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  1. We have a dumb meter. Around 12 years ago, we had solar installed under the FIT scheme and get paid for this. Two years ago we had the capacity doubled with further panels. The FIT payment remains the same, it's based on the first set of panels. The statement that you "have" to have smart meter installed for a solar install is untrue. And if you think there isn't any truth in the cartoon, have a gander here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_Heat_Incentive_scandal?wprov=sfla1 The RHI scheme that paid people to turn their heating on and leave it on. The more you heated your home, the more they paid you.
  2. Thread drift, but "seem" is the key word here.
  3. In another forum which has a 'general model railway' sub category, comment is also made about price increases, but goes on to say: "Running any High Street business is a tough ask. This should perhaps be an eye opening moment for those who complain 300 quid is far too much for a loco etc. These places arent making millions via 'excessive' pricing like some seem to think." Which perhaps rather hits the nail on the head - if we stop spending, things start closing. All the 'bargains' available before Christmas further suggest the hard times retailers are having. Someone explained it to me like this: There's no money left.
  4. Feel for the people losing their jobs tonight. As if higher energy, food and mortgages weren’t a bitter enough pill, they now have these costs with fewer means of paying for them. Feels like an ill wind is blowing through the western world.
  5. A lot of interesting comments on that video. One in particular seems remarkably similar to that on Bachmann 37 thread. As mentioned above, this was a very large run and thus will likely have higher numbers of duds. But whether its proportionally more, Accurascale have said it isn't. As for the derailment issues in the video, the Bachmann 66 also has form for this. I guess because we're paying more, people are less tolerant of duds; and speaking anecdotally, post covid, we seem to be in a much less tolerant world anyway.
  6. email received 29/12 : "Order Status: Canceled Reversal" Is it not going ahead?
  7. NRM Locomotion just phoned to check my address. Coming soon.
  8. £63 here and £137 for the 67. https://365games.co.uk/toys/toys/arts-crafts/model-kits/Hornby-transport-for-wales-class-67-bo-bo-67014-era-11/
  9. Very much agree with this, however i think many of us will suspect that Hornby's exclusive desert menu will have some pasta in it somewhere
  10. Ouroborus

    On Cats

    Not just your heart my friend, I found this on the back of my car. So i varnished it last night before the rain washes it away. Always rides with me now.
  11. Ouroborus

    On Cats

    My little lad has just made his final journey home and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Just 19 months when he was hit by a car and killed. Here he is in happier times last month, pretending to be a big brave Lion when in fact he was the softest little thing and would do anything for a tummy rub. I loved him for the whole of his young life and I'll miss him for the rest of mine.
  12. Shell nagged me for a meter read. Its 400 units less than it was in April. The joy of non smart meters.
  13. I didn't think mine was that bad.
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