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Everything posted by pheaton

  1. Objectionable yes, but as mentioned the knock on affect of allowing retailers to set there own prices will price smaller retailers out of the market. Tough titty you might say but that then potentially decreases the retailer base for the manufacturer, and potentially accelerates the downturn of modelshops because margins have become so squeezed they are not profitable. If all the smaller modelshops closed overnight do you honestly think the survivor's would maintain the level of discounts seen? In the short term i agree the consumer loses out... But in hornbys case its 6 weeks... Its then up to the retailers to set discounts beyond that, and they do accordingly to their sales trends..... Long term i percieve the consumer losing out without these measures because shops will close and competition eill decrease.
  2. It is there job if they intend to maintain retailer confidence in the strength of the brand, for which if that strength is being dictated by the financial muscle of the larger model shops able to impact supply by buying in bulk at lower prices which is then going to impact supply to smaller retailers. Who then are going to think twice about buying models from the brand which then leaves for example Hornby to sell an entire production run for which the size of is difficult to decrease accordingly, through a decreasing retailer base.....
  3. By temporary i mean its a 6 week period for each release
  4. It would be wrong to assume losses are the sole result of incorrect pricing, there are hundreds of factors that could influence profits or losses. The notion that prices are being held artificially high isvthat retailers that would routinely discount are being prevented from doing so by certain percentages within a certain period of time. Hence prices being held higher than they might otherwise have been. Would the relevant authorities be interested? i doubt it for 2 reasons. 1 the discount ban isn't permanent 2 there's no indication of the consequences.... We have only perceived the consequences. Unless of course a retailer is prepared to put on a public forum that they have proof they have been cut off from suppliers for not following the relevant pricing structure.... Really can anyone honestly see the likes of Bachmann or Hornby cutting hattons or rails off for discounting? All that will happen is the wholesale prices will increase and prices will raise that way.... Its a simple supply and demand scenario we supply but at the first 6 weeks at this price.... Hornby Bachmann whoever dont gain anything oyt of this supposed price fixing they sold the models long ago to a wholesaler or direct to the retailer at a price below what we pay, its the retailer if anything that potentially gains in the 6 week period, by flogging a model at a higher price to moddeller who just can't wait for there model.... The answer is simple just wait another 6 weeks for your model by then the price might drop....... All Hornby or whoever are trying to do is create a level playing field for retailers.
  5. Searched high and low for a bachman scenecraft depot crew room, luckily KGR had one in stock, ordered at 11 o clock Wednesday, delivered Saturday, superb service cant fault them.
  6. But they (Hornby) will argue that its reflected in the price, and given that these are both sound fitted for not a lot more than a standard set (indicative to some of the markup available). to be fair to Hornby they have been upfront with what you are getting, whereas competitors have introduced decoders with similar capabilities without being so upfront about it, or reflected it in the price (but thats already been done to death elsewhere) But in answer to your question yes you are stuck with the decoder you cannot do anything about it's sounds....if they went down the loksound select route, and made the projects available for use in another locomotive that you could load on to the decoder that would be better.
  7. thats possibly for another thread pete it would be unfair to divert this one
  8. This This is what i dont understand.....the Hornby class 31 TTS chips are very good...in terms of sound quality.........this however.....sound like the conversation went... So did you get some HST recordings.......oh yeah start up horns idle..... what about thrash.... thrash? yeah thrash you know like when your moving off... oh....i knew there was something.... its ok go to gents and record the dyson air blade....that will do!
  9. Words cannot describe the disappointment you will feel if you purchase one and think you will be transported to a railway platform in the 1990s..... Despite is good value for what my good freind mr pember (D1051) terms...coming towards and going away thrash (both power cars are sound fitted).....its sound is not the best i'm afraid...... in fact at the top end i would say the neighbourhood dogs and possibly dolphins in the atlantic ocean, will hear it better than you will! However....i would tip it to be the new weapon of choice over the ever reliable factory sound bachman class 20 for upsetting the anti sound brigade at exhibitions horns...great....engine start up and idle....mmmmm yeah ok not bad....but a little on the quiet side.... that burst of sound on move off....non exisitant....and top end engine sound.....im reminded of a thistle whistle from the cartoon family ness.....(youngsters will have to you tube that one) personally i really would like to know if the person in Hornby that said "that sounds awesome lets sell it :)" has actually ever heard a valenta fitted hst...
  10. I didn't hear anything back from. Bachmann so would assume they didn't find anything
  11. The sound fitted models have always had a different chassis design, however Heljan seem to follow the same idea even the retooled 33s were still 8 pin, however......hornbys decoder line (what ever you think of it), is 8 pin apart from the sapphire which includes an 8 pin harness so perhaps the business mantra however bizarre it seems could be because they do not have a native mainstream 21 pin decoder..... Personally i wish DCC would just stick to one interface per scale.
