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Status Replies posted by Grafarman

  1. has had a reply from Apog

  2. Could be worse, I have Portugal and Ivor Coast in works sweep-stakes......

  3. I suppose I better get a Digital Camera - now whats a good, cheap, easy to use model?

  4. What's the better pie Steak and Kidney or your classic Pork

  5. Big petrol strimmer 1, nettles and weeds 0

  6. Warning.Free copys of the THe Sun wil be posted through every bodys letter box tomorrow to be delivered by post people.

  7. Well from the devistation of my recent blog disaster, I have the chance to start again (I can hear the growns of unrest from here)

  8. has knocked some tiny holes into a Black Five cab front. Need to make appointment with Specsavers now #squint

  9. Lightning has taken out phone line but the broadband's still alive - off to buy an old fashioned phone to prove to BT it's their equipment and not mine so I don't get charged

  10. Eldest Daughter's Driving Theory Test this afternoon; don't know who's more nervous...!!

  11. is on the 0907 ex-Euston.

  12. I had some sausages yesterday

  13. Do I snooze or continue with my coach build.......?

  14. I had some sausages yesterday

  15. 'There's a storm coming'

  16. Eager to prove himself, the butcher was hamming things up.

  17. Cannot do today's Google doodle...:-(

  18. Half a pound of sausages

  19. Must stop looking in Classifieds section, must stop......

  20. "Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive."

  21. Hit 'Reply' in haste; repent at leisure... Hit 'Reply All' in haste; resign immediately...

  22. Is Probably like many other Parents this morning... i have an anxious teenage Son, first up French GCSE.

  23. Sylvian: Talented model maker, useless with women...

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