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Conspiracy theory bampots - this one is a doozy


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I can't remember if I have put up this link before



I may well have done so, but someone has just told me that his Costa Concordia rant



has been updated. Seemingly the hull was towed out to sea and sunk! This, if course, is the bloke who said that the ship could not be recovered to upright by parbuckling, and indeed he waxed lyrical about how this procedure was doomed to fail - how wrong he was...


There are some great wibbles there. Enjoy!


Remember, they walk amongst us...

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  • RMweb Premium

I can't remember if I have put up this link before



I may well have done so, but someone has just told me that his Costa Concordia rant



has been updated. Seemingly the hull was towed out to sea and sunk! This, if course, is the bloke who said that the ship could not be recovered to upright by parbuckling, and indeed he waxed lyrical about how this procedure was doomed to fail - how wrong he was...


There are some great wibbles there. Enjoy!


Remember, they walk amongst us...


I believe the technical term for people like this guy is ****** idiot. However in fairness it is so whacked out and insane it is quite entertaining, he is so expert he could get a job at Rail alongside Wolmar :nono:

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Media and not very bright readers of my web pages are warned.

Oh yes, the old 'I've seen the truth and anyone who hasn't is an idiot' school of persuasion. 


What's intriguing is that the website is a combination of a conspiracy theories about maritime safety, and a personal business website offering maritime safety services. There's no way the former will put off potential customers. 

Edited by pete_mcfarlane
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Well, I have to admire his ‘thoroughness’. That rant about the Costa Concordia goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on......


You know you’re in nut job territory when text contains big letters, sentences in colours and underscoring.


I note he offers training and consultancy on maritime matters.....Wonder if he gets much business.


Edit; Noticed Pete has already mentioned his business ‘services’.


Edited by Arthur
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I didn't realise Tripod still hosted websites. I thought they'd disappeared years ago!


The website does have that mid-1990s feel to it.


I like the casual dismissal of Italy as some sort of crackpot banana republic in his rant.


I've only skim read it (as it would take 6 years to read the whole site) but I did detect a hint of casual racism, especially towards the non-European crew members, in the Costa Concordia section. Although we should be grateful that he's blaming the Mafia, a lot of these conspiracy theory sites blame the Rothschilds.

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Yes, I note on his ‘atom bombs do not exist’ page he offers 1 million Euro if anyone can prove him wrong.


So, if I can get an old Soviet nuke for, say, half a million Euro. I could strap him to it, give him the ‘button’ and he could get the proof he needs. I could make half a million Euro. Better make sure I collect it first though.


On his ‘space flight is impossible’ page he has an unhealthy interest in the, according to him, difficulty in taking a leak in space.




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  • RMweb Premium

The website does have that mid-1990s feel to it.



I've only skim read it (as it would take 6 years to read the whole site) but I did detect a hint of casual racism, especially towards the non-European crew members, in the Costa Concordia section. Although we should be grateful that he's blaming the Mafia, a lot of these conspiracy theory sites blame the Rothschilds.


I saw the comment below on a reputable maritime website today:


Bomb on board, two options: On a ship run by a blue-chip company with blue-chip officers one would conduct a search following the protocol taught to us in the 80’s and 90’s. On a FOC ship with multinational/cultural crew, call for help and sail to an area where it’s safe to disembark, boats or shore. Then let somebody else deal with the problem.


At the risk of maybe reading too much into things, I can't help getting a similar vibe.........

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  • RMweb Premium

Always amazing with these hoax people, they never actually come up with a valid reason WHY it is a hoax - other than a general theory to CONTROL the masses.


Assuming for one minute, the WTC was demolished deliberately & no planes flew into the main towers, what was the motive behind such an elaborate hoax?


If someone wanted to level the site for a new building, why would they do so, on a busy weekday? The public/government was never going to say "Oh never mind, the building was old anyway. You saved us the bother."!

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  • RMweb Premium

For the true conspiracy nut any rational argument against their pet theories is just twisted into becoming more evidence in support of it, it's a world where normal thoughts break down. Hearsay and anecdotal stories are accepted at face value as incontrovertible truths while painstakingly developed scientific and technical evidence is dismissed as fraudulent cover up material. Bizarre. 

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  • RMweb Premium

The really crazy thing is that there is enough legitimate material with which to beat up Carnival, the ships master and various other parties in the Costa Concordia tragedy without inventing crackpot conspiracy theories.

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The really crazy thing is that there is enough legitimate material with which to beat up Carnival, the ships master and various other parties in the Costa Concordia tragedy without inventing crackpot conspiracy theories.

Absolutely so.


