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The Nth Degree

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Status Updates posted by The Nth Degree

  1. While driving my campervan to its nest to hibernate over winter, Bittern and its tender drove past

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      The footplate crew of Bittern later put up the following status update, 'when we were driving Bittern light engine, The Nth Degree and his campervan drove past'

    2. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Ha! If only...

      Actually, it was in the back of a lorry. I wondered if it had fallen off the back of another one. Anyone know where it's going? Service or MOT maybe?

    3. jbqfc


      to the bluebell railway


  2. I've taken a week off to play with the little fella for half term. I need to find the closest early Drewry 04 to Sussex that I can photo

  3. Started packing the loft for a July move

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. steve22


      But what happens when you bring the stuff down from the loft - presumably she 'does' the rest of the house?

    3. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Lucky chap Rob! Looking forward to you starting the Piercy wagons.

      Steve, I have anonymous brown boxes to be thankful of!

    4. Rob Pulham

      Rob Pulham

      HI Steve, your wish will be my command once i have the shelf queens sorted

  4. Brilliant day at South Coast O open day

  5. Brilliant day at South Coast O open day

  6. I miss the fundraising raffles

    1. devondynosoar118


      Me too, but I suspect Andy doesn't miss organising them!

    2. RedgateModels


      We've got one going at the Mansfield Show ;)

    3. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      What prizes do you have Ian?

  7. After a Best of British start to the day, my car is now the only one left in the office carpark...

    1. Horsetan


      ....which is now covered in ice?

    2. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      yep! Looks like I'll be walking home

  8. Wow, a step back in time for me and the search facility: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/32946-the-oval/

    1. Kev_Lewis


      Have you finished the layout?

  9. Champagne is the bath - how decadent! That's the second bath this year!

    1. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      in, in, IN the bath! Spell checkers are stupid!

    2. bcnPete


      Stay focused Steve !-)

  10. I've brought my solebars into work today. In between my filing I'm going to do some filing...

    1. SHMD


      Are you filing bits of A4?

    2. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Haha! Yes, I may have Bittern off more than I can chew

  11. I wonder how bcnPete is doing in his new job?

  12. Trisonic Pete, how are you holding up over there?

    1. Re6/6


      Thoughts are with you Pete for what may be coming. They've been giving it out on the Beeb all day.

    2. John B

      John B

      Good luck, Pete. NJ is right in the crosshairs right now. Times like this I'm glad I'm in Iowa..

    3. Pugsley


      Good luck Pete, hope it passes as peacefully as possible for you.

  13. Very cute adventures of a toy engine www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoMN-zg7r3M

  14. Standing in the kitchen watching a dogfight between a Spitfire and a ME109 outside the window. Making a cuppa will never be the same again

  15. I'm loving the reintroduced archive, so many sparkling treasures in there!

    1. bcnPete


      Well spotted...that will be another shed load of time I spend on the forum!

    2. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Have spent a couple days looking in there. Cracking workbenches, including Triang Hymeks and Lima 33s

    3. bcnPete


      I'm onto it!

  16. Just about finished moving in. To save unpacking I'm seriously thinking of making furniture out of boxes!

    1. DonB


      Had a frield who used a tea-chest as a dining table for about two years! A floor length table-cloth meant that you didn't know until you banged your knees!

    2. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Ha, and I bet you knew it too! Ditto with the strange mates, one of mine used wine bottle cases (loads of them!) to make a wall of box-shelves. Looked quite nice!

  17. Packing to move house on a hot day with gastric flu. The loo roll is the last item to go in the box

  18. I sold my Derby Lightweight and I want it back... :(

    1. 69843


      Hindsight is so irritating...

  19. Andy York and Dave Brailsford – separated at birth?

    1. Horsetan


      ....or impersonation?

    2. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Nah - someone's cloned Andy.

  20. What do I do with 23 Graham Farish locos and MUs?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grafarman


      If you want to offload any I can help with that ;-)

    3. Stu from EGDL

      Stu from EGDL

      What he said!! ^^^^

    4. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Bill, not eBay, a real auction with people and comp tea! Pete, most definitely! Also picked up a 7mm 105 DMU by Bachmann. New word of the week: Skint! I may take up those offers gents!

  21. "Steve, come and help me with my new jigsaw!", cried Nan, "I't's got so many pieces, but it's meant to be a chicken". Sighing as I walked over, "Nan, sit back down and I'll clean up the cornflakes..."

  22. Why does everyone think we can win it?

    1. Andreas68


      My opinion from germany - you can!!!

    2. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      There's only one team that's been able to show enough quality to win this, and it's from your country

  23. A 9 pints of cider hangover and a hot sunny day. Can somebody do me the favour of ending it now please?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bcnPete


      LoL - haven't drunk the stuff since a snakebite incident when I was 18...

    3. petethemole


      don't blame cider for the effects of snakebite!

    4. Horsetan


      You haven't been at the White Lightning again, have you?

  24. I've just found out my neighbour is a DCC expert

    1. Horsetan


      He's going to find himself very popular.

    2. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Exactly! He's made himself available... A lecturer and exhibitor, no less!

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