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Andy Y

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Everything posted by Andy Y

  1. Well said BD. I'd like to reiterate that prompt.
  2. Because it was a poorly constructed post and several people were concerned that it was also irrelevant to Brian's narrative topic.
  3. Yes, Tango13 nearly got an instruction to Foxtrot Oscar from me this morning.
  4. why is it so difficult to find a 7mm wing nut?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Large lol - thank you chaps!

    3. Chris Nevard

      Chris Nevard

      There are 100's of nuts here - one will fit I'm sure! ;-)

    4. Wolfy


      I am the only person who saw '7mm' and thought you were looking for detailing for O gauge?

  5. I've set it up so they're in order with the most recent image first. It's also got the slideshow so you can sit there and let it do the work.
  6. I'm not a Pinko but I do know the problems that political debate can bring. Some people can't even retain sensibilities and exhibit common sense when it comes to discussing an RTR release so there's no hope when it gets to something important.
  7. The next person to mention politics will get their avatar flanned!
  8. is halfway through cleaning the conservatory roof. How can flies crap upside down?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Very drole. Do you mean the actual act of crapping upside down or claiming that others can do same, Horse?


    3. nimbamoss


      I supose it's the last thing that goes thru their minds!


    4. Baby Deltic

      Baby Deltic

      Well, maybe the saying 'if you throw enough s**t, some of it is going to stick' applies to flies aswell.

  9. Sadly I can't set up an automatic migration but if I can get people to use the gallery rather than the topic it will be much better over extended periods of time.
  10. Andy Y


    I can still see it but here's the manual link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=molemPGx4fI
  11. On further reflection I feel this popular feature may be better served by a Global Album which members can upload their images too. The album has been created here. This means that feedback can be found within the context of that image and also features prominently on the board index page. It really is intended a means to showcase some of the most inspirational content and I hope that the new feature does work. If anyone wishes to upload any of their existing content into that album please feel free to do so. Any uploaded images will then also feature in the Gallery preview at the top of the board index.
  12. The Stafford end is largely accessible until reaching MOD Stafford. Beyond that the section to the A51 at Weston is largely indistinct with the cutting at Hopton filled and the rest of it incorporated into farmland. Beyond Weston there are short sections which are there but overgrown. Stowe-by-Chartley to Lower Loxley is intact and mostly passable and then a return to farmland leaving a short section up to the junction at Bramshall.
  13. Thanks gentlemen; let's not divert attention away from a topic which is about some rather fine modelling. Thank you.
  14. I'm gradually working my way through this topic to prune it down to make it more readable for users. I am working my way through removing the following: Posts which just compliment a previous entry* Posts where the externally hosted image has disappeared Posts where the image is of low quality Posts where the model itself is nothing more than an out-of-the box model on set-track (I did like the recent 'How realistic is my shopping?' phrase). * - this is way back in the topic and will be a continually moving timeframe of say 1 week behind where people can thank the poster of an image (although the + button is a more lasting recognition) but its relevance diminishes over time. Therefore if you receive a notification to say a post has been deleted the above gives the reasons why. This post will self destruct in a week or two when I've got through to the current date.
  15. Andy Y

    Here we go!

    Well you've created a blog and it's appeared in the right place Frank so you can tick that off! A good blog features interesting content and individual blogs can gain quite a following (as I see how many notification messages go out when there are updates to certain blogs) and often the comments/dialogue that follows an entry is nicely related to that entry before the blog writer moves onto the next subject of his choosing. It's about giving the writer more control of the flow of information than a traditional topic does. Good luck!
  16. Googie's withered.

    1. Boris


      So's my Googlies.

  17. Ahh yes; the silly Axis of Evil comments: Mind you it looks as though he's been given some more challenging to think through recently - http://www.eveningex...le.aspx/2135852 Maybe it was a disenfranchised and bitter Action Man? Look I have to shop and live near people like this: Maybe I should let the complainant know that they've lost their argument in a paper based form of Godwin's Law?
  18. I can't be doing with the snail mail approach so I used the Comments facility on their page so they could lob my rant into the bin more efficiently. That's my bit for the environment today.
  19. Thanks Pete, you know how things then get repeated as fact.
  20. Or lazy. It must be like Grand Theft Auto in Woodseaves. Funny; it looks fairly sleepy when I drive through it.
  21. One of my pet hates in life is the garbage that gets an airing in local newspapers on the pretext of it being newsworthy. I like living in a town where nothing interesting happens so when a non-story is engineered it really annoys me. Our local rag's headline story this week is about a "massive invasion of privacy" because the kids' playground can be seen in the distance of a webcam which is recording the redevelopment of a college building. For god's sake why don't small-minded busybodies go and concentrate on debt, famine and disease as something to actually worry about rather than live under some illusion that a ####### is going to be interested in a small moving dot on a webcam. I think the whole scenario of some two-bit journo who can only dream of aspiring to hack voicemails of the rich and famous giving page space to such tripe should really re-think their career and do something useful. Tell you what, drop the hyped up silliness and stick an ad that actually does something for kids on their front page instead.
  22. Not according to Wikipedia and other sources - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Robin_Milne Is there any corroboration for that?
  23. How typically strategic of you! At least you and Chris always have a layout to disappear off behind on the pretext of some emergency. I just remain nobbled!
  24. Just because Internet Explorer's whizzy thing goes in circles faster it does not mean it is any faster!

    1. Grafarman


      That's why I use Firefox - no problems :)

    2. CovDriver


      same here firefox has no problems at all!!


    3. Garry D100

      Garry D100

      We've always dreamed of a whizzy thing....

  25. Buxton? Matlock? Easily confused?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Or have your spring water and drink it? ;-)

    3. halfwit


      When in Buxton beware of halfwits...

    4. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Halfwits in Buxton would have been a step up from Matlock in the %wit department! :-D

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