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Please tell me this happens in other counties


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Know the area well since I worked next door for 9 years !! 


In fairness, Sleaford - or rather the North Kesteven District Council based there - do a wonderful range of public services (no pun intended) including daily street cleaning with giant hand-propelled vacuum cleaners so it was probably in the way.


Go on - roll on with the humour !!

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It does. Funerals, weddings, meals on wheels, pastoral visits to the newly bereaved. Most of the firms involved now have a letter from the local authority to show to the attempting enforcer. Clergy can usually persuade the enforcer on the spot if they are aware of what's going on*.


Also we are fighting back. Friends in a restricted parking zone finally got a persistently incorrectly placed car towed. It belonged to an enforcement officer.


* And of course there was the clergyman who got a parking ticket. Despite pleading with the warden, all he got was 'the paperwork's done, you must appeal to the local authority'.


A month later, and the clergyman takes the burial service for this very warden. Later that day as he walks across the churchyard for evensong and is passing the still open grave, he hears a muffled thumping. Realising its source he enquires what is required. 'Help me' says the boxed warden.'i'd love to' says the clergyman, 'but I am sure a man of your former occupation understands that with the paperwork now complete, the only recourse now available is an appeal to a higher authority'.

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Two tears ago when I was a multi drop driver working in the center of London I was looking for an address just at the back of Haymarket street near Piccadilly and after going round the block three times and having no luck on a one way back street that was two lanes wide I saw a traffic warden so I pulled up to the side of the road and winding down the window asked the warden if  he knew the address, as I said it was a two lane wide one way back street so I was not blocking the road in any way and about 100 yards up the road were some short term loading spaces one of which was empty. The traffic warden saw me call to him and said "Hang on a second mate" then to my utter disbelief wrote me out a parking ticket. Despite my protests that he had just seen me pull up and heard me ask him for directions he wouldn't stop writing the ticket.

   The crux of this event is after a strong worded letter to Westminster council who covered this area the ticket was withdrawn and the warden reprimanded as wardens are instructed  that if the driver is in the vehicle to move them on and only issue a ticket if the vehicle is unattended Lucky for me the whole scene was captured on cctv which backed up my side of events but one wonders how much the whole affair cost in the end.


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I'm sorry but I do not see the problem. They parked on a yellow line and I don't see why they (or anyone) should be exempt. The problem may be that the yellow line is there in the first place but presumably the line was down before the driver decided to break the law by parking over it.


The council have been more than considerate in rescinding the fine - the vast majority of parking restrictions are there for a very good reason (not to allow road sweeping) but to allow emergency vehicles to attend emergencies without obstruction or delay due to fools parking in the way.


The driver could have easily let his passengers out then moved to park elsewhere. Pure selfishness on the part of the driver - I think the fine should have been enforced.

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I think the real problem is the demonstration that in some quarters - or with some individuals - the ability to use any form of judgement or discretion has now been completely lost..... A funeral, I think, is seen as the final (inescapable) event that all give due reverence in whatever way - completely understandably.


I also think that Funeral Directors would not park so as to cause a potentially dangerous obstruction - they are professionals at what they do.

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I'm sorry but I do not see the problem. They parked on a yellow line and I don't see why they (or anyone) should be exempt. The problem may be that the yellow line is there in the first place but presumably the line was down before the driver decided to break the law by parking over it.

The council have been more than considerate in rescinding the fine - the vast majority of parking restrictions are there for a very good reason (not to allow road sweeping) but to allow emergency vehicles to attend emergencies without obstruction or delay due to fools parking in the way.

The driver could have easily let his passengers out then moved to park elsewhere. Pure selfishness on the part of the driver - I think the fine should have been enforced.

It is not a perfect World, the emotional upset of losing someone is devestating and on the day of a funeral parking is somewhat trivial however suely the liability is with the undertaker if it was their car of course? The big issue is that we have almost totally erased compassion and common sense in the UK and the jobsworth is far from dead!

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I'm sorry but I do not see the problem.


...blah, blah blah...


- I think the fine should have been enforced.

What sort of unfeeling oaf would think it appropriate to intrude on grief and loss to issue a parking ticket?


From the BBC article


"...issued a ticket to a funeral car during a service at a church in Lincolnshire"


"...the black limousine was on a single yellow line outside the Roman Catholic Church"


"The driver was unable to come back and move it as he was acting as a pallbearer during the service"



I'm shaking my head in disbelief that someone, anyone thinks this is right. Oh and someone has agreed.


Did either of you read the article?