What got me, though, was the outrage uttered, by some who should know better, that Carnival/Costa didn't support their man? Why should they, when he deliberately ignored their Company policy regarding, inter alia, minimum distances offshore.

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  • RMweb Premium

I for one will be sleeping easier tonight knowing that atomic bombs are a hoax and that no atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki since no atomic bomb has ever worked.

I must remember to let my mate in Japan know that, I stayed at his house a few years ago his Mum lived with them (as is the custom over there) and I talked extensively with her after I visited Hiroshima while I was there, she still bears the scars from when she was a child. It was a sobering experience.


These conspiracy idiots have absolutely no idea.

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  • RMweb Premium

For the true conspiracy nut any rational argument against their pet theories is just twisted into becoming more evidence in support of it, it's a world where normal thoughts break down. Hearsay and anecdotal stories are accepted at face value as incontrovertible truths while painstakingly developed scientific and technical evidence is dismissed as fraudulent cover up material. Bizarre. 

That's how you can tell, too much effort put in to something. It's all nonsense of course, its job is to overload people with impressive-sounding drivel. Unless of course the conspiracy itself requires lots of painstaking scientific and technical work, in which case it's all certainly happening in some secret lab.

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I can't remember if I have put up this link before



I may well have done so, but someone has just told me that his Costa Concordia rant



has been updated. Seemingly the hull was towed out to sea and sunk! This, if course, is the bloke who said that the ship could not be recovered to upright by parbuckling, and indeed he waxed lyrical about how this procedure was doomed to fail - how wrong he was...


There are some great wibbles there. Enjoy!


Remember, they walk amongst us...

"Born at Stockholm, Sweden 1946, question was 1964, what to do with the rest of my life. Study physics and Physical Sciences at the Royal Institute of Technology with the best brains of Sweden designing rockets, spacecrafts and nuclear bombs, etc.?"


And his answer to the 1964 question? Throw it away on absurd conspiracy theories. Having worked, very briefly, with Neil Armstrong I actually find the "moon landing was a hoax"  claim offensive to a group of very brave men who knew exactly what risks they were taking. With a good optical telescope you can actually see the lunar landing sites. including the tracks of the lunar rover used on later missions. If he really did study physics I can't imagine that he passed many exams given his obvious ignorance of everything from.... well of everything.

What is more serious is that conspiracy theories and their ilk are often generated  maliciously not to try to disprove a solid theory  but just to cast vague doubts and effecitvely give people "permission" to disbelieve evidence that they'd rather not accept. We've seen this with global warming, the link between smoking and lung cancer, leaded petrol, CFCs as well as more recent issues. 

Remember the classic "The Greasy Pole" episode of Yes Minister where Sir Humphrey is advising Hacker on burying a politically inconvenient report giving a clean bill of health to the chemical compound metadioxin. "....Then you can say that some of the report's main conclusions have been questioned" "What if they haven't?" "Then question them! Then they have" 


I did rather like this assertion "The Italian flag/registry M/S Costa Concordia ship was used to carry drugs between America and Europe. Nobody would suspect cheap cruise vessels being used for it."  Gosh, customs officers would never have though of that. 

Edited by Pacific231G
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I'm the first to admit that I do like a decent conspiracy tale, probably saying more than I should here really but I don't buy the Lee Harvey Oswald magic bullet story and the WTC thing has long smelt iffy to me (WTC7 in particular).


But this guy is full on whacko, he gives us 'ordinary' conspiracy nuts a bad name.

I used to enjoy winding up these sorts on the Icke Forum, glad I got out of there although Icke himself seems to be a decent enough chap, and a railway buff to boot.


Here's a conspiracy for you gents, maybe this fella is spreading such incredulous stories in order to discredit anyone who questions anything ever allegedly done by 'THEM', I reckon he's a double agent. With a big fat Them Cheque every month haha.

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I've just lost a good few hours of my life that I'll never get back reading that and other of his theories...


Sadly I had a friend who started to suffer from such delusions, and started posting various slanderous things about people and organisations on her Facebook feed.  No one said anything for a while but eventually I decided to say something - that she couldn't go saying such things, and warn her of the consequences.  Various other of her friends jumped in to support her, citing equally mumbo-jumbo websites, theories and texts written by people like this, all full of "facts" and "science".  I had fun for a whie trying to get them to justify their stance, and constantly directing me to other similar "scientific" answers with similar distinctly non-scientific language like "stupid", "idiotic", as well as other clearly emotional phrases rather than any basis in fact.  It was depressing to read - especially as the friend concerned had been studying to become a doctor and should really have been able to distinguish fact from fiction, subjective from objective, and "fake news" from reality...

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