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Everything posted by farren

  1. Work is progressing at a slow rate due to dropping the motor and knocking of one of the terminals. Ordered a replacement from backwards along with aa final drive gear which they are sending with a larger boar to fit the Gibson axles. Some photos to show just how small it is and progress
  2. Ee by gum your not too bad with this etch a sketch malarkey. Unable to tell from the drawing will there be any room for a DCC chip. Keep up the great work chap.
  3. Has past the first year of AutoCad and is looking forward to the second. now to crack on with the LNWR inspection coach

    1. 69843


      Congrats. I'm finishing my current course next week, and I know it's not an easy programme to learn.

    2. farren


      tar, thought i was going to end up with a round window with all the head banging. fingers crossed

      for you

    3. 69843


      Cheers. Luckily, I don't have an exam, but if I did.....

  4. Has past the first year of AutoCad and is looking forward to the second.

  5. Has past the first year of AutoCad and is looking forward to the second.

  6. Very nice work. what no thread tut tut.... coat already on
  7. farren

    EBay madness

    Ebay should have a option add to bag instead of basket so no bits are lost
  8. super work have you thought of doing the buffers as a two part print which would allow for them to be sprung by the buyer?
  9. no it does fit but only just. with the worm right up against the motor.
  10. Have just been trying to fit wheels and have found out the hard way that the gearbox wheels combo don't fit i ordered alan gibson wheels they fit but the axle gets in the way of the worm drive from the motor. so as anyone built this kit without the sharman wheels and if so how did you get round this problem.
  11. 3rd & 4th exams for auto cad tonight oh what joy I'll be having

  12. 3rd & 4th exams for auto cad tonight oh what I'll be having.

  13. wheels ordered, and the main frames soldered went together nicely and boy is it small i think its going to be a enjoyable build if not a little testing
  14. thanks for that les something to try out if and when i have the same problem when built just wondering what wheels people used on the model as the kit say sharman wheels 10mm 10 spoke with a 2.5 throw but as we all know they are no longer available. after a quick look none seem to be anywhere close, the the best i've found was alan gibson but they are 12mm unless i've missed some may help with the case of the buffers being too low due to 3.5mm scale and not 4mm. after talking with my dad about the Doxfords works and the surrounding building works ie shipbuilders the engine builders i think i will call the they out Doxfords. also will try and find a coles engine drawing as a nod to my uncle who was one of the head foreman at coles crane builders site just up the river. and part of his job was to go up top of the big crane which was used to drop the engines in to the ships and make sure the cabling was in good condition.
  15. can i pick your brains a bit more on the loco list a bit more please i take it that the letters before the number are initials of the builder of the locos, so RSHN would be Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn and P would be Peckett, lost on BH,HL AB. sorry for the relative simple question but have just starting to take a interest in the industrial side of the hobby, will have to get some books to get to grips with builders and classes
  16. where to get a set of sharman's wheels from for the crane tank

    1. Horsetan


      You might have to go for nearest equivalent, since Sharman Wheels are no longer available....

  17. sharman wheels

  18. sharman wheels

  19. hi adam now my net is up and running i could see the links you kindly put up yet more super photographs of doxfords, the more i see the more i am tempted on building a little bit of the line, will keep looking for a nice shot of part of the line which will make a nice layout. i still thinking of going EM for under the stairs this would make the layout more intensive keeping me occupied more and i would be able to use it as a test track for my main loco fleet as and when they are re-gauged for the next layout. . i have found the fast track point tools but its knowing which to buy? i am sure there is no need to buy all but some will be got. i now also have space for the layout. just need to build the table .
  20. well a full week in the new house. even got my baby wired back up (Cambridge). and only one casualty of to get my hands bandage up so they can heal

  21. well a full week in the new house. even got my baby wired back up (Cambridge). and only one casualty of to get my hands bandage up so they can heal

  22. well a full week in the new house

    1. 69843


      Ah, house moves. Always 'fun'.

  23. very nice work put me down for one, money already put aside.
  24. Simply stunning model if it's not art,it must be craftsmanship. I see the kit does not build into the bigger class 79 which I plumped for as they were at Leicester with the added bonus of not having to try to do lt&sr livery. Looking forward to your progress on this model.
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