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Modified RTR - Caprotti BR Standard 5 73129

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My entry for the challenge will be a model of BR standard 5 73129 fitted with Caprotti valve gear, I've not started yet and won't until the summer holidays when I get back from uni.




Why 73129 ? Well I saw it many times while it was at the SVR last summer (and managed to cab it too)and was very impressed with it, the noise it made blasting out of Highley was something special ! I decided I wanted a model of a Caprotti 5 so was on the look out for a cheap donor Bachmann standard 5 but it wasn't until the NEC toy fair in December I picked an unboxed 73158 up for just £37 ! However with uni work to be getting on with I haven't made a start but this challenge has given me the nudge I need and I've now ordered some white metal Caprotti gear from golden arrow models.




The plan is to dismantle most of the old valve gear and remove the cylinders and unless I can find suitable replacements I'll have to start playing with plasticard and filler. I've looked at replacing the cylinders with the ones from Hornby's Duke, but the Duke has a cover over the top part of the cylinders which the std 5s didn't have.


Then I'll have to make some mods to the body as the steam pipes are further forward and both mechanical lubricators are on the firmens side, driven off the rear wheel as opposed to one each side on walschaerts engines.


Finally, fit the new valve gear, give the paint work a touch up and renumber, simples !


Thanks for looking, Sam


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You might want to think about adapting the plastic cylinders and Caprotti gear from the Hornby Duke of Gloucester, which is available as spares.


Thanks Horsetan, I will have to have a more detailed look at how the model goes together and how viable the options look, I have no idea at the moment. I did pick up the whitemetal gear for £6 rather than the £18 charged for the Hornby gear by Peters spares !



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  • 2 months later...

It's been a while since I updated this, but I have finally put knife to plastic recently. First to come off was the mechanical lubricators and then the holes left on each side were filled.




Then I got brave and attacked the smoke box with some side cutters to get rid of the steam pipes.


Now you see me....




now you don't !



Then I got brave and ruined the walschaerts valve gear and chopped off the top of the cylinders !






And last but not least I couldn't resist doing the cab side numbers !






That's all for now, hopefully I'll get most of this done before I head back to uni in 3 weeks.





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  • 1 month later...

I've just finished my first week back at uni now, I didn't get much further with 73129 because I shifted my attention to the layout instead. However my house mate bought a 3D printer over the summer and has let me have a play with it. depending on the quality I might 3D print the top part of the cylinders rather than slave away for hours with the plasticard. I'll post screenshots of the solidworks 3D model as I create it.

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Unfortunately while my friend was playing with the 3D printer he managed to break it ! Hopefully it should be fixed soon otherwise I might try Shapeways for a quote.  On Sunday I spent a pleasant evening on Solidworks creating the model, here are a few WIP screenshots of the cambox from Solidworks.


The basic shape





starting to come together....





more shaping aound the top





and finally detail on the front.




I might leave the model as it stands in the fourth screenshot until I can see what this 3D printer is capable of, the part is only 10mmx5mmx5mm !


Edit 29/02/16 If anyone wants a pair of 3D printed camboxes I have made them available on shapeways here : https://www.shapeways.com/product/N48WHC3AX/pair-of-caprotti-camboxes-for-1-76-scale



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the interest in the 3D printed camboxes everyone, I'll keep you all updated on here. When they actually get made could those interested PM me please.


Edit 29/02/16 If anyone wants a pair of 3D printed camboxes I have made them available on shapeways here : https://www.shapeway...-for-1-76-scale


Anyway, the printer is still out of action but last weekend I went over to Butterly to see and ride behind 73129 again and ride behind 46233. 73129 made a fantastic noise climbing out of Butterly with 4 Mk1s and the dead weight of the Duchess which was giving no assistance !

Got lots of reference pics while there and bought a copy of the book "73129 the forgotten caprotti" in the shop at Butterly which I recommend especially as the money will go towards her imminent overhaul.









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  • 2 weeks later...

