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Everything posted by DavidR

  1. DavidR

    EBay madness

    I've bought things from this seller and have no complaints at all.
  2. By gently rubbing with a cotton bud, soaked in 'T Cut' the 'G W R' disappeared, but it did leave a smooth finish to the paintwork. As I have to add coal and slightly weather the tender top with powders, I shall do that first and then spray with matt acrylic varnish to matt the tender sides down and cover the weathering. However, the whole thing is on hold as the Dukedog is waiting for me back in the UK, until I return there in July.
  3. I passed this place every day last summer, when teaching in GY. I thought it was a rather grand building, just for buses. The building next door is very 1930's and I think is dated: was that a ticket office, or waiting room?
  4. DavidR

    EBay madness

    And the tender driven motors squeal something rotten!
  5. Can we have this with music, please. 'Sailing away'?
  6. GWR/WR 'Grange': beautiful loco.
  7. I have followed this thread with interest: particularly the various methods (and kindly advice offered). While looking at a Polish model rail site, I came across this video on ballasting. Beware: it's all in Polish, but the video is interesting in that he has what looks like code 100 rail, deep sleepers and appears to be using undiluted glue. Also please note that the word 'clay' is spoken several times - this is Polish for 'glue'. Edit for spelling
  8. As a child, I used to travel to my Grandmother's house in Small Heath, Birmingham, by bus. There was a glue factory somewhere near the Birmingham City football club, which was on the way there. My God! The stink! One conductoress told my mother she often had to stop the bus to be sick! Happy days (or not).
  9. Try looking at the online edition.
  10. Many years ago, I built a layout on the cheap using dried tea leaves for ballast (I was on a v. tight budget!). I painted all the baseboards, (which were blockboard obtained for free), in blackboard paint to seal them. Anything and everything stuck to it well(ballast, buildings, scenery, etc.) and you never had those embarrasing gaps, with natural wood showing. Sealing the surfaces beforehand is a godsend.
  11. DavidR

    Hornby Star Class

    Speak to Geoff Davis: he's so helpful, it's impossible!
  12. I caved in yesterday and bought the G W R version, from the Bure Valley Railway shop. Already removed the GWR and replaced with a shirtbutton logo: next renumbering and naming. I've decided on the first one - 3201 'St.Michael'. (I'm a big fan of Marks & Spencer!)
  13. DavidR

    Dapol Class 22

    Ordered an all green one from Hattons last November. First chance to look at and run it, was last week -my first week back in the UK. Worked OK in one direction, but derailed in reverse, oscillating a bit before it did so. Gave it a workout on a friend's rolling road today - one end oscillating quite badly (so, it wasn't my track at fault!). No more stock at Hattons, so its going back to DCC Supplies for repair. No problem, as I wont be back in the UK until July. I wait with baited breath.... Took comfort by buying a freshly delivered Bachmann GWR badged Dukedog from Bure Valley Railway shop.
  14. DavidR

    Hornby Star Class

    Having ordered mine from Steam last June, and working in Poland, I wasn't too worried about a fast delivery. However, as I'm spending a couple of weeks in blighty, I thought I'd better rattle a cage at Steam and find out what the position was. It seems mine was posted to Norfolk last December, but didn't arrive. Apparently a couple were returned by Royal Mail, when the address labels fell off! Geoff at Steam was a real help, yesterday on the phone, and a replacement is on the way (signed for). Full marks to him. I just hope Lode is all in one piece and it works! Edit for punctuation.
  15. DavidR

    Hornby Star Class

    Me too! Although I wont be back in the UK until Feb. Hope these things don't have a 'best before date' !
  16. Near us in North Norfolk is 'Sloley', so that makes it three villages!
  17. DavidR

    EBay madness

    Interesting that the information below the pic. shows the make as 'Hornby'. As Alice said "Curiouser and curiouser....!"
  18. DavidR

    Hornby Star Class

    When will 'Steam' have theirs? I'm waiting......
  19. Yeth. What a thilly man I am! My thithter alwaths thaid tho.
  20. Yeth, there was one, at least.
  21. Many years ago, I worked for a company that was awash with motivational phrases. Even the loo did not escape: in there, over the washbasins was a sign thaat declared 'Think!'. Some wag wrote alongside the washbasins "Thoap!'
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