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Everything posted by GordonC

  1. Not exactly great for original buyers either. Lightweight NDMs and visible capacitors shouldn't have happened in the first release, admittedly strengthening panto mounts or changing magnetic couplings may have been learned once the original batch was released.
  2. How 'limited' do you consider it to be a 'limited edition'? There must be an awful lot of catalogue releases now which will be pretty 'limited' in production numbers too, so whats the difference - a bit of paper in the box for a certificate and does it really matter if that has 500 written on it or 1000? Is it wrong to increase production if they greatly underestimated demand and have loads of disappointed buyers - I dont see why when its probably over a year from delivery so the only people which could complain would be investors that want the limited numbers to pump up values.
  3. money talks ... why make 500 if you can sell 1000 🤷‍♀️ Can £320 for DCC Ready ever be considered underpriced???
  4. no, not at all, but I know it was highlighted as something before like it added a lot to the cost of a model, when I would have expected it to have been a minimal cost
  5. Les Ross - if you own the loco you can put whatever name you like on it - even your own name!
  6. Is there any obvious reason that makes sprung buffers significantly more expensive than unsprung? I know it has been mentioned before as an example of the kind of thing driving prices up now, but I would have thought it to be a relatively minor cost compared to all the individual handrails and details being added separately now.
  7. 37037 looked a match other than no car headlight
  8. Hornby produced 50027 in the light blue, revised livery
  9. I must admit I'd love a definitive Class 86 and 87 from Accurascale. On seeing what they do with the Deltics, 37s and 92s they could really cater for the variations and get them looking and sounding spot on!
  10. Its probably pretty niche whichever set of stock you picked. If you bear in mind how few models of London Underground stock have been produced I'd expect the market for those to be much greater - at least some of those lines do go above-ground as well and not just buried underground for the full circles
  11. I thought it was later before the Class 38 was dropped because were the 37/9s not trialling a couple of potential engines to use in a Class 38?
  12. Dont say things like that ........ the Russians will start buying them up to fire around as shells!!
  13. While it was a terminus, it was on one side of a triangle so trains could bypass the station between the 'north' and 'south' lines. was there ever any passenger services which used the 'north' lines and went to or from St Enoch though? I thought only parcels used that side
  14. Its probably easier to go straight to sound if you're buying for immediate dispatch. If you're committing to a purchase many months in advance not being quite sure how prepared the wallet is when they come into stock, its not always easy to commit to full fat sound!
  15. are the TLG letters meant to be showing through the yellow logo on the left under TRL?
  16. with the context of Holyhead to Birmingham trains, BNS is perfectly understandable.
  17. Who said anything about BNS being a CRS code? Dont expect everyone to use unique station codes that the vast majority of people would need to look up when a basic station name abbreviation gets the meaning across clearly to the vast majority of people
  18. I can't think of there being a release of the 117 tooling since Lima days, possibly the regional railways or NSE ones being last. With how ex-lima tooling has been reintroduced, if it was available I'd have thought we'd have seen it in a red box by now in at least one livery.
  19. Post away, we're not at page 262 yet either so go for it! I'm pretty partial to Motherwell locos myself!
  20. Was the Class 117 tooling not butchered to make the bubble cars? I'm not sure they can produce that anymore
  21. I'd be a whole lot more interested in the larger grain Polybulks than a duplicate of the Bachmann china-clay ones
  22. I haven't seen as many Polybulks going for much more than the latest ones from Rails recently so they seem to consistently be going for around £80 even if some asking prices are higher. Still a lot for a single wagon
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