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Everything posted by pheaton

  1. Sound recordings for kestrel dont exist, and it doesn't sound anything like a 47 im afraid, the closest living relative would be the sulzer lva28 fitted french 68000 series locomotive for which there is only one operational survivor.
  2. This has been discussed before.....whilst the literature included with the TTS chips talks about changing speakers and even shows you how to wire them, there have been instances where Hornby have reject warranty claims but there have been also instances where they were replaced under warranty......best thing to do would be to email them i guess.
  3. Surely all of your creditors need to share the expenditure equally how can you make certain people burden the risk by not getting a refund for expenditure, when refunds should be on a pro-rata basis? If the project for some reason fails some people are going to be more out of pocket than others? Or at least that's what you appear to imply with the "some will not get a refund" statement?
  4. NON TTS sound chips will run with certain limitations on a DC layout, however.... 1,) Generally DCC sound chips have the DC function disabled so you will need someone with a DCC system to enable the CV for you 2,) You will have no function control (so no whistles fireman shovelling etc etc) 3,) You will only have sound while the model is moving so you wont have sound when stationary
  5. The door was not plated over it is an entirely new door, and the most plausible reason I've seen is a cost cutting exercise. So they didn't have to maintain a droplight, and doors with wooden frames and droplights are prone to rot and also they rot the cab floor plating beneath the floor, as unlike a cab drop light there is no channels for the rain the drain through. Other cost cutting exercises were the removal of the locomotives engine instrument panel to save costs here as well. The door i have in bits at the moment (for refitting to 26043) seems to indicate they were not insulated either, just a wooden frame with plywood backing and a fibreglass skin. Considering they worked the far north the class 26s have the worst possible cab, after refurbishment all internal panels were removed from the desks exposing the pipework beneath, for ease of maintenance, 26's also only had 3 heaters in the cab, and the cab cookers removed. "edit" I believe the reason for the tablet catcher removal was so dual brakes could be fitted, if you look in the cab of a class 26 you will notice that there is a large circular depression closer to the centre of the desk then the current Fv4 brake valve, this was the original position of the vacuum brake, the Fv4 in its current position would have fouled the plate work for the tablet catcher.
  6. Also be aware you are not covered under section 75 of the consumer credit act if you pay with a credit card through paypal. In addition unless you paid £100+ per transaction to each part of the crowdfunded project you may not be covered under section 75 of the consumer credit act. It would depend on how the card company views the various parts of the transaction. WHICH? seem to imply you are covered but it looks like a bit of a grey area....to be 100% sure i would talk to your credit card provider, or the financial services ombudsman https://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/regulation/section-75-of-the-consumer-credit-act basically if the project does not go ahead for any reason and you cant claim on section 75 you are reliant on the vendor refunding your money, if the vendor for any reason becomes insolvent you then may have a claim as a creditor of the company.
  7. It was chris, then a recommendation was published that rakes of mk1s must not be inside a Mk2/Mk3 based vehicle on either end of the rake
  8. not unusual at all for tops to be out of touch with real life events...quite often you see tops being updated after locos have been cut...
  9. I might be wrong....but i seem to recall that if there are catering facilities aboard then toilets must be provided. modified BG idea sounds like a good idea though! and i think you will find the toilet cistern is above the floor in a mk1
  10. I believe this relates to the banning on "non retention" toilets on the mainline at the end of 2019, something which modifying a mk1 to retention would not be an easy exercise, i dont believe there are plans to exempt railtour trains so unless this changes or mk1s are modified with retention tanks then yes this will mean an end to passenger carrying mk1s on the mainline
  11. Hi Roy, Have you got the second batch?? IE the one commissioned by Olivias trains? if so that would make sense, the earlier ones (including mine) had bulbs and they were shocking lol
  12. Im not sure i seem to recall at the time someone reported due to the simplistic nature of the control board on the heljans the bulbs could cause a short.
  13. it will be a full fat v4 as phil said if you are fitting this to a Heljan 58 i strongly advise you to disconnect the light bulbs, they can cause the chip to fail, ive had a 33 and a 58 fail for this reason.
