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Everything posted by Kelly

  1. It isn't a matter of more than usual, it is a matter of constantly massive demands at weekends throughout most of the year, with some weekends having several big events at the NEC (for instance it used to be the case that Warley MRS, ComicCon, Motorcycle Live, Christmas, Cats, and a host of others were all the same weekend in november!). Plus the same station serves the airport, which is usually fairly busy just for that traffic. So the lack of stock provided at weekends really, regardless of whatever reasons may be, is inadequate on a regular basis. Even if they sheduled just a couple of extra units for the morning hours and the evening kick out hours it would make a big difference, rather than just the usual highly packed before it even gets to Coventry, 4 car 350.
  2. It would certainly be much better if they put more 350s on weekends when the NEC has big events on. The crush on the trains for those weekends is almost, if not, worse than at peak times.
  3. An interesting layout idea. Like the attention to detail on the locos/stock in varying conditions/states of restoration. Lovely work
  4. It is more likely they're waiting until the N gauge one is actually out and seeing how it sells. It would be rather risky of DJM to go with a 319 in OO with Bachmann having the potential to have it ready (without us knowing) and guzumping him on it.
  5. It has unfortunately been my experience on a number of occasions. Not every time thankfully, but enough to put me off wanting to travel unless I really need to go by train.
  6. I tend to find LM worse than Virgin to some extent in terms of the staff mainly. By that I mean the guards/station staff and their handling of me using the train with a mobility scooter, sometimes they're ok, other times they've been downright rude and unhelpful. On the other hand, the Pendolinos from Coventry are difficult to get the scooter in as the ramp ends up too steep and the access is too tight to get it to the actual wheelchair area. Much more space and ramp low enough on the 350s, but getting on the things is a nightmare usually with how packed they are. (I tend only to do this to go to the NEC for Warley or other events there, if travelling elsewhere (usually London) i don't take the scooter).
  7. The idea is the sector plate/fiddle yard will serve that purpose saving on an extra point.
  8. Really liked the article for your layout in the latest BRM. Lovely little layout, and has given inspiration for a trackplan for my own
  9. This is why I'm thinking 1'6" width is going to be better than 1', the difference being what Tim has available really. It is a bit too close to the edge at the front though. But it was really a first draft after Natalie drew a sketch. Hopefully Tim will have some 1'6" boards at Scaleforum for me to collect, which will give a bit more room to get it right, as 2' width would be too big I think (I'm picking up some 3x2 boards for the other layout mind you hopefully too). The other aspect is trying to decide if A6 points are going to be ok or too tight (B6 for the first point top left, others A6). As it won't likely be running steam, it should be ok, will have to think on that some more though.
  10. Not updated this for a while, as health and preparation for the Discworld Convention about a week ago took precedence. However, after some discussion with Natalie, we've come up with a provisional plan. The trackplan has been inspired in part by the recent BRM article of Drewery Lane, with a point taken out (deemed offscene in effect). It has however grown slightly to be 2 3x1 boards (may be 3x1'6 if Tim Horn has them at Scaleforum), so not sure if the scenic area will continue to fit within the S4 Society standard gauge workshop constraints, but not to worry too much if not. The aim is the 6ft of boards will also encompass the storage area (sector plate/traverser/cassettes). The plan is for it to mainly serve freight, and have a 2 car EMU/DMU used on it. Though it might need tweaking for that to fit in as it stands atm.
  11. Whilst it would be wonderful to have new Bulleid coaches from Hornby (especially if the different type to what Bachmann already do), I rather suspect - as others have - that it is a mistake in the publication rather than being real as such. But I would love to be proved wrong! If they did their Bulleids' like they did the Mk1s it would be great too, with a budget friendly option that they could put into their packs along with the new MN to come. However iirc Farish haven't long introduced new/updated tooled N Bulleid coaches so Bachmann may yet do theirs again?
