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Status Updates posted by Brit70053

  1. Received Christmas box bought from Hattons by my Wife today. Just puzzled as to why Royal Mail sent a parcel addressed to Durham from (Widnes) through Warrington via Dorset ??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Steamport Southport

      Steamport Southport

      I was wondering why my parcel went from Hatton's to mine which is three miles away via Birmingham.

    3. Brit70053


      A possibility I suppose Tony, I really got concerned when RM tracking stated "Received at Dorset Mail Centre" twice, with 8 hours plus between updates.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Because they can?

  2. message " There was an error with this status" caused me to repeat a status update again and again and again. Will I get marks deducted for repetition ?

    1. Hroth


      You should be ok, provided there was no deviation or hesitation...

    2. Harlequin


      It always does that to me too. I've learned to ignore it...

  3. Has the nasty man gone away yet ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hroth


      Yes, he's gone to see the other nasty man.

    3. Mallard60022


      But we all like him loads he says and he wants a great relationship with us.........arggghhh.

    4. 60159


      What I'm struggling with is there are people out there who actually like him. He's not here but sadly he's not gone away!

  4. Has the nasty man really gone away ?

    1. cromptonnut


      No sorry I'm still here.

  5. How on earth can my email session expire while I'm typing to compose an email ?

    1. mike morley

      mike morley

      Wouldn't be a TalkTalk customer, would you?

    2. dvdlcs


      I've had Hotmail / Outlook do that to me.

    3. Brit70053


      BT for my sins, relief to know I'm not alone.

  6. What's it coming to when a broken hacksaw blade is the only tool for a job ?

    1. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I blame the damn Ruskies

    2. Two_sugars


      you weren't a pit fitter were you?

    3. Brit70053


      Thats the weather Tim, always their fault. Nowt so noble Two Sugars,pits were closed by the time I started as a humble paper shuffler in Durham's carbuncle,( now being reduced to rubble ).

  7. Would like someone to re program all spell checkers so that 'scrapped' does not appear to be spelled 'scraped'

    1. Liam


      You're not alone. A few years ago a tablet I had resisted against me spelling 'Highley' with an 'e' for about an hour!

    2. Horsetan


      Scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Highley unlikely

  8. My Laptop has a Live Bug. Yes, a harvest fly crawling about in the lamination of my screen.

    1. Brinkly


      That's a first!

    2. Horsetan


      Is there a (cabbage) patch for that?

    3. Brit70053


      A genuine "How in the world did that get in there?" moment.

      No cabbage 'patch', but hoping it can crawl into the foliage on my 'background screen before it expires

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