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Kirkby Luneside


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  • RMweb Premium

Never underestimate the Bodge!


I think he was lulling me into a false sense of security to see what I'd say about him when his back was turned!


Anyway, no green stuff in the near future. I suspect there'll be a one week blitz sometime later this year when vegetation will grow like it's never grown before!


In the meantime, back to plaster and plastic....



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  • RMweb Premium

YOU MISSED the previous page post's.


Hee hee.... no, I certainly saw them. Wish I could oblige with the green stuff, but the Fell needs quite a bit of stone walling first. I like the walls, but building them....



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  • RMweb Premium

I'm working on the platform tops at the moment. Scribing edging stones onto 40 thou plastikard. The slabs were typically 2' x 2' at Kirkby Stephen.


Difficult to show in a photo, but here's a couple of pics that give an indication of what's going on:






The plastikard will be sprayed with grey primer. The main part will then be painted in variable tones of grey. The edging stones will be a lighter grey, with a white edging.


It's taken 90 minutes to do 60cm of platform, so this is a longish job.



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I'm working on the platform tops at the moment. Scribing edging stones onto 40 thou plastikard. The slabs were typically 2' x 2' at Kirkby Stephen.


Difficult to show in a photo, but here's a couple of pics that give an indication of what's going on:






The plastikard will be sprayed with grey primer. The main part will then be painted in variable tones of grey. The edging stones will be a lighter grey, with a white edging.


It's taken 90 minutes to do 60cm of platform, so this is a longish job.



Hi Jeff,


Don't want to spoil the party but are you sure the platform edging flags were 2' x 2' ? I would doubt that very much to be honest, far too small for a station platform especially as about 6" or 9" overhung the edge. usually they would all be the same depth say 3 or 4 feet and 5 to 6 feet wide and 4 to 6" thick, but irregular width was also common. Try and check it on old photos before you go too far. Sorry to be a pain!


Edit: Typo

Edited by mike61680
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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Jeff,


Don't want to spoil the party but are you sure the platform edging flags were 2' x 2' ? I would doubt that very much to be honest, far too small for a station platform especially as about 6" or 9" overhung the edge. usually they would all be the same depth say 3 or 4 feet and 5 to 6 feet wide and 4 to 6" thick, but irregular width was also common. Try and check it on old photos before you go too far. Sorry to be a pain!


Edit: Typo


Thanks Mike. I based my size estimate on a number of photos, including this one from 1967:




I assumed that platform 2 was a standard(ish) 12' wide. The edging blocks represent about 1/6 of the platform width in this photo, or 2'.


Thanks, as usual - though having done the tedious chore of scribing for 4 hours I doubt I'll change it!!



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  • RMweb Premium

Here's another 1960s shot, this time of Kirkby Stephen platform 1. 




The slabs here approximate to 2/3 rail width, and 1/4 platform width. So platform 1 seems to have 3' x 3' edgings, and they do look bigger than those for platform 2.


It was platform 2 I was working on today. Platform 1's will be suitably larger. 


I do refer to base material, but if I'm honest I'd have assumed both platforms were the same and used 2' in tomorrow's work. 


Thanks for making me check.





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Nice photos Jeff, I think the flags are 3'x3' or at least 3'x'2'6" with the 3' being the depth. The railway never used common 2'x2' flags back in those days, remember the old addage "The lightest thing on the railway is the wage packet" I know that for a fact! I understand your decision in continuing, sorry to be a pain. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Nice photos Jeff, I think the flags are 3'x3' or at least 3'x'2'6" with the 3' being the depth. The railway never used common 2'x2' flags back in those days, remember the old addage "The lightest thing on the railway is the wage packet" I know that for a fact! I understand your decision in continuing, sorry to be a pain.


Mike, I can't see that you're a "pain" in any way at all. You're just trying to be helpful and make sure I get it right! Which is fantastic and really appreciated.


I'm going to stick with what I've done on platform 2 as it does look like the photos. However, the larger slabs are a must for platform 1.


I NEED really knowledgeable, skilled modellers like you to help me "raise my game". Keep up the good work!


And BTW, if you think you're a pain, what does that make Jason? Hee hee!!


