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  1. What little 'soul' the HST's had was lost when the Valenta engines were replaced by quieter, cleaner more modern units imho. Most of the Deltics appeal is that sound I think, imagine if they'd been re engined!
  2. Evening @Locoman58 - just looking on your website and not seeing any D&H projects. Is this temporary or have you dropped them from your range?
  3. And at least one set in Nigeria. I think their withdrawal was accelerated by the Stonehaven crash https://www.modernrailways.com/article/three-dead-after-scottish-hst-derailment and the death of the driver in the relatively vulnerable cab. Unions have subsequently rightly pressed for either upgraded crash protection to match more modern units or early withdrawal.
  4. Re Lead sheeting - Smaller quantities readily available from ebay - I bought this for less than £12 recently - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/351901378484?var=624108647235
  5. I had an 'hilarious' exchange on Facebook with someone who argued it isnt 'free' because you have to spend £50 to get it! Agree it doesnt appear to have sold well, still readily available for sale in every model shop I've been to in the last couple of weeks. The issue with the catalogue is both its credibility and then the half hearted computer generated images and lacklustre layout I think.
  6. Thanks for sharing this - proves it runs as well as it looks! And glad its not just me that has a left over screw on the layout layout that clearly belongs to something that is currently missing it 😎
  7. Thanks for flagging the availability of this up - thats me sorted for detailing my existing stud. Here for anyone else interested - https://westhillwagonworks.com/locomotive-parts/695-detailed-pipes-cables-steam-pipes-and-lifting-brackets-for-a-class-40-locomotive-oo-gauge-set-5.html
  8. Model Rail saying on Facebook they have the Railfreight 31 for review in next months copy so hopefully close (but theyve already had the 25 and that’s yet to arrive)
  9. Saw my first example in the display cabinet over the weekend - it really grabs attention and looks quality. Model of the year is going to be a difficult one for sure, I'd include the Dapol Hawthorn in my short list whilst I've yet to read anything other than absolute praise for the SLW Class 25 from those who have actually received one. From the yet to be released models the Accurascale 31 is looking 'special' then there is the Bachmann 25, 30 and 31 to come as well. Its a good year so far!
  10. And there are a whole range of A2 variations that Bachmann have not modelled with the current tooling that could generate new sales
  11. Well modelled set of injectors and pipe work that would benefit from a dab of black paint - same as the 00 model.
  12. It would be really useful if the website stated what type of 'DCC Sound' is fitted to loco's. There is a huge difference between Hornby TTS, TXS and a 'full fat' project on a Zimo or Loksound. Puts me off buying as it is.
  13. And the SVR sell predominately Bachmann now.............
  14. Agree - also agree with the other comment that said that weathering is subjective. Comparing the ebay images with examples in Terry Dorritys 'British Industrial Steam' and to my eye its not a bad job - certainly not bad enough to justify some of the comments made here. Someone will buy it and love it, each to their own, live and let live etc And for removal of any doubt I have no connection at all with the vendor!
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