :yes:


The Medium is the Message said Marshall McCluhan; and this Medium is the RMweb 1MB max image..


What I'm requesting from you Hal/Tony is more Cuneo atmospherics in your continuing posting of Mock Ups.





Message...........I only do Seances by request.......in a Sedan Chair. bring your own, Frilly Lampshade 

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