So - please keep an eye on my sometimes erroneous efforts!



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  • RMweb Premium

Update: No modelling done yesterday as I spent the day analysing over 40Gb of video data related to lunar imaging.


I've done about half of the base work on platform 1. It's cut to shape and the edging is scribed with 3' x 3' slabs, as per the photos. A bit tedious, but it's progress.



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  • RMweb Premium

First post for a few days. I've been too busy with astro-imaging and processing to do anything railway-related, until this morning.


A bit more platform work. I'll not post anything on here until the platform tops are painted and fitted. The whole thing is a trivial task, needing just a few hours, so you'll see an approximation to the "final" result.



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Here's a few pics from 30 minutes ago.


I re-did the road after thinking about what Mike had said re. plaster. It's what I usually use, but this time just stuck some plastikard down. As I'd forgotten the camber I wasn't happy with it, so - apart from the bit directly under the bridge - I ripped it out and re-did it:






I'm presently painting the platforms. Just one image here - platform 1 receiving its white edge coating.




Once the platforms are painted I'm going to have a change of scene and build one of the control panels - probably the one for switching turnouts in the scenic area (as opposed to the fiddle yard).





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  • RMweb Premium

Looking through this thread I almost feel guilty - thanks for doing a lot of my research for me!


Reorte - Simon (sorry if I'm wrong) - you are welcome to any information here, if it helps.


If I had another 10' in the garage I'd probably have done a straight copy of Kirkby Stephen, but I've been lucky to use it as a template and add my own freelance bits. However, the archive information is genuine.


For that, I mainly have Ian Macdonald from Huddersfield MRC to thank, and his help is greatly appreciated. He's one of the guys behind the Kirkby Stephen West layout.


Best of luck with your EM project!



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  • RMweb Premium

Platform edgings painted and masking tape removed:




Change of tack. Scenic-area control panel construction commenced. 


6mm ply, drilled out to accommodate power rails, DPDT switches and red/green LEDs:






I've so far soldered up 5 of the 15 switches. The rest will be done tomorrow.





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  • RMweb Premium

Looking very good Jeff. Very neat, as is to be expected.


I'm back in the world of education tommorrow, as I start a new job working with students excluded from other schools.


Should be interesting; who wants a quiet life?


I wish you the best of luck in your "educational adventure", Peter. 30 years in the business was quite enough for me!


I'll be inhaling solder fumes and thinking of you enjoying yourself in your new pastime! Keep us posted.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jeff, is it just me but are these platform edging lines a bit on the wide side? They seem to cover most of the edging slabs. Have a look at the photo in #2560, they look about 3" wide.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jeff, is it just me but are these platform edging lines a bit on the wide side? They seem to cover most of the edging slabs. Have a look at the photo in #2560, they look about 3" wide.


Agree.  I never measured any but I reckon about 4 - 6 inches at the very most and usually as the lower end of that scale especially when using a brush with an 'L' shaped head (part of the L went against the edge of the slab and the other part on the top of it which basically kept the line of whitewash level with the edge of the platform).


So in reality no more than 2mm wide although it would possibly make sense to go a little wider to make it a little more obvious.

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  • RMweb Premium

I've spent the last couple of days working on the scenic area control panel. This is now completely wired and will be fixed in place later this evening. I've attached a pic of the wiring - multi-coloured, but there is order in there! 12 soldered joints per switch. I do love DPDT switches!!




I've also modified the width of the platform edging to something around a scale 6-9". painting an edge that's less than 2mm wide looks silly, so I've widened it a bit. If anyone complains, well, the paint boy got hold of the wrong whitewash brush and had completed the job before the stationmaster spotted what he's done....





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Hi Jeff, is it just me but are these platform edging lines a bit on the wide side? They seem to cover most of the edging slabs. Have a look at the photo in #2560, they look about 3" wide.

Hi Jeff,


Just spotted your reply before posting this image of Dent platform edging. I done these exactly the same way as the real thing by cutting part of a cheap artists brush down on one side and running it along both the top and the edge, its about 2.5mm wide.


Its all looking good but I've been so tied up recently I'm playing catch-up!


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