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Everything posted by griffgriff

  1. A very good point (though I admit that wasn't what I was thinking ) Griff
  2. Indeed ASD was until very recently thought of as a 'triad' of characteristics but it has since been streamlined back into a spectrum of disorders (not a phrase I like incidentally) Griff
  3. Time for a word of warning. Scoring these online tests can be a bit fun.... But wait a second, that all it is, fun. Any cognitive, behaviour or psychological diagnosis can only be conducted by experts. Many of the conditions being mentioned are very hard to diagnose and it takes a little more than a series of questions to reach a diagnosis. Just because you achieved a particular score on an online test please don't assume anything but it may be an idea to get it checked if you're concerned. Sorry if this was a 'sucking eggs' moment. Griff
  4. I think the problem there is literal understanding. Never explain things using analogies to someone with ASD. Griff
  5. I agree. I was a little concerned by the recent film produced by the National Autistic Society as I felt it might have reinforced the stereotype and ignored the fact that those with ASD can be and are very capable and productive people. Griff
  6. You just might just have Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD). I kid you not it does exist Griff
  7. Not at all. It's now recognised by all those who have an interest. Leo Kanner echoed the work of Asperger but it was only realised after Aspergers work work translated. Kanner followed earlier research on autism as did Asperger but they worked in isolation. As their science ran in parallel it makes sense that their work and discoveries are now combined. Regards Griff Edited for Grammar
  8. There is now no such thing as an Aspergers diagnosis. Those who did fit the criteria are now placed on the autistic spectrum. Regards Griff
  9. I see you have had a visit from Jaws. Hope he hasn't bitten through any of your wiring whilst repairing the telephone line
  10. Are you thinking of a sound chip? )
  11. You saw them but more likely drop tanks. They look very similar. The reason why I question napalm is that by the time of the US withdrawal the role of aircraft operating from French soil was mainly rece or transport. Munitions would have probably gone east in any case. I may be wrong and you were there but I wouldn't want anyone to think they can stick a load of napalm behind a Hymek. Griff
  12. ...also I believe the number of coil springs is different. The SKits vogue has 3 and the one under the pallet van have only 2 I believe.
  13. Is it just me who finds the end of this sentence worrying
  14. Agreed... 2 shades of yellow, neither of which would suit a canary
  15. I have seen a photo of a single wagon with a Crompton at Exeter St David's.
  16. I'm not following this topic but here I am. Don't need to it's popular and always on or near the top. I bet there are more who are following and agreeing (or disagreeing). It would be interesting to see how many have viewed it. I suppose there is a way of searching the forum to find out? Griff
  17. When do these things start developing chassis rot
  18. Hadn't noticed the warning flashes... Are they truly that awful? They look like miniature Swiss flags. I hope I'm wrong and the world of model printing hasn't been turned back 30 years ;(
  19. Agreed... Plain glass. The route destination blinds were contained in a hinged box behind the glass so perhaps during the rebuild it was just removed... It makes for a tidier front end IMHO with better visibility but I suspect potentially more vulnerable to flying objects eg stones. Griff
  20. True. I'm no fan of those Crompton grills but at least they are the correct colour, the buffers on the end are straight and when it runs, well it runs and runs well even managing to stay on the track. Oh and it works as expected on DCC. Not forgetting a range of destination blinds. Not to mention the cab lighting... Isn't it cheaper too? Griff
  21. Has 73 968 kept it's centre glass... Can't make out if it has retained blinds (although I can't see a pair of them) or something else has been done??? It's certainly not opaque like the older rebuilds. Griff
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