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Everything posted by RJS1977

  1. If a bus station is where you catch a bus, and a train station (ugh!) is where you catch a train, what's a fire station for?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 3 link

      3 link

      Aplace were health & safety has ruined what was a great job... : (

    3. Manxcat


      To catch on fire. Follow the BBC Scotland link..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-20582868

    4. Mikkel


      Whereas at a polling station, it's simply catch 22.

  2. Thought of taking my copy of the 1863 Bradshaw with me on a train jpurney recently but realised that not only would I need to buy a brightly coloured shirt and jacket that don't match, I'd also have to master the knack of leaving the station on one train, travelling on a completely different one, and arriving at my destination on the one I got on in the first place!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Armchair Modeller

      Armchair Modeller

      I have this crazy idea to do programmes about the regions of the UK, its people and traditions - but do 95% of the filming on the railways.

    3. GRUNFOS


      You'll also need some unwitting people to pay for your ticket,dinner and accomdation!!

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I think they're called The BBC...!

  3. Sorry to hear that circumstances led to you having to pull out of an appearance. Sorry too that I probably won't get to see Hythe Parkway again - it was quite a favourite of mine! And sorry three(!) that I was never able to invite it along to my own show, but the van hire costs would have been prohibitive.
  4. Well, I can see how it's a triangle, but not a triangle as there's no connection between two of the legs at one of the "angles" but I'm puzzled by the circular water! No idea on the current map though!
  5. Last of the major electrical issues on the branch sorted - just need to clean a few point contacts now (hopefully). Pity there isn't enough room here to have the full layout up though :-(

    1. Swifty11


      Hopefully the electrical problems weren't to serious?

  6. Sorry - thought I'd posted a new square, but the message hasn't shown up!
  7. Good to see someone making a model of it! (If you're in the Thames Valley area I might even be able to arrange a show invitation when it's complete.... ). There was a separate Oakwood book covering the JER and the Occupation lines.
  8. The loaction is just east of Bath: The disused railway is part of the ex-MR Bristol-Bath line, which may at some point be reopened as an extension of the Avon Valley Railway. I'll look for a new square tomorrow.
  9. Obviously my repair to the wiring on Devil's Bridge/Niedeau last week wasn't correct, as everything shorts out now! :-(

  10. Obviously my repair to the wiring on Devil's Bridge/Niedeau last week wasn't correct, as everything shorts out now! :-(

  11. It still had it the last time the Google car went past: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Northenden&hl=en&ll=53.39864,-2.250062&spn=0.000395,0.001018&sll=52.8382,-2.327815&sspn=6.558824,16.677246&oq=Northe&t=h&hnear=Northenden,+United+Kingdom&z=20&layer=c&cbll=53.39864,-2.250062&panoid=3EMj9nfLnJVgLo2X6K3n8w&cbp=12,350.84,,0,-3.46
  12. Place a racing car outside the huts and watch the money roll in!
  13. I'll let you have it - the location's correct (Monkton Combe, just north/west of Midford), but it's not on the S & D, it's on the Camerton - Limpley Stoke branch. The "loco shed" to which I referred was the shed erected by the villagers in "The Titfield Thunderbolt", which was shot on the line. The sites of "Titfield" station and "Beale's Farm" are also shown in that square.
  14. Radstock: Wasn't there a preservation society there at one time? Is that still on the go? Now, where's this? (The trackbed - indeed, briefly the site of a "loco shed" - is pretty much where the "24" is, in case you're wondering!)
  15. Yes, I thought that one would be found quickly, but as it includes my clubroom, I had to get it in! No idea where Steve's is, though! :-(
  16. Sutton Coldfield: Formerly (?) the home of "Don's Miniature New Street" and associated model of Rugeley A Power Station - with 9 cooling towers! The next square contains not only a standard gauge line, but also two miniature railways and a former show venue! But where is it? Arrgh - noticed Steve posted his answer while I've been getting squares together! What happens now?
  17. BBMF Spitfire due to do a flypast @Northolt at noon tomorrow: http://www.raf.mod.uk/bbmf/news/index.cfm?storyid=3C84D83D-5056-A318-A8CE92D699BE4BA3&rss=true
  18. I hadn't noticed before how much the sea slopes there! Must be a good place for water skiing! :-P
  19. Looks like it's had a visit from HMS Troutbridge! Left hand down a bit!
  20. But at that you can't make parallel moves at the "other" end,,,,
  21. Wasn't there an electric loco (86 or 87) with that name as well?
  22. Now, how about a model of it at the London Festival of Railway Modelling?
  23. I suppose by reversing the goods yard and putting it in front of the FY, you can double the length of the scenic part of the layout without increasing the length of the layout itself.
  24. In answer to your earlier question: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SELRAP
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