  14. datum plates, used to monitor the position of the rail against a fixed structure, shows distance of the running rail from the structure 1029mm, line it applies to in this case UM and cant which i think is the 35mm.
  15. Essentially yes, just newer strengthened heads and different turbo chargers.
  16. differences in the 58s construction would make this difficult (3 different types of cooler group, 3 i think types of bogie) and various other differences covering the class would make it a difficult task especially when requiring some as a float for spare parts....56s when working properly were considered better machines...although many a fitter reading this would slap me i expect!!! it wasnt the engine that was the issue on the 56 its just a 37 engine with more cylinders bolted on to it.....it was the ridiculous reliance on 1970s electronics.....which never worked really well.....if they substituted AC traction motors for the DC ones currently fitted it could quite a machine.... Also bear in mind the mooted GM lump has already been successfully fitted in the same bodyshell as a 56.....
  17. The nature of the repairs completed to the bank outside of broadway mean its currently not possible to re-instate a double track line between broadway and toddington, going south to Winchcombe, its possible to double track, but further improvements to bank at chicken curve would be required i seem to recall, Winchcombe to Gotherington would require some investment in a few of the bridges, Gotherington to Cheltenham feasible yes...Dont forget its not just the bridges you can see but there 10s of culverts and occupation bridges you dont see! But why would do you need to? In the case of the GWR (and ive been a working volunteer there for over 15 years) You are doubling your permanent way costs for little return, the railway runs with 3x 8 coach rakes, and a DMU which only run in all together in the peak season with plenty of slack. Platform 2 at cheltenham and Platform 2 at broadway are currently not in use, with those in use the number of paths available will increase but still nowhere near enough t justify double tracking the line.... Good on the GCR for double tracking...but i think its fairly common knowledge that it costs an exceptional amount of money to keep that infrastructure going compared with single track.
  18. It doesent have a speaker as such fatadder but a bleeper. its to the immediate bottom right of the two capacitors. (back circle with the hole in the centre.) Bleepers dont have coils (like loudspeakers) so i dont think this is your issue. From a system design point of view that's quite possibly the worst place you can have such a component next to all of those higher voltage components which will be dishing out short range interference. a simple way to silence it rather than removing it might be to cover the hole with some bluetac to see if that makes any difference However since you say it does it when the screen is plugged in then it sounds like the coil that drives the screen may be faulty or possibly damp, or an inverter if it has one fitted depending on what voltage the screen runs at.
  19. There would be a lag accelerating, not much though because reg air is 54psi max and it wouldn't take long to achieve that even over the push pull mk2s unless there is a leak of course. Deceleration wouldn't be affected by lag at all because the air is exhausted by the valve in the power controller of the loco being driven. Then you have the 27 way wires which operate things like the fire alarm, possibly fault and wheelslip lights (but not sure on those) reverser and the power control relay. Blue star is relatively simple system, compared to tdm and the Drs proprietary system. However blue star is prone to false feeds caused by damp which can cause a lot of problems.
