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Job's Modelling

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Blog Comments posted by Job's Modelling

  1. Thanks for the compliments


    The first picture is indeed my first black and white 3D design. You can see that there have been some changing in the final result, although the design kept in tact. 


    I have never tried the layered approach on the small station posters of Scalescenes.

    for me it is almost impossible to create the black sides in a layered approach using photographic paper. So I decided to use two advertising boards with black sides. Cutting out the advertising the black sides were still on the original paper. Laying the second advertising poster under the cut out version I got  build-up black sides.

    I hope this explains it a little more.

  2. Hi Mikkel,


    Thanks for your informative answer.

    Every one has to develop his own way of story telling, and I agree with you that there are different ways to do it.

    For me the social aspect in railway modelling was always the most important. For railway freight traffic is, for my more interesting before the 1960's. And I loved to see the development of freight wagons and the use of them.

    I believe that you will see what I mean when I have finished my second chapter. 


    For as far as I know most diorama's are vignettes. Giving the viewer an image of a situation or a person in a (time based) setting. I now realise that making a story with several diorama's asks also for a different approach to create the story.

  3. Interesting, not just any furniture but *period* furniture. People who don't do modelling would be amazed if they knew what is available in this hobby!


    Folding those chairs and tables must be tricky.


    For my it was the most difficult part to build. I think I still have not used the right card for  making these tiny chairs. But using the templates it must be possible to build them with plastic card and profiles. The chairs and table can then be painted and other textures can be used as preferred. 

  4. Wonderful work Job. Including the colours, very nicely balanced and each room has it's own atmosphere.


    You should send some of the photos to Dart Castings, so they can feature them on their website in the gallery section: http://www.dartcastings.co.uk/gallery.htm


    Thanks Mikkel.


    Just have a look at   http://shop.finescalebuildings.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=70&products_id=194for the excellent furniture.

    For the colours I used the information I found on internet.


    Thanks for the suggestion. I will send some pictures to Dart Casting and Finescalebuildings.

  5. Thanks for your feedback.

    Working this way gives me also the opportunity to do some more figure painting.


    The idea of making a story in Powerpoint is still on my mind.

    More in the way of the The honourable slipper boy" , a picture with a smaller amount of text.

    In this way the reader can follow the story dia by dia.


    But I will also work out my story as booklet, the way I started it.


    Will be continued.

  6. My layout became unintentionally dated with the scenic material chosen: Metcalfe semis and terrace houses. As there is a street and a private road involved, vehicles are a must. I have purchased a lot, all for sentimental reasons and I have got all I could with Leeds reg. numbers comprised within the approximate year span (1937-1960). However I have a few without reg. n

  7. I agree with Dave, and it works so well because you aren't over-crowding the scene.


    Your strategic placement of the cars is clearly very well thought out. The A30 adds another "layer" and a small view block, and the partly hidden A35 suggests (i) that there is more than the eye can see and (ii) that this is a random everyday view as if we were strolling around the corner in real time. 


    That's what makes a three dimension picture worth to create. The placement of the details to create a balanced appearance.  It also gives my the opportunity to scene scenes with other figures and another car. Station Road could set in this way to another day in the week. 

  8. The matt varnish tones the colour down very well and the cars really help emphasise the time that the models are set in. Definitely a worthwhile addition in my opinion:-)

    Thanks for your comment. I have also weathered the cars (wheels and underside) with Vallejo 76521 Oiled Earth wash. 

  9. Thanks for the reply.

    I like to make the descriptions and histories of the persons and buildings for my Northall diorama's


    I think your blog ( http://farthinglayouts.blogspot.nl/) has a great legend. Maybe you can create different railway companies for your stock.


    I create all my blog entries in Word ans save them as a file. A have created a separate map for the entries, were all these files are saved on subject, for instance Bridge Street.

  10. Hello Mikkel.


    I have got eyedroppers and my eyes are improving. May take some time, but as always I keep thinking positive. 


    Your reply is very interesting and worth thinking about it.

    Maybe I can post me thoughts about this subject in one of my next entries.


    Internet (& Cloud) are great, but have also their limitations, as I last weekend read in an article about saving your pictures.

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