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Everything posted by Derekl

  1. I am reasonably sure the Peco geometry has not changed, although there have been variations in the detail (such as flangeway gaps). Here are templates for the various 16.5 mm points: https://peco-uk.com/collections/turn-out-crossing-plans/oo-ho-16-5mm Hope that is helpful.
  2. This is interesting - in another thread (I can't remember which - possibly something about goods traffic levels) suggested that the 16 ton (or whatever, depending on vehicle) marker was the maximum weight - that is tare plus load. Somebody specifically stated (with what appeared to be authority) that the "payload" of a 16 ton mineral was around 8 or 9 tons - 16 tons less tare of around 7. I thought that surprising when I read it - not a lot of point in describing a vehicle as 16 ton capacity when it is less. The tare weight displayed on the side of the wagon is so that in (what appears to be an unlikely) event that it is put on a weighbridge, the maximum should not exceed tare plus 16 tons (for a 16 ton mineral). Clarification welcome (then possibly I will find the other thread and make some remark)
  3. I fully appreciate the comments on the shed. I was also looking for comment (particularly critical - I doubt I could get it right first time) on teh layout plan, which is embedded in the original post as a PDF. For convenience I have re-scanned it as a JPG and here it is:
  4. Thank you for the best wishes. So far (and a bit to my surprise) the interior is warm, as you might expect, but not baking. It has a shallow pitch tile roof which may have something to do with that. There are a couple of opening windows down one side, which may help. I had been considering a fan, but that is about as far as I got. For later in the year I have a 2 Kw oil filled radiator (donated by a friend) so we will see how that goes. Thanks also to Nearholmer - that is encouraging. Progress so far:
  5. I have just moved into a new house following retirement and plan on building my (if not anyone else's) dream layout in 00 notionally based on BR London Midland Region inspired by the Settle and Carlisle and the Midland route to Manchester via the Pennines (yes, I know, they are very different). Era is intended to be 1960 or thereabouts. I have built a layout in 00 (mainly Hornby-Dublo) many years ago and have had a few ventures on N and 009, but this is the ultimate dream, so it would be quite good if I could get it right this time. The house had a detached garage which I thought promising until investigation established that it was badly built and not in great condition, so I had that demolished and bought a Lidget Compton concrete garage to replace it. I installed (that is me with the help of my son, not a contractor - who might have made a better job) ceilings with insulation above and lined the walls with insulation backed Gyproc (product is called Thermaline). The floor is concrete (obviously - but a newly laid slab with damp course lining) with a foam type insulation layer supporting a laminate floor. (Warning in passing - don't drop heavy things on laminate floors, because that breaks the floor, and I can't see how that can be repaired). That gives me what I hope is a reasonably comfortable space for the layout - 19' 4" by 8' 10". Although it is garage shaped and sized, the door is an outward opening personnel door, rather than the normal garage door. I looked at the station diagrams on the S&C and the Pennine route - none had a hope in hell of fitting my space, so have I ended up with the attached proposal, on which comment would be welcome. Track will be Peco Code 75 (FB, not the new bullhead) and control will be DCC. Couplers will be Kadee. 200708 plan.pdf Points to note - it is on graph paper, which is metric, so bears no real relation to the dimensions. It is also worked down from bigger larger scale plans, so things that look like they may not fit - the trailing curved crossover on the down side, for example, will - or there is enough space to make it do so. I used a 3 way point to create the up side trailing crossover plus the line to the loop platform - I am not sure whether this is a good idea. There is a noticeable gap between the platform loop track and the adjacent loop - this could be resolved by use of a single slip. I don't want to do that, as the Peco slips are 2' radius, and my minimum is 3'. I will have to think of some scenic explanation for the gap. On radii, I absolutely dislike the yawning gaps between vehicles and hope that generous radii may help ease that problem by enabling closer coupling. I thought that the plan was such that trap point should not be needed - if anybody thinks otherwise, please say. I have not yet dealt with signalling, al;though it does not look that difficult. The goods yard area is yet to be planned, as is the fiddle yard and branch terminus. Comments welcome.
  6. Probably not a legal firm - probably from a claims management company. Lists of numbers get sold as accident victims - these calls are to check whether the person has had an accident and then get sufficient details to sell on to a law firm. I get one every few months on my mobile - I just tell them they have been sold a pup. I presume my number is on one of these lists that get sold. Alternatively, they are just using random number generators, but that seems unlikely as I wouldn't get the calls regularly. For those heeding the insurance industry moans about the numbers of claims for injuries, bear in mind that when you put in a claim to an insurer and they establish that there has been an injury, they happily sell that claim to a law firm to pursue against the other insurer. Used to be fairly lucrative, but constraints on costs recovery may have made it less so.
  7. My guess is that if you tell them what it is and pay any tax levied that is likely to be the end of it. On the assumption that it is relatively modest value (not in the £10K plus range) I doubt there are the resources to investigate. I suspect they will take your word for it and not even open the parcel
  8. If you don't respond with a full description you won't get the item. I also don't think they will send it back, just impound it. I would be inclined to give a proper answer - if they ask, you have no idea why the seller described it as a "sample". They may suspect that is because you asked him/her to do so, so it may be an idea when replying that you regard the description as inappropriate and not one you would have used. (Of course, you are then likely to have to pay tax, if there is any).