  20. They do...........but do they sell? You came here looking for a trainset but we also sell.................. this post is meant to be thought provoking....and im really interested in what out retailers on this site think, in that i can talk as a modeller but i dont know really what appears to be shifting....... in terms of hornbys sales volume....i can give my opinion which is the point of this post...so i really really want avoid wailing and gnashing of teeth About me......im a a D+E modeller have been since the early 2000s (which is when i could really afford models) before then i had a basic trainset Hornby class 37 lima hst 117 etc etc.....firstly....IM NOT AN EXHIBITION modeller....esp in standards.....95% of my stock is pristine and 100% of my stock is RTR. its all a mixture of manufacturers.....Hornby, Bachmann, Heljan, and Vitrains.....Lima heritage is confined to 2 rakes of coaching stock and some 31 bodies on Hornby RR chassis. As a customer (im not a retailer remember ) whats my issue with Hornby.......i have in my collection 12 Hornby class 56s 9 Hornby class 31s, 5 class 50s 5 class 60s so its fair to say i have a reasonable amount of investment in the brand.....ive got 2 key problems...... 1,) Mazak rot 2,) that downright over-complicated coupling arrangement... both of those mean........ive not bought a Hornby model within 6 months of release..... because im losing faith in the brand, Hornby dealt with the class 31 problem as best it could but there production constraints mean that as i see they haven't dealt with it completely...... now the point of this is not to drag either issues up...its to illustrate my frustration with the brand......what does that mean......Hornby don't see my money for a while or they may not see it at all because i might just buy the model second hand...... compare that to a competitor..... Local model shop "simon (yeah were on first name terms) can i put you down for a tamar".......yes please........ why......because i have 100% faith in the brand......not seen any reported issues with running the model........or the model doing what its supposed to do.....like pull trains without derailing ......and considering that particular model has been available for the best part of a decade... none appear to have fallen apart.... Question is......am i alone on those thoughts? How many others hold back on Hornby for those reasons? Thats before we get on to price.....weve seen the Hornby 31 go way past 3 figures £130ish being quoted......as one of my fellows modellers rightly pointed out......price is price.....you cant do anything about it 100% correct! what does that mean.....well it means for me....that Hornby are going to have to work damn hard to see any of my cash.........and i dont know if im alone in those thoughts....since the price rises.....and other issues have come to light have any retailers seen a drop in spending by there top 10% of customers in the shop on new models? if we break that down further.... my wages (as a crown servant) have been frozen for over 5 years models have become far less affordable....which means im going to buy less which means Hornby make less profit.... the pocket/birthday/christmas money i give to my son to hypothetically spend on models.......is also less... the pension im going to have when i retire......well you get the picture Now im in no way alone in that scenario.....what does this mean for Hornby....your getting less cash.....thats before we take in to account my issues with the brand earlier in this post.... Then we get on to what i like to coin "the APT affect" What do i mean by this....these are models that i think Hornby have released with the public in mind not modellers.... and it started out with the APT (some might argue flying scotsman but remember im a D+E modeller ) Why did Hornby release the APT???? if you look at modellers as i see them.....if i said to you.....how about buying a Bachmann 85 on your non electrified layout......you wouldnt do it would you.....so why would you buy an APT??? Was it more aimed at the non trainset owning public because it was the face of BR at the time? How many people were modelling the WCML when that loco came out? .......yes some people just bought it because they liked model trains......but does that make good business sense for Hornby.......did the Hornby apt ever make a profit? the reason i think thats relevant is fast forward to 2012.....what came out......a Hornby 2012 javelin......in trainset form.....(same as the APT)......were the public thinking......blimey its the olympics i must buy a Hornby javelin.......the only time ive seen a Hornby javelin was on James May toy stories......and im wondering...how many people on reading this thread.....bought a Hornby javelin!!!!! Did the Hornby javelin make a profit....????? Have these models contributed to Hornby's financial position? Sometimes i think Hornby have got it right.......in willing to bet the Intercity 125 and the Hornby Flying scotsman has got more normals to buy a model railway than anything else......whats the problem here.......that cow has been milked, slaughtered, and had for sunday dinner.....im wondering if they tried the same train of thought (pun intended) with the APT, Intercity 225, and Javelin....and that's before we get to the toy story trainset!!! im wondering ......are we on the same line of thought with the recent release of IEP? How many of you out there are going to buy an IEP? What made Hornby think the IEP would sell? who models the Great western mainline.......in the 2018 era......are there enough of these people to justify the tooling and commission of an entirely new model right now????? Have any retailers here sold all of there IEPs? Compare this to a traditional diesel class 47, 31......dmu class 101 150...........all safe bets long lasting and tick far more boxes for modellers than the IEP,........ On the D+E side.....im yet to see where Bachmann and the others have got this wrong? Now some may say the Heljan 86 was a pup....great good point....but does anyone know where i can buy one from??????........they might have been poorly recieved......but they all sold!!! A more direct comparison could be drawn with the bachman blue pullman......but im wondering.....if the triang pullman didnt exisit.......would the Bachmann one exist? Im talking from my perspective in my area of interest D+E.......im not saying im right....im not saying the above is the hardline according to terence trent d'ardy (thats a nod to andy y's KLF reference ), one of the greatest thing ive got out of rmweb is interesting threads from the wider community....and ill watch this thread with interest and i invite people to disagree with me and want them to put there point across because one of us will be right, and if a manufacturer takes note that's only a good thing.... ill close my post with the following..... If i had to compare my hobby with my industry.....At the moment....Hornby are 3DFX interactive......and Bachmann are Nvidia.....lets just hope that it doesent finish the same way......because without Hornby in my opinion the hobby will suffer!