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Did either of you read the article?


I certainly did. I'm afraid I don't have the same attitude to death as it seems so many of you do. I have probably seen more dead bodies than most of you - though I'm not alone. Most of my relatives are dead and those that remain are pretty close. Death and grief have never been a consequence of each other. I was brought up to celebrate life and not get too emotional about the inevitable that happens to us all. If I am to grieve anything it is the process of dying and how badly handled that so often is. I do not grieve death. I celebrate the living.


No funeral for me. Just a quick burn of the remnants (donor card for anything useful) then one big party.


I have never understood why people get so worked up about it, but then that's just me.

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What sort of unfeeling oaf would think it appropriate to intrude on grief and loss to issue a parking ticket?



Probably the same kind of oaf that would complain bitterly if, at the funeral of a close relative, the hearse drove up to the church, the funeral directors' staff opened the back and pushed the coffin out onto the pavement, then got back in the hearse and drove off, because there was a yellow line outside the church.


"Sorry Gov, not allowed to stop there; the rest is up to you"

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 I certainly did. I'm afraid I don't have the same attitude to death as it seems so many of you do. I have probably seen more dead bodies than most of you - though I'm not alone. Most of my relatives are dead and those that remain are pretty close. Death and grief have never been a consequence of each other. I was brought up to celebrate life and not get too emotional about the inevitable that happens to us all. If I am to grieve anything it is the process of dying and how badly handled that so often is. I do not grieve death. I celebrate the living.



Except for "the living" that park on single yellow lines, it would seem.

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Whoever would have thought that a hearse might park outside a church building for unloading and need to wait during the service?


The oafishness of the oaf what issued the ticket is matched by the oaf what authorised the parking restriction and had the yellow lines painted in the first place, without considering exemptions for such vehicles.


A complete pain in the hearse.

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  • RMweb Premium

At a local shopping centre car park, a parking ticket was issued to a car, where it transpired the driver had been dead, in the drivers seat for 3 days!


As you can imagine, the council withdrew that one, quick smart! One would hope too, to advise its staff to look inside the car first!

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  • RMweb Premium

In answer to the original question ,"Does this happen in other countries?" then I'm sure the answer is a resounding YES


Why is it the British think they have an exclusivity on "jobsworths" as some people put it?


Pick up any local news service in its home country and written in its own language and I'm, sure tales of over zelious officials won't be hard to find - be it France, Poland, Israel, etc. Just because they aren't mentioned on the BBC, Sky, or printed in the Sun, Daily Wail, etc doesn't mean they don't exist in much the same numbers.


At the end of the day, no nation has an exclusivity on stupidity, its about time the introverted British press realised that.

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  • RMweb Premium

In answer to the original question ,"Does this happen in other countries?" then I'm sure the answer is a resounding YES


Why is it the British think they have an exclusivity on "jobsworths" as some people put it?


Pick up any local news service in its home country and written in its own language and I'm, sure tales of over zelious officials won't be hard to find - be it France, Poland, Israel, etc. Just because they aren't mentioned on the BBC, Sky, or printed in the Sun, Daily Wail, etc doesn't mean they don't exist in much the same numbers.


At the end of the day, no nation has an exclusivity on stupidity, its about time the introverted British press realised that.

Actually the question related to other COUNTIES, not countries, but yes, you're absolutely right. Of course the question will always be, was it deliberate or ignorance?


In my example above, I suspect the person who wrote that ticket was horrified at what they'd done!

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  • RMweb Premium

Actually the question related to other COUNTIES, not countries, but yes, you're absolutely right. Of course the question will always be, was it deliberate or ignorance?


In my example above, I suspect the person who wrote that ticket was horrified at what they'd done!



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At a local shopping centre car park, a parking ticket was issued to a car, where it transpired the driver had been dead, in the drivers seat for 3 days!


As you can imagine, the council withdrew that one, quick smart! One would hope too, to advise its staff to look inside the car first!


In the Australian sun :O.


I wouldn't want to be the bod who opened the door.

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having read the BBC article as linked in the OP, I too know of that road, and it is a narrow road, with a school at the end, and a store delivery bay on one side.

However, I will say that a vehicle parked on one side of the road - such as a funeral car outside a church - would not be an obstruction to the traffic, hence the single yellow line and associated parking restrictions.


As an aside, it was fun getting a 7.5 tonne truck down to the school, past the 26 tonne truck at the store delivery point, whilst the store home delivery vas were being loaded.


and I have found most parking wardens to be fair with delivery drivers.

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