  12. AFAIK and happy to be corrected Lima only had 2 sizes of wheel. Driving wheels yes, they were 10mm i believe the wheels are the same as 33s, 26s, HSTs and 50s and Deltics and from memory 37s. In fact i believe they were the HO scale wheel. further re-inforced by the fact that 50s and deltics had HO scale bogies. i seem to recall 31s and 47s and 20s and 67s had the larger wheels.
  13. Hi All, Wondered if anyone knew the most common solution for colour light signalling a train from the main to a bay platform (that doesent involve a matrix indicator) was it...... A feather or A Ground based position light signal or was it a post based position light signal The only real life example i know well is gloucester and coming from the lydney side a 3 aspect 4 feather signal seems to control all routes or atleast i think it does? I need to order a signal from absolute aspects and im trying to decide if its a triple feather or a double feather with a post based PLS? or neither Thanks in advance
  14. IMO it was only worth doing as the rails limited edition, oversize arrows were they only thing that made it stand out from any other split-box large logo tractor. bet they wont include the eth connections
  15. The heaviest areas are all the same 2nd mans side screw hole and then spreading to the inside of the chassis. But if i look at hadrian 47404 which is getting on for 10 years old now there isnt a spot on it weird if anything.
  16. So just for clarity i have contacted bachman, and had a similar response, to what andy has posted above, i must say its very refreshing to see a manufacturer respond like that in terms of how serious they are taking it..... After taking a long hard look it (with the aid of a metallurgist) would appear that the 47s i have listed (and I have in total 36) are suffering from something known as "wet stain" in laymans terms is a superficial corrosion where a zinc alloy has been exposed to moisture before its been able to form a protective oxidisation layer. However the 6 models affected are all stored with my other 47s and 37s and none of them are affected. I have offered to send them 47745 which is by far the most affected model. But if any of you guys have the white deposits they can be sanded off and resolved by painting the chassis.
  17. The inside of the chassis is unpainted, the first photo illustrates the white deposits on the inside of the chassis, ive got 6 affected models so far one less than a year old. Ive sent Bachmann an email offering to send the worst affected and the least affected model back so we will see what they say. I will say though it doesn't fully match the "M/O" of classic mazak rot (i didnt see the white deposits on any of my 31s or 50s) and no chassis have failed despite some quite destructive testing on one of the blocks..... I do have some theories but ill let bachman comment first.
  18. Not yet will do tomorrow looks like an issue affecting later models strangely the corrosion is in exactly the same place to check your models you don't need to dismantle check the for bodyside mounting screw holes the no2 end 2nd mans side will have a white deposit inside it
  19. Edit same issue present in 47436 and 47745 and 47100 and 47710 and 47576 is in the early stages....
  20. Evening all, Had some running issues in my Bachman 47522 so decided to investigate further although not related to the running problem the chassis appears to be suffering from the early stages of mazak rot or some form of oxidisation, with some surface cracking visible close up, at the moment the chassis is undistorted and not possible to break parts off but looks like the early stages of something big. See attached photos check your spoons folks!
  21. Now compare your us pricing research with average us take home pay.... And then compare that with British take home pay.... Then compare European model prices with average European take home pay (im talking germany here) and i think you will find interesting pattern develops.... For the record i dont fully subscribe to the reasons given for the justification of the price rises.... Model companies have shareholders shareholders expect profit! As for the Bachmann 37 the first 37 i saw without sprung buffers was actually viking! 37057....hmmmmmm whats viking got in common with 37099.........my biggest issues at the time was previously the model press hailed and heralded spring buffers but marked models down that didn't have them... The lack of sprung buffers went completely unnoticed by every review in the model mags.... Esp model rail! I might be wrong but i seem to recall viking doesn't have separate hand rails... Does 099? Fine these are nice to havez or gimmicks whatever you want to call them and im firmly with the sprung buffers are pointless brigade 99% of the time they only move when you take them out the box and tap them with your finger.... Or is it just me that does that ... Bloody android phone can one of the mods please delete my unedited post
  22. There not mw cables in the bag they are ETH cables. Edit didnt see petes post
  23. pheaton


    There was a shunters mess and a crew room, by scenecraft and both are like rocking horse poo. Occasionally they appear on ebay but fetch high prices.
  24. A major alreration to the tooling would be required to Do a 45/1 correctly, by which time the model could also do with more pickups on the axles. It's one of the models long overdue a retool.
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