  12. Perhaps the fact it had a unique transmission, coupled with 6 engines was part of the reasons. 6x the maintenance costs potentially perhaps. A novel approach, but probably deemed unsuited compared to more conventional methods being brought into use when it was withdrawn?
  13. Excellent, could do with several of these
  14. There is the aspect that these days we live in a world where 'warfare' is more likely to be cyber in nature than ships or tanks facing each other and more and more drones will be used rather than manned planes for a lot of missions. That and the threats faced by most of the big powers would not be stopped by having more ships/carriers/planes etc due to the very nature of how the terror attacks work. So perhaps the thinking behind the scenes has been one of putting more money towards fighting cyber warfare and terrorism than surface/air conflicts like we've been used to over the past 60 years.
  15. Went along this evening to their Thursday night running night. Wasn't that many people there due to most members having gone on Tuesday as they had a visit apparently from the west Bromwich club. Even though it was quiet, I found them friendly and welcoming and I will look to get along again sometime soon.
  16. You may find a recent post here about a small cheap usb led light useful for the fiddle yard, or underneath for emergencies perhaps as only needs 5v.
  17. Looks good. Saw it briefly at the GCR event. As for transport, a Mondeo estate is rather massive and (at least for the mk3 (upto 07 plate)) has fold flat seats and whilst it curves down at the back, it is long enough not to be a problem probably.
  18. It would be a shame after all the lovely work you've done to see it scrapped. Perhaps offering it on Gumtree or eBay for a quick sell might work after taking other bits that are easier to store off it? or an advert in magazines perhaps?
  19. That was my thinking too, with a bad back, stretching over a baseboard would be less than ideal for me. So being able to sit more comfortably at my desk is much preferred.
  20. I've not seen the ideas that Natalie has been thinking of as yet in full, just her comments by email that something small that could use an m7 and push pull or demu /emu There'll be wagons of some description I'm certain. I'll have a look at what you suggest, thanks.
  21. I suspect I'll be forced due to space in my flat to some extent to build points at my desk and transfer them, I'll just have to be extra careful. I was thinking of using closed cell foam for track underlay rather than cork, so what I may well do is build points on the foam, so they have some support before being transferred to the baseboards. An inglenook is the plan I suspect, Natalie has said she's come across a few possibilities, either involving a 2 car DEMU or EMU, or a push pull set (M7 + maunsell push pull).
  22. A fantastic little layout
  23. I had given some thought to an inglenook type arrangement. Though I prefer if I can to model real (or at least close to/inspired by) locations, as it gives a reference point to work to I find to some extent. I'll take a look at what you have come up with, thanks.
  24. So having gotten a plan in place (well mostly, still tweaking and thinking on it a bit) for the Woolwich layout, I have turned my attention to producing a small (3x2 probably) layout that I can use for a few learning exercises before using them on the main Woolwich layout. It will feature the following: P4 DCC MERG DCC/CBUS Probably 3ftx2ft or 3ftx1ft. Might even end up 2x 3ftx1ft boards. Tim Horn laser cut baseboards Set around mid to late 1960s, and feature BR green and BR blue period. Probably feature Bils/Hals/EPBs in 2 car units, and possibly pushpull sets. I have no set plan in mind atm, but I'm thinking something small and simple, maybe industrial in nature, perhaps a docks. Natalie is currently researching possible plans, but I'll listen to suggestions if people wish to give them here. The primary aim is to use it to figure out getting the MERG CBUS/DCC working on a layout and learning to build P4 trackwork in a smaller, less daunting layout plan than the current woolwich one offers (which is currently looking at 15ftx2ft scenic, but curved boards round to a traverser to run 2,4,6, 8 or 10 car trains depending on how many modules are set up). A small industrial setting or docks appeals for using small diesels or tank locos (I don't really mind if it is steam or modern image to some extent). I think doing this feels a sensible first step in getting the woolwich layout built. Thoughts?
  25. Another option to consider is if there is a local hackerspace to you. They often co-operatively buy things like laser cutters and 3d printers and for a monthly fee you get access to their workshop space.
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