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Status Replies posted by Grafarman

  1. In the deserts of Sudan, and the gardens of Japan

  2. Three days of uninterrupted sunshine over Brighton, whats going on?

  3. Terrific! While drillinga new hole in my control panel for a toggle switch, with the power drill, I managed to snag the end of the drill on the existing wiring behind the panel - result, instant spahetti bolognese, wires ripped out of switches etc! Why do I never learn?

  4. Terrific! While drillinga new hole in my control panel for a toggle switch, with the power drill, I managed to snag the end of the drill on the existing wiring behind the panel - result, instant spahetti bolognese, wires ripped out of switches etc! Why do I never learn?

  5. I've just successfully tested a time machine. But some BarSteward, from the future, has just popped into existence and confiscated it saying

  6. Terrific! While drillinga new hole in my control panel for a toggle switch, with the power drill, I managed to snag the end of the drill on the existing wiring behind the panel - result, instant spahetti bolognese, wires ripped out of switches etc! Why do I never learn?

  7. We've completed - moving on the 6th!

  8. You know what's remarkable? Is how much England looks in no way like Southern California.

  9. suddenly remembered his Charlemagne.

  10. Just been invited up to RMweb live with my layout "Torrington" WHOOO HOOO!!!

  11. Cry HAVOCK, and let slip the dogs of war!

  12. Has planted his first turntable!

  13. just how many people called Matt are there around here?!

  14. Looking for that tiny little screw thats fallen between the fibres of a thick carpet......

  15. has "accidentally" picked up a Brassmasters LFB Black 5 and Ultrascales for "experiments" :-O

  16. has "accidentally" picked up a Brassmasters LFB Black 5 and Ultrascales for "experiments" :-O

  17. "It'll cost you just five squid," said one cephalopod to another.

  18. I need to figure out how to get a new job with the limited skills base that I have along with the fact I have a been a long term suffer of dyslexia.

  19. Ebay blaggers have moved in to the site

  20. I thought you had to have had some active posts before advertising in the classifieds.New member in with one straight away.

  21. Big meetings today! Could have very nice implications :-)

  22. skeleton sliders --- Not Normal!!

  23. is sending a large consignment to Slovenia....

  24. I hate adverts, I never watch them, id rather have a bowl of coco pops

  25. Oh dear, there goes the first roof tile, fingers crossed........

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