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Everything posted by farren

  1. Thank you for such a honest answer. I did not realise that all stock needed to be sprung. And after all the time taken to weighing them re-wheeling etc only to have running issues would have been enough to send me running for the hills.
  2. The layout looked very promising shame it was never finished. One question springs to mind what made you go back to em after working in P4.
  3. farren

    EBay madness

    They've manage to sell 3 already.
  4. she's a witch of trouble in electric blue

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. farren


      Is your wife learning the ukulele too.



    3. kernowtim


      From Lancashire??


    4. Free At Last

      Free At Last

      Have you been at the strange brew?


  5. farren

    EBay madness

    How much for a empty box. Oh you get the insert that's ok then.
  6. As anyone got a/some dead motor/'s they don't want? would like to try something out.
  7. I have been playing around with a mashima motor I dropped knocking of one of the terminals bit silly you say I can only agree with that. So today I took it apart to see if it could be fixed. I managed to damage the carbon brush in the drop so no goer. Then I thought of a pencil shaping the led I managed to shape it to fit a a drop of super glue to keep it in place then put it all back together and what do you know. It works. Don't know how long for but may be a H pencil would have been better.
  8. I did think about that but thought its simler to supper glue which failed. I suppose it could do no harm in trying
  9. farren

    Camden Shed

    I personally think its a good thing to have a break from modelling how ever it comes about though life or a self enforced rest. it can give a fresh approach to modelling and new ideas. Though this can lead to re doing some parts to improve certain areas I would be hard pushed to believe that this is possible with your high standards/ skills. So I for one am sure when you are ready and life lets you continue it will be well worth the wait, and look forward to some more top notch modelling.
  10. Ok anyone know the best glue to use to glue the two gear cogs together
  11. After having a good think about whether or not to go with EM or not and costing how much money time and patience to convert over 60 locos along. I decided to stay with 00. But this meant to redo the crain tank which went well. After this I thought I would tackle the value gear first part was to was add the coupling rods all lines up with the wheels nicely just needed the holes a little. But when the wheels are rotated the rod hits the piston rod cylinder casting. Any ideas should I file the casting or the rods front face. Maybe move the whole cylinders outwards. I can see by the photos above that it should work but I am having to use some alan Gibson wheels and pins etc and not sharmans. And was wondering if the wheel is wider between the wheel face and back of the Gibsons. Or have I messed up
  12. farren

    Ask Dave

    Have you thought about taking to the guys building the George fifth class replica. Ok it's a way of from being steamed yet but would give you plenty of time to get work done on a model
  13. Could be made as Bachmanns frist part work model
  14. Just a thought wonder if we will get a LNWR 4-4-0 in a few years when the replica is finished.
  15. If we're lucky the k4 will be on the etch with the stanier 2 - 6 - 2t the thought of which has just come to Michael. Someone please pass my coat
  16. I second the chassis that would save me some work as I have a body already.
  17. 2 9F's and corstie Oh sir you spoil us with such delights.
  18. A 9f should be interesting is this for a customer or your self. the scot looks great I take it the owner is happy with the mechanical lube then
  19. I do like you're modelling topics clem not only do we get frist rate modelling but a comprehensive history lesson to boot.
  20. Lovely work looks much nicer. May I make a suggestion have you thought about replacing the mechanical lube as it seems to distract from all the hard work you done on the slide gear as it sits above it. Also the cutout on the front steps are needed as one of those easy to miss but important detail difference between the rebuild scots and pats
  21. what is it with the welsh.... "I'll do it now after lunch. or close the window half shut." what the hell which one!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. muddys-blues


      gwthio y selsig yn eich geg

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Come on guys, those are just random groups of letters.

    4. naturol


      Can I just click the like button? Like.

  22. Have to ask when the kits are gone will the boiler/firebox/smoke box be available as well as the casting?
  23. Most interesting project will have to keep a eye on this. As have just been looking at the acme rebuilds and am definitely going to have to buy one for the garden. But which one scot or pat
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