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Everything posted by hammy

  1. hammy

    Heljan class 60

    I need! I need! I need!
  2. Am I bad for saying that I'm getting a little bored of the red tugs and wish DB would run a few more EWS tugs on the Kingsbury tanks
  3. After my earlier question regard weather or not this inspection saloon was the same as Caroline ( which it is not ) is this saloon the same as the one painted in EWS maron similar to the one created by the n gauge society
  4. Quick pic taken at wrec-rail but I can't remember the name of the cracking layout (every the work of the owner of layout only transit is mine)
  5. There was me hoping cheers
  6. I have one question and it is probably dumb but is this carrage the same as networkrail Caroline inspection coach
  7. After carefull consideration I will be preordering one of these gems Friday Rule Book 5 Page 127 Paragraph 7 Subsection B Delete as appropriate It is my (model railway/train set/layout) the loco I am purchasing (fits into my layout/has time travelled forward in time/erm the wizards have been around) and will give me many hours of running (prototypically/In my wildest dreams) so nnaaaaahhhhh
  8. OT a bit but love that with the HST prototype "the kitchen will be fitted with a microwave oven for rapid service" something we take for granted now
  9. I have no need for one but I want sorry need one off these. Know to convince the girl friend that the modern image depot is finished and that I now need BR blue aswell
  10. Right couple off updates first I have installed the RAC transit and a corsa on my road bridge know the transit has flashing beacons and headlights while the corsa has flashing amber lights (to make it look like its hazards) as it has broken down Know I have also started on a skip lorry the cab is from road transport images this will be mated with a langleys skip lorry rear end with a bit of bodgery but here's the start of the cab
  11. Keep up the great work Big Jim we appreciate all your knowledge
  12. Black sunshine - Rob Zombie featuring Iggy Pop
  13. Pretty fly (for a white guy) The Offspring
  14. One quick question where was the Tarmac sentinel used and what for feel a em gauge plank layout my first foray but need to know the setting
  15. Have caved into peer pressure (thanks you lot) and brought a Tarmac version
  16. Time to get the tshirts printed "We Love The Big Red Spidery Thing"
  17. Can't get you out of my head - Kylie Minogue Going to get my coat
  18. This is my mk 2 attempt on a RAC van the original only had flashing lights but know we have headlights aswell although with all the wires and resistors there no room left in the rear of the can oops lol
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