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Everything posted by griffgriff

  1. Sold back to the manufacturer? Even the treasure trove of mint Lima? Perhaps not. Did see evidence of activity this morning driving home from Tesco but I couldn't see what. I have happy memories of the shop from before but I wish the owners well with whatever they are selling to turn a crust. Griff
  2. Didn't think I'd ever say this about a GW branch [well BR (W)] but it's beautiful
  3. I'm not entirely convinced. I see 50 years of wear and tear but nothing I could pin down to intention or design. Griff Edit: spelling mistake.
  4. Stating the obvious perhaps? Why does it have to be a tail load to a block train? Speedlink lasted into the 90s (just but like you said rule 1) so you could run them as a short train, with perhaps a van or a flat etc, maybe even running them on their own either as a Speedlink (Enterprise later) or yard trip. Again rule 1 can always come into play. Cheers Griff
  5. Not really. They are clearly expecting purchasers to swap the body with a Limby one and sit the Dapol body (with the double reds) in a dark corner of their layout somewhere lol
  6. Appears not... Heljan normally announce something but not this time?
  7. Stevelewis' idea is better though... Airfreight a model to Blighty and get as many 'company' eyes on it as possible before the eyes of the public rip it to pieces and damage the models (and perhaps companys) reputation. It would have been a small price to pay; I for one might have been tempted by the IC example but not now and the loss of my sale, as well as sales to others, I'm sure would have covered the cost of several airfreight deliverys. Griff.
  8. Hit a man when he's down why don't you
  9. You're assuming I was referring to locomotive hardware
  10. You think they would have sorted the handrail knobs before taking the photos
  11. ... and cost them even more thanks to them having to manufacture replacement bodies for those who wanted them.
  12. Reason for edit: talking tripe about exhaust ports.... deleted. Be careful to get one with suitable exhaust ports for your era but etched are available. GRIFF
  13. sorry if this is a daft suggestion but are they on the correct ends?
  14. Just bumping my interest in photos of 205 015 as a 2 car. Very wise... You might want to get ready for an influx of orders for Hampshire centre cars
  15. I'd be interested in any pictures of 205 015 from early 1993 (wishful thinking)... Droplight restrictions applied 4‑89. Unit ran briefly in Dec-90 with DTC 60801 (ex.205002), then seating 13 first and 206 second. TS 60664 withdrawn Jan‑93 and stored at Selhurst with unit reduced to 2H and used as standby unit for Ashford to Hastings services (now seating 19 first and 102 standard). Unit withdrawn from 9‑Jun‑93... (Bloodandcustard.com) Griff
  16. It doesn't (interpretations of early and late NSE which is always open to debate) and yes they could but I can't comment on the `rights' issue because I don't know and I guess the only ones who do are Kernow and Bachmann. Griff
  17. My NSE thumper arrived this morning and it's gorgeous. Please please please can I have a toothpaste centre car to match
  18. I can find a use for the spare body if you want to be shot of it?
  19. TBF Pete didn't ascribe which was which
  20. Could be arrested for joint enterprise. May not have been the driver though. Griff
  21. Apparently coincidental but it's a road in the area of Fenchurch Street and Aldgate. Griff
  22. Lovely drawing but isn't it 14 wires? 3 Aspect + 4 Aspect + 3 feathers and 2 pairs for the shunts? Griff
  23. No problem for me. EMP is my local station and I have no wish to go to Bedford Mind it's difficult going anywhere else unless it's Leicester, Derby, Nottingham or London unless you have read the timetable. Griff
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