The 3D printer has been fixed but as I'd feared quality isn't good at this size, I'll remove some detail and give it another test print but I will probably end up getting some made somewhere else. Any recommendations ? I know shapeways is well regarded but shipping to the UK is $9.50 when the parts would be only be a few pounds !





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  • 2 weeks later...

PMs sent to those who showed an interest in the 3D printed camboxes, if I missed you please PM me or reply to this topic please, I need to know numbers of pairs required before ordering from shapeways.


Thanks, Sam


Edit 29/02/16 If anyone wants a pair of 3D printed camboxes I have made them available on shapeways here : https://www.shapeway...-for-1-76-scale

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 3D printed Camboxes have arrived from shapeways and they look great ! If I'd have realised they were going to come out so clean I'd have put a bit more very fine detail on them ! My parents visited over the weekend and my dad kindly bought up all of the bits of Standard 5 scattered around the house so hopefully I'll make some progress inbetween assignments !


Those of you you wanted a pair (or more) you'll have a PM shortly.




Edit 29/02/16 If anyone wants a pair of 3D printed camboxes I have made them available on shapeways here : https://www.shapeway...-for-1-76-scale



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Couldn't resist posting this - but a few years ago I converted a Bachmann standard 5 to a Caprotti version, all 'scratchbuilt' with brass, and plastic parts.


73143 near completion on the workbench



73143 on the layout,( slight blemish on pic in the valve gear bracket area !)



Why 73143 ?, - it was the last member of the type I saw in steam at Patricroft shed, then saw it a few months later languishing in Great Bridge station goods yard awaiting it's last trip into Cashmore's scrap yard, just a few miles from where I lived at the time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold
SD45T-2, on 08 Dec 2015 - 19:50, said:

I'll have to make a start on my DJH one then. At present it's in a queue behind a WD 2-10-0, an LMS Black 5 and a variety of US-outline steam power.

Too busy polishing the Daytona? A plausible excuse.

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I received my cam boxes from Sam (with thanks), and very nice they are too. I will have to copy what he has done here but it is some way down the queue of unfinished, or even unstarted, kits and conversions on my workbench.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Wow I just realised that the last time the loco itself appeared on here was august ! Anyway as I'm sure you've noticed I have missed the deadline for the build a loco challenge unfortunately, my degree is not particularly kind to my free time ! Despite this I will still update this thread as there still seems to be plenty of interest in it.


Anyway back to the model. Since I got the camboxes I've been focusing on the cylinders and modifying them. This involved sawing off the top section and adding a new flat top ready for the camboxes and adding a thin bit of plasticard to the side as the cylinder covers on the real thing jut out from the cylinder about half way up. Finally the camboxes were glued on. This was as far as I got until studying for 7 exams put a stop to all modelling !






One small cosmetic addition is the new etched smokebox numberplate from fox.




With exams out of the way now the next step is making the steam pipes followed by mounting the valve gear and finally the mechanical lubricators.




Edit 29/02/16 If anyone wants a pair of 3D printed camboxes I have made them available on shapeways here : https://www.shapeway...-for-1-76-scale

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Here is my more or less complete standard caprotti 5mt made using the above cam boxes and Hornby duke motion with other smaller parts taken from the donor model, modified and put back on.


The lubricators were taken from above the slide bars either side and the running plate filled in. A gap was then created at the rear to mount the lubricators on the rhs of the loco between the drivers and the original pipe work was teased into a different shape to resemble the different plumbing on the caprotti locos. The steam pipes were moved forward on the smokebox. The whistle was removed from the smokebox (this has still to be replaced)


Turning to the lower half, the necessary parts of the motion were retained and everything else got the snip and the motion brackets were modified and re-shaped to taked the duke motion. I did originally try golden arrow models duke motion but the Hornby motion is much finer in conparison and also more flexible.


The only part i have not and indeed wont model is the lubricator drive on the rhs rear sriving wheel. If i did then the loco chassis and body would be permanently attached. Or at least a soldering iron would be needed every time i needed to take the loco apart so, i will live without this.


Anyway here is the loco almost complete

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