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Everything posted by DavidR

  1. Here in Poland, Lidl took out a lot of space on roadside advertising hoardings for New Year's fireworks and in the biggest writing possible was the word 'BUM' This is Polish for 'boom'. Sadly, the posters disappeared quickly after the season's jollies and I was unable to photograph one.
  2. They've just rebuilt the rail and bus station complex,here, but found out the bendy buses can't turn and there's not enough room for all the buses that will need to use it!

    1. DavidR


      How did you know?

    2. DavidLong


      Bet it all worked on the computer model.

  3. It's a bit nippy out there- minus 12c. Nearly as bad as the UK!

    1. trisonic


      Watch out! the Uk may receive one half inch of snow!

    2. muddys-blues


      oh please no !!!! how will the UK cope with that amount,we go into meltdown on 1/2"

    3. steve22


      Now then Tri and Muddy - think what rapture this will be for H & S...

  4. DavidR

    EBay madness

    He can't spell gauge (guage) either!
  5. Back in UK till October

    1. Stu from EGDL

      Stu from EGDL

      Not back in the UK till October!!!

  6. How to staus update

  7. DavidR

    EBay madness

    Seems like the silly b***ers (bidders!) who were offering massive sums for a photo of the Olympic torch will be disappointed.It's been withdrawn from the site.
  8. Enoch and Eli made a rare trip to Birmingham and were standing in front of an imposing building. "What they call this place, then", says Enoch. "It's the Council House", says Eli. "Bostin' innit. I got me name down fer one'na them!"
  9. The Dudley 'moke': branch train to Dudley. On the subject of donkeys, it was alleged that they were manufactured in Lower Gornal, there were so many in that area at the beginning of the 20th Century. And what about Cradley 'yeath (Heath)- Chain making: the Titanic (among others) had there anchor chains made there. Alas, I believe, the industry is now all gone.
  10. Moving into the 20th C., surely the Balti is a Black Country invention? First produced at The Lye, near Stourbridge, I believe.
  11. Bonfire night: Growty pudding and some Banks' bitter. Birmingham Mail: 1,760 yards.
  12. It's nudging 30c. and I'm not working today, so off to the garden with a cold beer. Compare this with Feb. (minus 26c)

  13. I seem to remember a BBC series from the 1980's (?) 'A Horseman Riding By' (adapted from the Delderfield novel), which featured restored GW vintage stock (1400 tank, coaches) plus the obligitory GW halt. Filmed on SDR, or WSR? Not sure.
  14. When a company I worked for moved to new premises, in Great Yarmouth, they removed all the old signs from the interior of the building -which had been a Jobcentre. I kept one and it is now displayed on my shed door. It reads ' No dogs, except guide dogs and NO CHIPS'.
  15. Many years ago, a company I worked for went 'all motivational', with signs everywhere exhorting you to work better. Even the gents loo got one: in huge red letters it said 'THINK!'. Some wag put up a smaller hand-written sign by the wash basin: "THOAP'!
  16. I have several short clerestory coaches in my collection and have dealt with them in the following ways: 1) Drill out a series of holes around the brass 'rivet' ,release the whole bogie and bin it. 2) Cement a piece of plasticard over the ensuing hole. 3) Cut away the lugs holding the underframe-it should then drop out. 4) Carefully saw the 'gas tank' from the stretchers (a razor saw is best for this). Retain the tie bars and bin the gas tank. Cement back into original position. 5)Fit Dean 8'6" bogies from 247 Developments, or Phoenix Coaches- these add weight. An alternative could be the Hornby clerestory bogies and wheels from Peter's Spares, or East Kent Models. These are cheaper, but lightweight, so a weight needs to be added, if the coach isn't to fly off going round corners. 6) Add gas tanks, vac pipes and vacuum cylinder from 247 Developments (other suppliers are avaliable). 7) Strip off old paint and respray in appropriate livery and add transfers. 8)Glaze, as suitable 9) Dont forget to strip paint off roof and repaint. 10) Job done!
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