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Everything posted by farren

  1. Thanks for your reply Gerald. Its a lot more open and down to the individuals on how it works best for them Then I thought it was. I wish the ones already going success for the future
  2. Who runs the the kick starter. I understand roughly how it works. As in the idea is put out and we put the money in when the targets are hit the work is carried out. But is the idea Davids or can someone else come with the idea then go to David and say build this. Or who ever be it Hornby, Bachmann etc in which case who owns the master's
  3. How about a lnwr/lms 04 well short lived, would it be a simple case of re-lively. Or would it need moldings changed to reproduce a model.
  4. Hi I was thinking of the 1116a class this information is from memory and wici as book is safely still pack away. As I recall the 1322 were all gone before br but the 1116a made it into the br books though may have had a longer wheel base apart from that I think they were similar else where. There is also a 3rd class 1134 but that is just muddying the waters and have no information on that.
  5. Sorry I missed that a midland engine big bertha. Oh now we're talking. You don't want to do the Johnsons 0-4-0 st 0f well your at it do by chance.
  6. Forgot one have been hoping that Bachmann would do a princess royal for a few years now as Hornby seem to be content to just milk the old one of theirs for all they can. But after seeing what you are planning for the king. Then I would be more than happy to give the cash your way. I know you're after clearing some of the models already in the pipeline. So no rush December will do nicely.
  7. How about the midland 1833 and 2228 0-4-4t's along with the midland 0-8-0 7f. Oh and a Johnson 0-4-0st 0f would be welcome to. Tar should keep me happy for a while.
  8. Would the collective name for all those peaks be a range.
  9. just signed up for auto cad even if its gone by over 40% since last year WTF can't wait to see next year's price. not

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Horsetan


      If it's coming from the Far East, it will be late, and it may not last very long.

    3. Killybegs


      I assume that's LT version and excluding VAT, otherwise it's a very good price.


    4. farren


      No it's the full programme but comes with a time bomb. After 3 year's it stops. But this can be trun of by going into the main settings

      How ever if you turn it back on by mistake autocad will jumpon you from a great hight.


  10. just signed up for auto cad even if its gone by over 40% since last year WTF can't wait to see next year's price. not

  11. farren

    Ask Dave

    Alright I missed a b but I'm dyslexic and my phones an idiot. Sometimes the other way round admitted.
  12. farren

    Ask Dave

    Hi dave after looking at your website you're be pleased to hear I have sucum to one of your delights in the form of Q6 I have to admit I am still going through all the web page's so you may have already answered this question. But do you have plans in the future for rolling stock or are you planning on concentrating on just locos
  13. farren

    EBay madness

    There's a lot of rolling stock and locos with it
  14. could be a dead man when the misses finds out I won part kit of a o gauge princess coronation of eBay

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eastwestdivide


      which part? the tender behind?

    3. Horsetan


      Nah, it was that incomplete loco section. Farren will need cylinders, valve gear, wheels, and a good deal else besides. And that's before you start on the tender. I did look at that, and thought about it, but if I wanted a 7mm "Duchess", Martin Finney produces a flawless kit for one. Just add wheels/motor/gears.

    4. farren


      Hi Horsetan I may be reading more into it but do you think I may have dropped a clanger

  15. How did I miss this. Super news will most definitely be putting a order in for one. Well with the L&YR 2-4-2t which is a lovely little model. And now the LNWR coal tank. Will we see the MR 0-4-4t next! But the 1f might throw the kibosh in on that train of thought. Either way well done Bachmann
  16. have been going through my boxes always an enlightened experience have found my flat iron. brass chassis and dravers um might have to play with my new avonside jig. but still no driving pins for the crain tank

  17. have been going through my boxes always an enlightened experience have found my flat iron. brass chassis and dravers um might have to play with my new avonside jig. but still no driving pins for the crain tank

  18. Sorry for taken long to replying had not looked at this topic. Yes had a look and will have to get some of them they do look very nice. Along with other kits they produce.
  19. farren

    EBay madness

    This has to be deal of the week
  20. another bl##dy year older! yet more hard decision to make which to go for a pillow drill or a avonside jig or a 4f kit. !!!?

    1. Horsetan


      A pillow drill? Is that for making holes in cushions?

    2. 69843


      Happy Birthday mate

    3. farren


      Must be maybe that's why I can't ever get comfortable need more holes in the cushions. Thanks 69843.

  21. another bl##dy year older! yet more hard decision to make which to go for a pillow drill or a avonside jig or a 4f kit.

  22. another bl##dy year older! yet more hard decision to make which to go for a pillow drill or a avonside jig or a 4f kit.

  23. farren

    EBay madness

    Obviously theirs a lot of people wanting to practice there painting skills then
  24. farren

    Bachmann 1F

    Bu##er I think you're right.
  25. farren

    Bachmann 1F

    A MR version would make a superb Bachmann collecter club model I would have thought.
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