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Job's Modelling

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Everything posted by Job's Modelling

  1. This much better. Is there a fiddle yard at the side of the brewery ? If you pretend there is a loop there, you can imaginary let a loco run around. Maybe you can add a small signal box where the track goes to the siding.
  2. I started Nice Street (Urban Scene) as a diorama. With a new build model and some models from Bridge Street I made a muck up in the APA Box Non of these models was used on Nice Street. During building the diorama I start to do more research about how to build a diorama. I already accepted the rule of thirds for the planning. Also read some interesting things about how to design an urban scene. Most information about building a diorama is to be found in other modeling diciplines. Especially the information from Sheperds Paine was of great use for my. One of the things I noticed was that when I came in to the room where the diorama is standing you can see the whole scene at once. The viaduct and the railway arches where the first things that take the attention. In this way the viewer will loose his attention in a short time, without seeing the details on which I spend a lot of attention. I’m fascinated in the way Sheperd’s Paine discripes the realisation of a black box. So I dedided to give that a try. I made a tryout and did some experiment with the viewing opening. These resulted in the final desing. With this viewing opening it is possible to see the whole diorama, when you look around. By my art supplier I found black presentation card, suitable to create the front of my black box. I have to add some glass behind the opening. Just from a cheap photo frame. This is the way it looks when you are looking to the central scene. regards, Job
  3. I'm going to follow your blog with interest. My favorite subject on railways is the goods traffic. Like the diversity of goods stock. Like the locomotive.
  4. Love the way you weathered these models. Not only the coal wagons look great, I also like the way you weathered the coach.
  5. I looked at your layout. Nice plan with the water in front. The only real problem I see is the siding to the brewery. I think that this would cause problems working the layout, because you have to use the siding to the goods shed for shunting. regards, Job
  6. I looked again to your picture and used Google to find some information about Broad Gauge railways. Then I found this interesting picture of Swindon. I think it is a small loco shed with a water tower. I think if it is possible, it would create a great scene and a purpose for your sidings. I found the picture here http://www.flickr.com/photos/johnmightycat/6816512500/sizes/h/in/photostream/ regards, Job
  7. What is purpose of the siding? On the place of the cross you could create a low embankment, with a fence for the railway border. Maybe some sheep in front. I like those nice little locomotives. regards, Job
  8. I tried to make more visible what I had in mind. Unfortunately I still have to learn more about my photo program. regards, Job
  9. I looked at your layout. Have you tried to set up a half relief building in the front, for instance a small factory or warehouse. You could model the inside. An other possibility could be a wall with some trees and bushes in front of it. Would create a nice view block at the front of the layout. You could try this out with muck ups. Regards, Job
  10. I mostly use artist pastel chalks which I scrap off. Bought recently a "bottle" of Vallejo pigments to experiment with. Vallejo is very appreciated by military modelers. Living in the Netherlands means that Greenscene is only available by buying via internet for me.
  11. After reading all of the entry's I love the idea. Will follow the development with interest.
  12. Will follow your blog with interest. Like to see how other builders do their weathering. What kind of weathering powders do you use?
  13. Unfortunately this street scene was not designed as a black box and although I have ideas how to get an effective lightning I can't create that cause allergic reactions with soldering, But on the other hand I learned a lot from it. The most important one is: take enough time for planning and designing. I like also that scene in the hangar. See this link: http://sheperdpaine.com/gallery/aircraft/index.htm So on my next diorama I will see to the lighting before building the scene.
  14. Congratulations with your "new" job. Hope you can start building soon on your layout. It's also a new challenge to try to create something with a low budget.
  15. Here is the link to the free pdf book. http://peskar.org/model_trains/model_railroader/Kalmbach%20-%20Model%20Railroader%20-%20How%20To%20Build%20Dioramas.pdf also useful could be this one: http://books.google.nl/books?id=tge5LXsoGQIC&printsec=frontcover&hl=nl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
  16. “My aim in creating a diorama is to capture the essence of an urban, railway “connected”, scene in the late 1950’s” After building building Bridge Street I covered it with plastic against dust. This meant that it wasn’t visible any more. I also have to keep my hobby/work room as much as possible dust free because I’m very allergic. After a visit by Ikea I saw the APA box. After reading the user guide I decided to buy one to see if it was possible to build a convincing diorama in it. On an American website I found some information about how to create an interesting diorama. Later on I found a free e-book on diorama / black box design from Sheperd Paine, who builds mostly military diorama’s. First of all I started to describe my theme: · British Railways (Western Region) · 1955 – 1961 · Urban surrounding in an fictive neighbourhood · British Railways (Road Service) After this I described how to design the diorama in the APA-box. 1. Dividing the base into thirds. (see diagram ) 2. Dividing, if possible, the height into thirds. 3.. Try to place the most important elements where these lines intersect (red crosses). 4.. Design from the inside out. First arrange the main scene 5.. Make sure your topic is suited to a single viewpoint. 6.. Use the figure arrangement to create the rest of the scene 7.. Decide on the size of the viewing window 8.. Make a planning of the lightning Below the main scene of urban scene. I would call this diorama Nice Street now. More about Nice Street in a later entry. Main scene.
  17. Lovely modeled. Will have a look at Georgeconna on the RMweb to see his weathering techniques.
  18. Bought two APA boxes to day

  19. Bought two APA boxes to day

  20. Very nice. Looking forward to see the final result.
  21. Exhibition Farting Art Gallery (1st May - 1st June,2064) The much-loved English modeler Mikkel is the focus of this exhibition at the Farting Art Gallery, which seeks to re-appraise the artist for a new and extended audience. Bringing together around 50 works, including Mikkel's own historical Farthing diorama's Farthing Bay and The Sidings , the show explores how Mikkel became Britain's pre-eminent modeler of RMweb generation . On display are also urban diorama's representing the late 1950's and other railway related diorama's from other members of the RMweb school.
  22. This summer a saw an interview with a famous trend watcher. She proclaimed that artist are the mirror of society. Art now a days has a lot of faces, one of them could be railway modelling in all aspects. There are beautiful models of locomotives, bridges and so on in museums. Your strip conversation is maybe in the future a item on "Christie's" for those who like strips. Let's think about that: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/53.183
  23. It's a Oxford Diecast model. Searching for background information I couldn't find much about this type. Most of them had a separate flatbed. I like this flatbeds because they gave a great opportunity to give it a personal teach. One of the most important things for when I build a diorama. What"s inside the boxes you have to ask mister Strange, general director of Strange & Co. This company is making electrical equipment and precision instruments. So who knows ....
  24. For the same reason a started a blog for Northall. In my case is not the railway line the leading guide but a railway connected fictional neighbourhood. Will follow your blog with interest.
  25. I'll keep that in mind. Could also set Urban Scene (Nice Street) back to the 1930's ( GWR ) in the far future. Just love that advertising around shops in that time.
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