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Everything posted by griffgriff

  1. No problem for me. EMP is my local station and I have no wish to go to Bedford Mind it's difficult going anywhere else unless it's Leicester, Derby, Nottingham or London unless you have read the timetable. Griff
  2. May I ask what you were driving to have given the DBS driver the shock?
  3. It's not just the cab that needs moving forward. There looks to be a few other proportion issues along the side.
  4. I like the last sentence. I don't think there is enough 'strategic placing (of) Cromptons' to improve the view
  5. Additionally this particular 'academy' seems to dislike opening sentences with a sub ordinate clause.
  6. Epping and Ongar limited edition perhaps?
  7. I quite agree. Very reminiscent of the Nottingham RC blazer IMO.
  8. Spare cradles in the SPAs too? Not seen that either. Very interesting. 4 coils on that first wagon are smaller than the first. Makes for an interesting load. Trip move perhaps?
  9. Ditto the reasons listed above for Newton Abbot, except there's no sunny seaside towns nearby BTW You're correct in saying 'steam stuff' but you need to remember that railway attitudes (management, running, organisation etc) didn't necessarily change because a load of diesels arrived. Particularly, if I may say, on the WR
  10. Wasn't it Practical Model Railways? I loved the paper
  11. griffgriff


    Sorry, yes. I always got Experimental and Electrical mixed up
  12. griffgriff


    Intercity livery began to be more widely introduced after 83, although a variation was worn on the APTE before that. Certainly it was the model for most of the subsequent passenger sector liveries that were introduced over the following years.
  13. ...or green (maybe even triple grey) perhaps not engineers grey but certainly not black or red. There should be lots of them with lots of 'cows' and 'dace'. Happy days
  14. Is the curved rail curved enough? I think you have some gauge pinching going on. I agree with kevpeo.
  15. The stock looks great on Sydney Gardens as does the layout itself. When I finished my PGCE in Bath I spent a summer with the parks department. So speaking as a former 'park keeper' I have to say it looks brilliant.
  16. There's an 'o' in Kenton too. I see he's back though. In the RM thread but I'm sure he can be found elsewhere also.
  17. That's interesting... so if found in a low speed areas it does raise the question why they were linked to detonators at Finsbury Park.
  18. As you are probably aware (judging by you avatar) the LNER used small arm shunt signals arranged in much the same way as the disk signals you have also illustrated. Could this be the case at Finsbury Park? I'm sure it would be unusual to have detonator equipment linked to a shunt signal but perhaps this was the case at this busy location? Perhaps it's some archaic GN installation? I'm not expert but I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have been the case on the LMS. Head's now over parapet
  19. Your 3 post bracket looks a little strange with 2 home signal arms on the same post. There were of course coacting arms on the same post for sighting reasons but this doesn't seem to be the case here? Nice work all the same.
  20. Does a centre car have to be scanned? Surely all the information required can be deduced from the data they already have with a 'cut and shut' of the driving car drawings. TBF I don't have a clue if it's viable for them but it would work for me.
  21. hmmmm.... 205 205 a strange bird, it would need a rebuilt 4CEP car too.
  22. That clears that up PS I miss Broad St. too. I have fond memories of the North London line in it's later years of 'banger blue' and BS was its decaying jewel. Loved the 501s (and the SR EPBs that replaced them but that's another story)
  23. ... but why would you want to! If I had the space of an entire loft I'd model Battledown
  24. PS Aldgate is bigger than Liverpool St? Are you sure?
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