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Everything posted by Kelly

  1. Kelly

    EBay madness

    I think someone needs to explain to him the value of *untouched* limited editions vs ruined limited editions (at least in terms of value)...
  2. Uploaded the photos now: Mainly just removed unfocused/blurred images and reduced the size. No other editing. A selection of Fryers Lane:
  3. Evening all. I seem to be awake far earlier than intended. Good news about your mum big Jim, and about your FiL coombe Barton :-) Need to be up earlier than usual today anyway as I have a speed awareness course to attend, oops! That put a certain damper on railex for me when that turned up, but nothing to done by being annoyed with it. First time in over 20 years I guess though. Back is still giving me trouble, but the gabapentine is starting to help I think and the valium certainly does.
  4. Something to do with the pressures being in the tunnel and being worked very hard continuously. Whether true or not I've no idea.
  5. Same could be said for the class 41s, even the 42/43 didn't last very long, 52s either. All due to being non standard. Then similar could be said for several of the br standard steam classes.
  6. No, but mainly because I lack suitable lego items and they've become somewhat expensive over recent years. I tend to work with polymer clay for cufflinks, though some I've made for Richard using the cheap Chinese tardis necklace items glued to a cufflink blank, worked quite well.
  7. Possibly though if you can scratch build a signal box or twist wire for trees you can manage most jewellery items I've made to some extent as they're usually fairly simple. There is the aspect of it being much more personal, and treasured by the recipients as a result. Attached a few examples of items I've made for friends/family.
  8. It wasn't as bad as some others I've come across. Mainly was poor for taking photos from the scooter as I usually do, so not too bad really as could still see things. Better standing of course, especially for photos. Will get on with those later today hopefully.
  9. Morning all. Sleep seems elusive so I'm going to stay up and read (Oil on the Rails HMRS). The diazapam has started helping with the back at least.
  10. Don't you just love when cats get like that :/ they tend to have perfect timing for it too. Lovely little blighters lol. As for your BiL's plight with trains, it really is terrible by the sounds of things. Makes me glad not to live in London and be reliant on trains anymore! Hope it clears up quickly and respond well to the antibiotics. Some people generally are more serceptable to such infections sadly. Have you tried using anti bacterial mouthwash etc?
  11. Enjoyed seeing this at ExpoEM north Sunday. Was good to have a natter about it and other things. Lovely little layout. I was asked by one person which I'd have picked for best in show and whilst it'd be hard to pick, this definitely would have been a very strong contender was my response. I will process my photos hopefully tomorrow when I am a bit more with it (Monday seems to have vanished completely!), did take a few of this that should hopefully come out nicely.
  12. I avoid all of this by making gifts myself (jewellery for friends and other half gets cufflinks or similar usually) and making the cards too. Why spend money when you can make it is my view on gifts :-)
  13. Evening all. Hope everyone is well? If not, as usual, speedy recovery. Gp appointment was a bit of a mixed bag. Got referral for hearing tests (Natalie keeps moaning about my hearing), and also a referral will get sent for seeing a consultant about the last sight test showing a significant change in one eye. As for the back. Gp didn't really offer much as I already have morphine pills for my fibromyalgia when it is at its worst and I can't really take anti inflammatory drugs due to asthma. Given a short dosage of diazapam to help ease it. No scans apparently until it has been like this for at least 6 weeks.
  14. Iirc part of it is also how running under the Thames has affected them.
  15. That should have been on the OO gauge thread, not sure how I managed that, must have been due to painkillers. Will pm you.
  16. I did put my details to reserve one, but no email it seems?
  17. Afternoon all. Hope everyone is ok? if not, speedy recovery etc. GP in a couple of hours and hopefully some answers (or at least progress) with my back.
  18. Well they can't really give me much in the way of stronger painkillers as I'm already on Morphine for my fibromyalgia pain. But will see what they say, I expect a referral for scans etc rather than drugs. I do have a few LACK shelves laying around, but they seem a bit too narrow for my needs I think, as good as they might be. I'd also have to surfae mount servos etc I suspect as I don't think drilling through it would work too well (I'm going to be using MERG CBUS, so the modules need to be hidden out of the way. Yes, it does give more operational interest. If funds allow I may well pick up more items from C&L, I already have a B6 C&L turnout kit, which should cover one of the points (from memory there are 2 B6 turnouts and the other 3 are A6 iirc). I'm hoping my GP will have some answers in a couple of hours when I see them about it.
  19. It is just a graphical representation at this stage. Thought it might have been you Hopefully the GP will have some answers tomorrow. As for the 60s, it was chosen partly because I fancy some green units running and it'd give a chance to have more than just NSE liveried units (the other layout plan is set late 80s, early 90s). But the two layouts will be P4, so the stock will hopefully be transferable to some extent between the two, and the buildings (like the other plan) changable.
  20. I was hard to miss at ExpoEM north with the scooter ;-) But alas, no further thoughts on this project as yet. Putting my back out has scuppered being able to do much as am needing to spend too much time horizontal due to the pain. Still not really sure where it will be set though. But have narrowed it to around mid to late 60s to be different enough from the other plan being worked on. Definitely will be in Sr territory though.
  21. Evening all. Amazon delivery just turned up with a much needed parcel. A heated car set cover, this will make driving with a bad back (hopefully) much better after wishing my Mondeo had the option from having driven my other half's Focus with heated seats. Adding heated seats to the Mondeo is possible (£150+), but I figured a removable cover (£8) is much more budget friendly!
  22. I'm sure there are. However, Dutch_Master has already pushed the envelope of acceptable suggestions (not that I've taken offence), so it would be best not to go further on such things to avoid an incident.
  23. I gave up trying to get him to learn, he's too busy with retraining to be a plumber atm to have the time sadly.
  24. My body certainly needed the rest. I do have a partner, but he's generally not too great at massage sadly.
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