  9. Sorry, I overlooked wood quality. I am using 9mm birch ply so I will go for 400mm or so. When you say "cross-bracing", do you mean a ladder effect (looking from underneath) or something diagonal?
  10. Much helpful advice on the need for bracing above, but not much on exactly how much. Say you use a 9mm board of 1.2 by 0.6 metres (or 4' x 2') supported around the edges, what bracing are we talking about intermediately - traditional one every 300 mm or something else? And what bracing for similar sized 6mm board?
  11. There is an old adage - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". One I occasionally forget to my cost....
  12. Gaugemaster in Ford, near Arundel, say they are opening on 15/06. I should mention I have no connection other than buying stuff there.
  13. Presumably the barrier wagon/s could be used as reach wagons when placing the tanks in the unloading facility?
  14. South African Railways convertible sleeper/day coach just behind the Garratt on the climb from Nelspruit up to Waterval Boven. Can't do that now, never mind in 40 years, but great experience if you can handle the cinders in the corridor
  15. I saw these at the Basingstoke show (the last exhibition before lockdown...): https://www.kyteslights.com/ There was an impressive array - you may find something useful there.
  16. The thieves stopped the train at a red signal by inserting a battery into the red light circuit, a practice one of them had perfected for train robberies on the Brighton line. He was known to the police for those activities and was thus traced shortly afterwards, providing information as to others in the gang. Once stopped, the thieves uncoupled the BG from the rest of the train and had the driver move the locomotive and BG forward to a bridge where they could access the BG from the adjacent road. Following uncoupling, the BR driver of the Class 40 had difficulty recreating vacuum, so one of the gang coshed him (an injury from which he never fully recovered) and one of their own took his place (an ex BR driver, I think) and managed to move the train forward. Personally, I am not sure that I would wish to pay homage to this event, but too each his own, I suppose...
  17. I was surprised to hear on Radio 4 "More or less" that there is some statistical basis for the 2 metre rule. A US study on influenza tested the exhalations of a patient lying in bed, breathing (not coughing or sneezing) and found that the larger droplets were around the head, smaller towards the end of the bed. The physics are that the larger droplets fall by gravity probably within 1 metre of a standing person. The smaller droplets were, somewhat alarmingly, described as akin to dust in a sunbeam which, if correct, suggests to me they can wander all over the place. On the upside it is unclear whether the virus contents of such small droplets can be infectious - in other words it is there to be found, but not in quantities that could infect. Not sure I want to be the first to find out, though. You are better off outside than in - outside droplets will disperse quickly, less so in a confined space (as you might expect). So, woefully off topic, but the 2 metre rule seems to be sort of scientifically based on a 1 metre danger zone for large droplets plus some wriggle room.
  18. Does the foam type underlay transmit noise once ballasted (as cork does)?
  19. I wonder if it is mint. I have an elderly HD 2-8-0 with the Ringfield motor, but I am pretty sure the Wrenn is the same. It goes round curves without difficulty, perhaps unsurprising as it is effectively a long wheelbase 2-4-0. It is possible that somebody has added extra flanged wheels in the interests of greater realism at some stage? That is likely to cause a problem even on those radii. Another possibility is that the magnet is tired and can't take the extra friction of the curves - there are replacement neo magnets available - easily found on-line.
  20. Eileen's emporium seem to have them: https://eileensemporium.com/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&cid=4228&name=n-gauge-loco-wagon-coach-wheels-fittings-tools&Itemid=189 I happened to notice them while shopping for other stuff - I presume they have them in stock if listed. They are delayed in fulfilling orders, though.
  21. Odd reactions - I take a regular walk and notice that there are a lot more people around walking - all generally friendly and careful to practice social distancing - I notice kids tend to take a sharper view, perhaps having been given dire warnings by parents. But nothing uncomfortable or untoward.
  22. There are a good few freight flights at present - apparently (I don't guarantee this, as I don't know the source) 48 a day into Heathrow as opposed to the normal 47 a week. And, of course, there are a lot of freight flights to/from East Midlands airport. I assume that operators who can't fly passengers are piling into freight. So that aspect probably will be okay, but who knows???
  23. If it helps it looks to me that it should be covered by Section 75 - the amount exceeds £100 for specific goods and services. By the sound of it, there is not a lot you can do until this situation resolves, because you can't claim that they have failed to complete the contract until they are able to do so.
  24. I had ordered material to complete my shed (for the dream layout) shortly before the lock down, much as you. Both suppliers have now told me they are not delivering until the current situation eases. One has given me the option of a refund or wait. I need the stuff anyway, so have opted to wait. It may be that you are in the same position, although it would be useful if they told you. If the fail to deliver and go bust, you have recourse to the credit card - the issuer is jointly and severally liable with whoever you ordered from. I would be inclined to wait, given the current circumstances.
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