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Everything posted by Davidjsmith

  1. Any news at Milton Keynes show when these will be delivered?
  2. Cannot wait for my 25’s dont know if they will all arrive at once?24/1 next year too!!~Keep running my 24’s that super Sulzer sound!! maybe 25/1 formal announcement in the new year?
  3. I would imagine when they are listed to buy there will be a number of Variants on offer including duel brake Loco.s with hinged vents!
  4. Yes it was last Vacuum Braked 25 in service earlier body shape.Phillip has hinted before & there was a sample body shown before.No formal announcement as yet!
  5. Hope not !But the Loco’s are so good cannot wait for them to arrive!! was 25 042 a complete loco ?i have seen a body shell before (no Number}?Any photos of this anyone?
  6. Would be really nice if Sound fitted were made available with my hands that brake what I try to take apart!!I would order GWR chocolate & cream too I think!Probably will anyway!
  7. From SLW Facebook?Cardiff model show we are pleased to announce that the magnificent and popular exhibition layout Mostyn will be headlining our show this year on August 20th/21st. Latest advert in ~Hornby Magazine
  8. If they do a super detail Merchant Navy or Battle of Britain /West Country I would be very Happy !!I am 1978-1985 Diesel era but the Pacifics are my favorite steam Locomotives!
  9. can we please just have one on these & be done with it!!
  10. Hornby Magazine New Locomotive Announcement video !200!
  11. The picture looks very similar(that’s why I think people missed it) but the text was added 02/05/22 stating signed off production versions.
  12. It’s there banner picture (wrong word cannot remember what they call it)If you click on photo the written part comes up to.
  13. Hopfully you will email current customers when this book availerble?
  14. HELLO RAT FANS: “This is no pipe-dream or ambition. This is reality. The complicated tooling is complete. The decoration has been passed. The running samples have been examined, refined and approved.” Fully-working models in BR Blue and BR Two-Tone Green are stabled side by side on our office diorama and display a wealth of intricate detail including see-through photo-etched grilles throughout, allowing framing and radiator details to be seen. © Photo: SLW stud dated 03/05 Just noticed this recent facebook post!!The picture in similar to one in February 2021.But Production Models!!
  15. https://www.facebook.com/search/posts/?q=sutton's locomotive workshop This gives you are slightly better time Frame on 24/1 & 25’s .
  16. Got lots on order if they all come at once it will be a big box!!If the 25/1 is formally launched more to order!!I keep running my 24/0 locos 0great Sound) they may need a works overhaul !!Just need some patience tablets really want to have these superb Loco’s to hand.We have to be patient I guess??
  17. Sorry I meant on that site for Sutton’s on her account as I don’t do face book ?No new posts showing for some reason?That linked worked thanks!!
  18. Cannot see this on my wife’s facebook page ?might be me who knows!
  19. Love Silver roof 47’s we had them on oil trains to Rugeley power station from Nuneaton in the Winter early 80’s!
  20. Can you tell us the number of the silver roofed 47 you previewed at Guildford or is it a secret?
  21. I w2ould Love somebody to do these I was at Nuneaton depot 1978/!985 & want to replicate the trains ~I worked on .This is a must although a kit is available still if not?
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