  21. showing your age there Andy i wonder how many people are....sat there thinking....whats he on about KLF???? I do wonder though how much impact the industry commentators would say that things like the mazac issues, have had on Hornby? But are Hornby an early casualty of the whole industry with bachman scaling back releases and the likes of hattons commissioning models, and more recently model rail commissioning models......or is it a case of the hobby is starting to become unsustainable, at the current prices?
  22. From a single user personal point of view no issues with legality, your using at your own risk, however it would illegal to sell or distribute commercially, low voltage* electrical goods without a ce marking. Which doesent just cover the electrical aspects of the item.... https://www.gov.uk/guidance/ce-marking Again this is purely speculation as to why they are not selling kit here. The other possibility the xbee module which handles comms between the receiver and the handset is i believe (happy to be corrected) outside the unlicensed UK radio transmission bands, a quick search shows that the xbee pro module seems to operate on 900mhz. Any radio amateurs would be able to confirm this, which is why they need a license to pursue their hobby. There is nothing stopping you importing it.....from a legality point of view your operating an RF transmitter on a licensed band....without a license, could you be caught......possibly and if it was traced to your train-set.....(time consuming but not difficult to do, and you would have to be causing a major nuisance). But there is a law you can fall foul of.... the xbee is a product range supaned, some of them use 802.11b which is perfectly legal in the uk where as the xbee pro which is whats pictured on the pro throttle page uses radio on the 900mhz frequency. Again speculation but they have gone with that for simplicity in the handset as well as low power consumption whilst avoiding all the general pitfalls of wifi... shame really because if they could come up with a british or well.....less GM'ised version i think id be quite tempted.... edit just looked it up 900mhz is used on european GSM bands, so if this device was configured to use the same bands you could possiibly maybe...... start interfering with mobiles, and that would get you noticed quite quickly!!! And if they can see the interference at the cell towers it wouldnt take them long at all to figure out where you are....
  23. Couldnt find anything wrong with Chris Tarrant, he's a known railway enthusiast...ok he's not a hard core trainspotter, but i think its better that a normal with an interest in the railways narrates rather then an out and out enthusiast, because they give a more balanced approach to people watching who are not interested in the railways... The only other person i think could have pulled it off without making it cringeworthy would have been Ian Hislop. my only complaint was I think there was far too much reference towards Deltics yes HSTs ousted them on the ECML but the HST was a multi-region train, i think it had more to do with the fact that normals would recognise a deltic over any other locomotive, ive lost count driving a 37 the amount of times a normal has asked me if its a Deltic! Not into deltics...people rave about them but my response was if they were that good they would have lasted a lot longer than 20 years! And every naval engineer ive spoken to/worked with absolutely hates the napier deltic engine! Some footage of high speed running on the GCRN which possibly shouldnt have been broadcast mind But a good program, not the useual out and out mickey take that normally appears to suffice in these sort of the programs.
  24. That's the whole idea of purchasing rights....you control how it operates... You wouldn't buy a car and then let people use it without permission....why would you do the same with IP rights.....its all about protection of your intellectual property.....lets say Thomas suffers a boiler explosion and injured lots of people, or starts following themes that wasn't in keeping with the brand.....the brand suffers so of course your going to protect it.... Thomas went from a bed time story to a money making machine end of story......pun intended. As for the money that changed hands that's up to the seller isn't it....going on the car theme do you go to the car dealership i mentioned earlier and pay more for the car then you need to? As a brand its day is done....... Good move by Hornby in my opinion....think back a few decades about the brands that have come and gone....had a resurgence and gone again.....the Gerry Anderson series spring to mind....
  25. only when its broken andi....26043 takes far more of my time than 149 ever did in the last 15 years!
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