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Everything posted by Ashcombe

  1. Take These Chains From My Heart - Hank Williams
  2. If The Indigo Animal Were Waltzing - Bob Scher
  3. Woman In Love - Barbra Streisand
  4. Love Hurts - The Everly Brothers
  5. This Is My Song - Petula Clark
  6. Just boarded "Normandie" at Portsmouth for my latest reunion with Ian. Every vehicle is being searched with luggage going through X ray! And body scanner beeped of course because of my hips! I couldn't identify a shape with metal in my case so had to open it up. Electric toothbrush! Doh!
  7. I rated this comment "agree" to the content above, especially the bounder part.
  8. Thank you very much for all the kindly birthday greetings. My day was enjoyable despite the showery weather later in the afternoon and I enjoyed an excellent lunch at "The Buccaneer " where my friend took this photo:-
  9. Good morning, everyone! The sun is shining so that's a good start to my 67th birthday! I'm having lunch with a Toads (theatre company) friend then at the theatre tonight as I'm Prompt for our latest play and it's the final Dress Rehearsal. No rest for the wicked! Enjoy whatever you're doing this weekend - I shall!
  10. Love Loves To Love Love - Lulu
  11. Thank you. I'm walking about a mile most days, sometimes nearly two and hope that my mobility will continue to improve over the coming months. Today I walked nearly a mile and didn't even take my folding stick! Hope Susan is making good progress.
  12. Here is the link for our holiday:- https://www.greatrail.com/tours/harz-mountains-and-rhine-gorge/?tlUrl=%2Fholiday-destinations%2Feurope%2Fgermany%2F%23date%3D4%2F10%2F2017%7Cflex%3D30%7CpriceTo%3D15000%7CdaysFrom%3D4%7CdaysTo%3D20%7CnodeIds%3D2694%7Cpage%3D1#HRJ17
  13. I found rhubarb was rather cleansing for baby as was sloe gin!
  14. She Belongs To Me - Bob Dylan
  15. Blowing In The Wind - Peter, Paul and Mary
  16. You Don't Have To Say You Love Me - Dusty Springfield
  17. The Man Who Sold The World - Nirvana
  18. Here is the satellite view of my flat in Babbacombe, Torquay, a five minute walk to the cliffs above Oddicombe Beach and about seven minutes to reach our favourite pub, on a good day with a following wind! https://www.google.fr/maps/place/Torquay+TQ1+3NF,+UK/@50.4813258,-3.5142273,15z/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x486d0e34d2a6c083:0x92a79441704d916e
  19. Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart - Gene Pitney
  20. For the avoidance of doubt, we are still speaking! In fact, we're sharing hot cross buns with our coffee!
  21. For Once In My Life - Stevie Wonder
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